Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 580 580 Arriving at the Mermaid Palace

"How about changing it to three days?" Su You said expressionlessly.

"Okay!" Luya didn't have any objections, because she only knew that Alan had actually covered up this plot.

It didn't say that it deliberately dumped her, it only said that it came to find her without saying goodbye. It also said that Su You and Ning Shi should have suffered a little injustice during the whirlpool... This ability to avoid the most important and take the easy is too strong!
After hearing their two words and directly deciding on his three meals for the next three days, Alan once again turned into the depressed look before, but this time no one wanted to speak for him anymore...

After chatting for so long, Luya felt that it was not good for the two guests to stay here all the time, so she quickly asked them to follow her.

The other mermaids are Luya's 'guards'. Suyou only now knows Luya's identity. She is the youngest daughter of the current mermaid king, and she is also the most favored one.

This truth did not surprise Su Youduo. After all, Luya's somewhat innocent and romantic character was not something that could be cultivated by an ordinary fish family.

You must know that mermaids and elves are different. They have a hierarchy. When ordinary mermaids see the mermaid royal family, they need to salute.

It is impossible for ordinary mermaids to call so many mermaids to accompany them just to pick up a friend... The most important thing is that ordinary mermaids do not have the power to bring humans into the mermaid clan.

On the way to the mermaid clan, Luya asked Su You why she came to see her. Su You couldn't say it was because she knew something was going to happen to the mermaid clan soon, so she came to investigate the situation. It would be best to stop it in advance. So she used Ning Shi as an excuse.

Su You: "This person here is a light magician. She was entrusted by someone to transfer something to the mermaid."

Ning Shi also knew that she was being used as an excuse. After all, it was Su You who announced the recruitment first, and then she came to ask to join the operation... But just like she agreed with Su You before, she would not object to Su You here. most of the opinions.

But having said that, she thought at first that Su You was looking for the mermaid just because she saw the mermaid last time and wanted to ask for something this time. But what she didn’t expect was that her relationship with the mermaid tribe was so good... No, it should be her and the mermaid tribe. The mermaid princess in front of me has a very good relationship.

"Ah, that's it. I thought Yui came to see me specifically." Luya looked a little disappointed.

Su You didn't quite understand whether she was just lying or sincere, but she still couldn't bear to see Lu Ya being sad. After all, they came to pick her up specially and punished Alan for her...

"Actually, I came here to play with you, otherwise I wouldn't have followed you, right?" Su You smiled and said kind words to comfort you, but she didn't reveal her purpose.

Luya's emotions came and went quickly. When she heard her say this, she put a smile on her face again.

"Since Yui is here to play, Luya will definitely entertain you well... It just so happens that we..."

"Sixth Princess, we are here."

Before Luya could finish her words, she was interrupted by a gentle voice behind her.

Su You looked at the underwater palace that was built like crystal, and then glanced at the speaker lightly, thinking deeply in her heart.Lu Ya was interrupted and seemed a little unhappy, but her unhappiness only flashed past. Then she ignored the mermaid who was talking, took the hands of Su You and Ning Shi, and headed towards her palace. And go.

"Sixth Princess, this is not polite. Although you can bring humans in, you need to go to the king first...well..." The mermaid who had interrupted Luya spoke again, but this time it was her turn to speak. After that, he was hit by an impact and pushed back.

The 'culprit' who caused all this immediately rushed behind Luya after doing what he did. Although Luya's petite body could not block it, she still preferred to hide her ears and steal the bell.

Luya wanted to laugh when she saw this scene, but she also knew it was inappropriate, so she just grabbed Alan behind her and scolded her gently: "Alan, you are disobedient again, how can you do this to other mermaids? ! I will punish you with a meal of water grass when you go back, so you can eat small whitebait tomorrow!"

The other mermaids were obviously not surprised by Luya's behavior of punishing Alan.

Every time the dolphin named Alan next to the Sixth Princess did something bad, the Sixth Princess would punish it by eating water plants. For this reason, a large area of ​​unpalatable water plants was specially planted behind the Sixth Princess's palace, in order to eat it. Supplied in time.

But what they didn't know was that before that, Alan had already been punished to eat water grass for three days. But because of what happened just now, three days changed to one meal. Alan not only didn't feel sad, but got excited. Tail flick.

However, it was not happy for long, and under Luya's warning gaze, it pretended to be depressed because of the punishment.

After teaching Alan a lesson, Luya turned to look at the mermaid who had spoken twice in a row before: "I'm sorry, Alan is spoiled by me. He can never see me being wronged..."

"I am the daughter of my father. This is my home. I bring two friends to play at home. My father will not mind... Do you think so? If something happens later, it will be up to me. It’s one person’s responsibility and it has nothing to do with you.”

The mermaid who was stared at by Luya opened her mouth, and then immediately knelt down, not daring to speak.

What can she say?

If he agreed, he would be admitting that he had wronged the Sixth Princess. After all, Luya said that Alan hit him because he saw that she was wronged...

As for outsiders coming to the mermaid tribe, they need to seek the approval of the king. This seems to be reasonable and legal, but it is only useful to other mermaids. This person in front of her is the apple of the eye of the entire mermaid tribe. From small to large, everyone has made exceptions for her. There are countless things, including this one.

Besides, Luya said that if something happens, she will bear the responsibility.

Although judging from the actual situation, even if she made any mistakes, as long as it was not a big deal, those few people would not do anything to her, but the attitude of a princess has been expressed to this extent, and she can still say What?
Luya stared at her lowered head for a few seconds, then left with Suyou and the others without looking back.

Perhaps because of the influence of the mermaid just now, the atmosphere along the way was a bit weird. Luya, who had been actively provoking the topic, stopped talking. Alan saw that Luya was really unhappy, and was anxious.

Although Su You and Ning Shi felt that what had just happened was a bit strange, because they did not understand the real situation and it was a matter of another race, they were just guests, so it was hard to say anything.

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