It wasn't until she arrived at the place where Luya lived that Luya adjusted her mood.

"I'm sorry You Yi, I was a little too angry just now, so I neglected you." Luya looked at Su You with an embarrassed look. She had said so, and Su You would definitely not think anything of it.

What's more, the situation just now was really annoying. An ordinary mermaid made a mermaid princess lose face in front of her friends over and over again. Normal people would be angry.

Luya just said a few words of ridicule, which was considered good. If someone from the Dragon Clan dared to do this to the Royal Clan, they would probably be thrown into a cage and locked up for a few days to reflect and reflect.

"It's okay, I just feel a little strange...are they all Luya's bodyguards?" Suyou didn't mean to mention this bad thing, but the purpose of her trip was not to simply come and play with Luya. It’s just a child, so naturally I have to find ways to listen more, ask more questions, and learn more information.

What just happened is obviously a very obvious clue.

If a mermaid dares to obstruct the mermaid princess, he is either simply ignorant or intentional.

Judging from the subsequent punishment that Luya only verbally reprimanded but did not take any actual actions, this mermaid's situation is obviously the latter - she did it deliberately, and she also knew that Luya would not do anything to her.

Because he knew it, he felt confident... Thinking of this, Su You's eyes darkened slightly.

Luya didn't think much about it, and didn't care that Suyou mentioned the mermaid just now: "Except for Sona...oh, the one just now, the others are all my guards."

Sure enough, that mermaid was not Luya's bodyguard. A normal bodyguard would not interfere with the personal affairs of the superior.

Su You nodded slightly to show that she understood. In fact, she wanted to ask about Sona, but seeing that Luya didn't take the initiative to ask, she stopped asking.

With Luya's character, if she wants to say something, she can say it, and she will take the initiative to do so.

"Let's not mention this matter. Yui, you said that the magician has something to pass on to the mermaid. Can you tell me what it is or who it is to be handed over to? Maybe I can help!" Luya! The method of changing the topic was very blunt, and everyone present noticed it, but no one deliberately pursued it.

Ning Shi saw that the topic was about him, so he took out the thing directly - it was a thin chain strung with transparent beads.

The length of this thin chain is a little weird. It's a little short as a necklace, but a little long as a bracelet. If it is used for other purposes, I can't figure out what it is for.

But if you don’t look at the function of this chain and just look at its material, it is already intriguing enough.

"Can you show me?" Luya looked strange, as if she wanted to confirm something.

Ning Shi didn't refuse and gave the thing directly to Luya... Anyway, that person only said to give the thing to the fish, and didn't even say a word about who to give it to, how to give it to, and when to give it to it.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had helped her good friend, Ning Shi wanted to help repay the favor, otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to such a troublesome thing.

"I don't know the origin of this chain. The person just said that I would give it to you." After Ning Shi handed the chain out, he took it back, as if he was not ready to take it again.

Luya frowned and touched the bead. After a moment of silence, she said, "Do you know what kind of bead this is?"

Ning Shi shook his head. "It is said that we mermaids burst into tears. This is true, but they must be tears containing strong true feelings, whether they are joy, anger, sorrow or joy..." At this point, Luya picked up the string of beads and said in a complicated tone: " I feel endless sadness here."

Now that we have talked about it, the true identity of this string of beads is also obvious. Luya almost didn't say clearly that they are the tears of a mermaid.

And it was the tears shed by a mermaid in a state of extreme sadness.

"So that's it..." Ning Shi recalled the life of the person he knew, and finally sighed helplessly: "I'm not familiar with that person, I just repay a favor for him, so I don't know this. The story of the chain, now that I have handed it over to you, my mission has been completed."

Luya nodded and didn't say anything about returning the chain. She only said that she would accept it and would look for opportunities to inquire more within the clan to see if she could dig out any other stories.

For Ning Shi, this is no longer her own thing. She naturally has no objection to how Luya wants to deal with it.

Later, Luya arranged a resting place for the two of them in her palace. It was already evening when Su You and Ning Shi set out, and now after several hours of tossing, it was already late at night outside.

They didn't refuse. They thanked Luya and went back to rest.

Looking at Su You's leaving figure, the smile on Luya's face gradually disappeared.

"You guys, go and guard the door of Yuyi's room. I won't allow others to take them away...remember, it's anyone."

"If Youyi wants to go out, don't stop her, but you have to follow her. If she disappears, don't show up in front of me."

Several mermaid guards saluted respectfully and replied: "Yes."

After giving the order, Luya looked at the string of mermaid tears in her hand, carefully put them away, and then went to the central palace of the Mermaid Palace with a sullen face. This is the residence of the Mermaid King and the Mermaid Queen, except for the Mermaid King and the Mermaid Queen. Except for the Mermaid Queen, ordinary mermaids are not allowed to approach at will.

But this is only a superficial rule. In fact, there are four mermaids who can come and go here at will, two of them are the king and the queen, and the other two are Luya and the eldest prince of the mermaid tribe.

The eldest prince has almost become the designated heir of the mermaid clan, so he can naturally come and go here at will.

Luya is the king's favorite daughter and the favorite of other princes and princesses, so any rules here do not apply to her.

Therefore, when the mermaid guards outside the main palace saw the menacing and obviously evil Sixth Princess coming here, none of the mermaids dared to stop them. They just looked at each other, then looked at the floor and the sky. The little princess looked as if nothing happened.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, tell me where my father is." Luya grabbed a guard at random and asked.

The other party obviously didn't want to say it, but he didn't want to offend the Sixth Princess either, so he could only close his eyes and talk nonsense: "Sixth Princess, I apologize, but the Queen went to the side hall a quarter of an hour ago and has not come out until now."

When she heard the word 'queen', Luya's expression was obviously not very good.

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