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Chapter 584 Chapter 584 First Queen

At the same time, the Mermaid King also had an inexplicable emotion called 'lucky' in his heart.

He was glad that Luya didn't come to cause trouble tonight because she didn't like his father, but because she was influenced by other people...

This was probably a kind of self-deception. He felt in his heart that Luya was good, so even after she did something that made him very angry, as long as Luya gave an excuse, he would use this reason to put the blame on others. Throw it out...

Luya didn't care what he thought, this was what she was waiting for.

"It's Sona!" Luya told what happened today without mercy.

She didn't add any fuel to the fire, she just told the truth about the things that Sona had done to make her lose face several times today, and she also explained that the reason why she came here tonight was because after listening to Sona's words, she felt that it was inappropriate to bring humans into the palace without permission. Okay, that’s why I came here to report it.

When she arrived at the door, she heard Mrs. Sang's voice. She thought about the sacrificial ceremony and was afraid of an accident, so she called the elder.

Luya's words seemed logical, but in fact they could not withstand scrutiny. Just calling the elders to come over was strange enough. She could obviously come in directly and drive Mrs. Sang out.

But the Mermaid King didn't think that much. He just felt guilty that he had misunderstood Luya, and that she had deliberately come to cause trouble for him tonight.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoya. My father already knows about this. He will definitely give you an explanation for this matter." After the Mermaid King said this subconsciously, his head began to hurt a little.

Luya knew at a glance that he must still care about the relationship between Mrs. Sang and Sona, so she cried even more sadly.

"Luya doesn't care about Mrs. Sang, as long as her father likes her, that's fine. But Sona is different. She's not his father's child. It's against the rules for her to stay in the palace for a long time. But in the end, she taught me the rules!"

"Mrs. Sang likes my father so much, she must also understand your difficulties..." When Luya said this, the attitude of the Mermaid King had actually begun to waver.

Seeing that he still hadn't made up his mind for a long time, Luya could only add more fire.

"...Actually, there is something I have never told my father, for fear of affecting the relationship between my father and Mrs. Sang." Luya's hesitant look successfully attracted the attention of the Fish King.

"Xiaoya, just say it."

"Actually, when my father arranged Sona to be with me, I treated her like a biological sister. But one time I saw her sneaking out of the palace and met her biological father..." Luya only said this The first half is fake, what kind of biological sisters?


Her mother only has a few children!

But the second half of what Luya said was true, and there was evidence. She would not let such an easily exposed matter affect her image in front of the Mermaid King.

"Xiaoya, are you telling the truth?!" The Mermaid King's face turned dark and ugly at this time.

Luya nodded: "If you don't believe me, father, I still have a gramophone stone there. I can have someone send it over now." A gramophone stone is actually something similar to a recording pen, and Luya actually has one on her body. It was a gramophone record of the conversation between Sona and her biological father, but it was always weird to carry this kind of thing around, so she just said that she didn't bring it and could have someone pick it up.

The Mermaid King originally had only average feelings towards Sona, and his kindness to her was entirely out of Aiwujiwu's sake for Mrs. Sang's sake.

Mrs. Sang had repeatedly begged him before, begging him to take pity on her daughter and not let her be abused by her violent biological father outside, so she made an exception and allowed her to enter the palace and let her serve as a guard next to Luya.

She was said to be a guard, but in fact Luya was really good to her and didn't really treat her as a subordinate. Although she didn't get along as well as her sisters, she didn't look coldly on her either. She still had a lot of things that she should have.

But under such circumstances, she still left the palace privately and secretly met her biological father. Wasn't this a slap in the Mermaid King's face?

What would happen if outsiders knew this?
Uninformed people would think that Sona was kidnapped into the palace and that the Mermaid King deliberately separated their father and daughter just to please Mrs. Sang!
"No need, my father naturally believes in Xiaoya." The Mermaid King had lost face today because of Mrs. Sang's matter and had made Luya feel wronged, so after Luya said this, he naturally believed it. He also blamed Mrs. Sang for what Sona did today.

"When Xiaoya goes back, ask someone to send Sona away... Since she likes her biological father so much, then go back!" The Mermaid King said coldly. At this time, he had a hint of his former majesty.

Luya looked at him, dazed for a few seconds, then covered up the water in her eyes, and spoke slowly: "Thank you, father, Luya will go back first. I disturbed your rest today, and Luya will give you a surprise another day... …”

The Mermaid King nodded and whispered a few words to her not to be angry, to have a good rest, and to ask her father if anything happened, and then let her leave.


Luya left the side hall and immediately saw the fifth elder waiting for her on the side of the pillar.

"Fifth Elder, why don't you go back and rest earlier?" Luya was obviously a little surprised when she saw the Fifth Elder, but she quickly moved closer to him. This posture was even closer than in front of the Mermaid King.

"Little Luya is still inside, how can I leave with peace of mind..." The fifth elder gently stroked her hair and reminded her gently: "Don't do this kind of thing next time, the queen won't want you to do it either. .”

The queen the fifth elder was talking about at this time obviously refers to Luya's biological mother, who was also the previous queen in the eyes of the outside world.

Mrs. Sang came after the Queen passed away, and the Mermaid King was inexplicably fond of her, but everyone thought it was because Mrs. Sang looked too much like the late queen, so he fell in love with Mrs. Sang.

Luya and the other brothers and sisters actually didn't have that bad sense of Mrs. Sang. The main reason was that her subsequent actions were all weird. However, the Mermaid King turned a blind eye and directly made her his successor.

However, although Mrs. Sang's official identity is the queen, she cannot freely enter and leave the main palace where the queen lives. Without the corresponding rights of the queen, she only has a superficial title... and not many people even know this title. call.

This can be seen from the fact that Luya and the elders call her Mrs. Sang instead of Queen.

There is no problem for Luya to call Mrs. Sang. After all, she is not her biological mother. The Mermaid King never forces her to change her name, and the same is true for other children.

But it is very intriguing that the great elder and other elders also call them this.

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