But that doesn't matter anymore, it's all in the past...

"I heard that you brought two humans back... one of them is the one you gave away the conch before?" The fifth elder saw that she didn't want to talk about the queen and didn't force it. After all, there are old guys like them taking care of her. , nothing will happen to Luya.

She thought of the news she heard in the evening, feeling worried and relieved in her heart.

What worries her is the cunning nature of human beings, and she is afraid that Luya's sincerity will be deceived. What makes her happy is that she finally knows how to step out, instead of trapping herself in this seemingly huge, but actually cage-like palace.

"Yeah!" Luya smiled brightly when she heard the third elder mentioned Su Youyi: "I know you are afraid that I will be deceived, but I believe in my own eyes. Youyi is definitely a very good human being..."

After hearing what she said, the third elder did not say anything questioning, but smiled at her trustingly.

"Since Xiao Luya believes so, then get along well with him. This is your first friend who is not of the same race. You must cherish it..." The third elder did not hit her, but seriously talked to her about the relationship with his friend. Things to do with each other.

Luya is the apple of the eye of the mermaid tribe. Naturally, there is no shortage of friends in the mermaid tribe, but she really doesn’t have any friends from outside the tribe... But now she has.

"Don't worry, I will definitely cherish it..." Luya smiled lightly, and then as if something suddenly occurred to her, she immediately changed the subject: "By the way, do you know which mermaids from our mermaid tribe have gone out in recent years? Have you passed?"

Luya told her about the string of mermaid tears given by Ning Shi, and then waited for the third elder's answer.

After hearing this, the third elder frowned and did not give an accurate answer for a while.

"In fact, there are not many mermaids who have left the clan in recent years, but they all came back very quickly, and they all came back on their own initiative." Since Luya said that the emotion of the string of mermaid tears was sadness, it means that This mermaid would most likely be reluctant to leave that person.

In this case, there is a high probability that this mermaid will not come back on its own initiative.

The mermaid tribe will only try to send a message to recall a certain mermaid if it has not returned to the tribe for a long time. If it fails to return without giving a reason, they will send a tribe member to check the situation.

Once it is discovered that a mermaid has feelings for another race, and if no offspring is produced, the first step is to dissuade them. If the dissuasion fails, they will be forcibly brought back.

But if there is already a descendant, then just like what Su You knew before, the child cannot be kept, and the mermaid will also be punished.

"That's it..." Although Luya guessed that the owner of Mermaid Tears was difficult to find, she didn't expect that there were no clues at all.

The third elder saw that she really cared about this matter, so he asked to help her investigate.

"If you really want to know the story, I will help you investigate. If this matter is true, then there must be someone in the clan who helped to conceal it..." The third elder wants to help investigate this matter not just because of exposure. Ya was curious, more because the third elder discovered that the Lord of Mermaid Tears actually "cannot find this person".

You must know that the meaning of mermaid tears is extraordinary. They are basically equivalent to tokens of love... except that the tokens of love will definitely not be tears of sadness, but tears of joy.

But the situation here is different, but the meaning is the same. As long as it is mermaid tears, unless it is a relative or close friend, as long as it is given away, it is equivalent to a promise of love.

Just like what the third elder said, if mermaids really help other mermaids hide the fact that they have left the clan, then this is not just a matter of mermaid tears, it also involves the safety of the entire mermaid clan.

After all, the mermaid clan's entry and exit are strictly controlled. Even Luya's outings need to be recorded, but it's just not as strict as ordinary mermaids.Luya didn't know the goings-on in the clan, so she didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. But now after listening to the words of the third elder, she understood that the story behind the string of mermaid tears and the meaning they represented were not simple.

"Then I will ask the light magician after I go back to see if there are any other clues." As a princess of the mermaid tribe, Luya also has a sense of responsibility and belief in protecting the mermaid tribe. She discovered this matter. Naturally, it was impossible for her to quit and leave the matter to others after she discovered it.

"Okay, then it's all about the hard work, little Luya." The third elder was very happy that Luya had learned to take on these responsibilities, but she could also guess that Luya probably wouldn't be able to ask anything.

Because the third elder believed that not to mention the light magician, even the person who received the mermaid tears didn't know what it was... He might simply know that it was a mermaid thing, but not know about it. What is it specifically, let alone what it means.

Would a normal person return a token of love?

Unless there is no emotion left, this is obviously unreasonable.

And even if he has no feelings, if he knows that these are mermaid tears, there is no need to return them. You must know that although the value of mermaid tears is far less than that of shark beads, they are at the same level as ordinary fairy spring water. You can keep it for yourself. It is good.

The third elder thought a lot, but she didn't tell Luya. In her opinion, it would be good to have something to distract Luya, so as not to make dangerous actions like tonight.



One night passed, Su You and Ning Shi got into bed together and were carefully taken care of by the mermaid specially ordered by Lu Ya.

Food and clothing are all provided.

Although Suyou brought a lot of food with her, since it was provided here, the two of them also tasted some underwater delicacies that were rare on land.

Most of the mermaids eat raw food. Although it is clean raw food, such as sashimi, considering human eating habits, Luya has already ordered someone to prepare cooked food for them to choose from.

"Where is Luya?" After breakfast, Su You wanted to talk to Luya.

She needed to know the recent situation of the mermaid tribe. Su You was still very concerned about Luya's unfinished words that were interrupted yesterday.

Then there were the fish-men that she and Ning Shi saw before Luya came... Although she only heard part of the conversation, it was not difficult to guess that they were going to do something bad, and the goal of doing the bad thing was obvious. It's the mermaid tribe.

She had to remind Luya.

"Did your distinguished guest want to see His Highness? I'm sorry, Your Highness left the palace two-quarters of an hour ago. Your Highness asked us to tell you that she will be back in about an hour. If you have any needs, you can come to us directly."

Su You responded and said she understood. Then she thought for a few seconds and asked, "Can I go out for a walk?"

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