And she has also heard about the conflict between fishmen and mermaids, so she can naturally guess some of the content.

"Look, I'm right. The world outside the church is also so interesting..." Ning Shi stroked the gem on the top of his staff, and a gentle face gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

"It seems that the rumors are true. The fish-men were indeed formed after being polluted... I can feel the strong aura of dark elements on them." Ning Shi murmured to himself, holding the gun at his side. The staff was placed in front of her at this time.

No matter who looks at this scene, they will probably think that Ning Shi is talking to her staff... Although this is the truth, more accurately, she is talking to the gem on the top of the staff.

This gem was a gift given to her by that person. Although it was a gift, it never got into her hands because the person said that she would make the staff herself and inlay the gem in it, and then put the magic staff into it. Give her the staff.

It's a pity that she didn't wait for the staff, and even the person was gone.

Later, after Ning Shi left the church, he took the gem to a blacksmith and got a staff inlaid with the gem.

Although the light element of this gem is not pure, and the level of the staff produced is not very high, for Ning Shi now, this staff cannot perfectly display her strength, but she has always been No intention of replacing it.

"Miss Ning, why are you here? Do you need any help?" Lilith looked at Ning who appeared at the door of the pet store and was stunned for a moment, then said hello politely.

Because Ning Shi helped her clean up the problem of beast pollution in the animal taming garden without any pretense before, and she also saved Xiao Hui, Lilith had a very good impression of Ning Shi. Otherwise, if it were other people, she would be afraid of society because of her introversion. His character would at most say hello out of politeness, and then leave directly without giving him a chance to continue the conversation.

"I was just wandering around and happened to come here. I didn't expect to meet you..." Ning Shi was obviously also deeply impressed by Lilith. After all, she was the person she met and spent the most time with in this territory besides Su You. .

She looked at the pet shop behind Lilith and asked naturally, "Are you here to buy something?" Ning Shi didn't know that Lilith was the owner of the pet shop because she thought Lilith worked at the animal taming zoo. of.

And because she knew that Lilith already had Xiao Hui, she didn't think that Lilith was here to buy pets. At most, she was here to buy some pet supplies.

But she obviously guessed wrong.

"No, I heard someone said that there were some little guys in the store who had lost their appetite, so I came over to take a look." Lilith knew that Ning Shi had misunderstood, but she did not deliberately explain that she was the boss.

But Ning Shi also heard some problems.

Since she would come to the pet shop to help, Lilith must not be a customer, but could only be an employee or owner of the pet shop.

But seeing that Lilith looks so free, and she also knows that Lilith is the manager of the animal taming zoo, she naturally doesn't think that she is just an employee of the pet store.

"Are you an animal tamer?" Ning Shi guessed Lilith's profession immediately.

Lilith nodded, this is something that many people know and there is no need to hide it. "Does Miss Ning like small animals? Why don't you come in and take a look? Maybe there will be one you like." Lilith didn't know where she got the courage to invite a magician. Maybe it was because of the feeling Ning Shi gave her before. They were all too approachable, so this sentence came out naturally.

Ning Shi originally wanted to refuse, but at that moment, an exclamation came from the pet store, and then a brown figure swooped out.

"Ali! Boss, Ali ran out!" The hurried voice of a store employee came from behind. Lilith was startled, and then she quickly tried to catch the little guy who escaped from the pet store.

However, although the little squirrel named Ali escaped from the pet store, it didn't seem to have any intention of leaving directly. Instead, it climbed up along Ning Shi's staff, and then fell to the ground under Lilith's shocked and complicated eyes. Sitting on the gem at the top of the staff.

Lilith: "...I'm so sorry, Miss Ning, I'll take it down now."

Ning Shi looked at the little squirrel above the gem that exuded a bright white light, the same black eyes facing each other...

'Click——' The little squirrel found that humans who were dozens or even hundreds of times larger than itself were looking at it. Instead of being afraid, it took out a nut from nowhere, bit it open, and then tried to please it. He held it up and brought it to Ning Shi.

Lilith was slightly stunned when she saw this scene. She thought for a while and did not directly take Ali down. Instead, she looked at Ning Shi and asked, "Ali seems to like Miss Ning quite a lot. Miss Ning is interested in raising him for a while." Really? The cost of raising Ali will be borne by the pet shop."

Ning Shi lowered his eyes, lifted the little squirrel off the gem with the other hand that was not holding the staff, and finally placed it in Lilith's hand.

"No need, I have no intention of taking care of another little life at the moment... It's getting late, I'm going back." Ning Shi's refusal made Lilith a little regretful, but it was also expected by her.

Indeed, Ning Shi didn't look like someone who knew how to keep pets.

"I'm sorry to disturb you just now. I wish you a good night tonight." Lilith put her hand on Ali who wanted to escape and continued to approach Ning Shi, and said goodbye to Ning Shi with a smile.

After Ning Shi left, Lilith looked at the decadent squirrel lying on her back, holding a nut, feeling distressed and helpless.

"You can't force people if you don't like them... Be good, others will like you in the future." The customer flow of the pet store has always been good, but the business of the pet store is not particularly good.

Because the main 'product' of the pet shop is different from other stores, these little guys are living and thinking creatures, not objects that can be manipulated by others.

After each customer enters the pet store, they will be asked to select a few of their favorites, and then the selected little guy will choose the owner. If there happens to be a customer who likes this customer, then it will be considered a consensual match. If there is If one party is unwilling, then it has failed.

However, Ning Shi's situation is relatively rare. After all, other people come to the pet shop on their own initiative. They must come here because they want to keep pets, so the failure of matching is usually because these little guys don't like them, not because they don't like them. They're not happy with these little guys.

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