Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 592 592 Di Luo Di Sheng

But Ning Shi was not a guest, she was just passing by, and Ali ran out by chance, so the failure was not surprising.

"Okay, it's so late, I'll take you back to rest." Lilith stroked Ali's tail and then sent him to his exclusive den in the pet shop.

"Boss, didn't the lady just like Ali?" The only employee on duty in the store was looking at Squirrel, who looked like he was dying, and couldn't bear it.

Since she will work here, she must like little animals just like Lilith.

What's more, she has been working here for a while and has developed feelings for these little guys. Although she will be reluctant to leave them after they follow their owners, she thinks that they have found their own destination and can live a happy life. The good days of pampering are not so uncomfortable.

But Ali's current situation is obviously not very good.

"It shouldn't be considered a dislike. Miss Ning just has no idea of ​​raising small animals." The nature of dislike and lack of idea are different, but the result is the same.

"That's really a pity..." The little employee sighed, thinking that he must give Ali an extra meal tomorrow and then give him some comfort.

"Keep an eye on Ali over the next two days. If he has any emotional problems, remember to come to me as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, boss, I will take good care of Ali and the other little guys."



"Well, it is basically a certainty that the fishmen will invade the mermaid tribe."

"I understand. I will tell Her Majesty the Queen about this. When the mermaid tribe is in trouble, we elves will definitely not stand by and watch. However, if we want to lure the snake out of its hole, it is not convenient for us to go directly to the mermaid tribe..."

"They will probably move during the ceremony, or after it is over. Anita, you just need to come that night, and I will help hold them back."

"I understand. I will arrange this immediately... By the way, if nothing else happens, the little girl should be able to arrive in your territory today."

After the conversation with Anita ended, Su You breathed a sigh of relief, feeling more confident about the safety of the mermaid clan.

Su You is not stupid. She is not so naive as to think that the long and precise plan carried out by the fish people will be changed because of her alone, or because of the dozen or so people she brought along.

Since they have been plotting for so long, besides this mole, there must be more powerful trump cards that they don't know about.

Therefore, Su You did not hesitate to choose to seek help from foreign aid, and the people who were suitable for this foreign aid were undoubtedly the elves. After all, the elves and the mermaids were friendly alliances. Even without Su You's help, as long as the mermaids contacted the elves, they would represent the mermaids. If there is a problem, the elves will also help.

But Su You just moved the time forward.

Therefore, after waking up, the first thing Su You did was to contact Anita and inform her of the fact that the mermaid tribe was trying to attack the mermaid tribe on the day of the mermaid tribe's sacrifice ceremony.

Anita's reaction was also expected. She immediately expressed her willingness to lead the elves to help the mermaid tribe, and immediately set off to inform the Elf Queen about this.

Su You did not tell Lu Ya about the involvement of the elves. Although Su You knew that if she reminded Lu Ya, she would definitely not tell the matter. However, Su You felt that the fewer people knew about some things, the better. , because only in this way is it more real.

If Luya knew that there would be elves to help, even if she didn't say it, then she would always take a chance when making arrangements with other elders. These are all things that will affect the final result, so the best thing is to start from the beginning. Just don’t say it.

Of course, what Su You hopes most is that the Elf clan can make this trip in vain and not need to help with anything. This at least means that the crisis of the Mermaid clan this time is actually nothing. It only needs someone to find out and solve it... Of course, she personally feels that this possibility is not high.After worrying about the mermaid clan, Su You thought about what Anita said that Sha Ling would arrive at the territory today. She went to the tavern, first informed Shana, and then sat down under Shana's surprised eyes. On the bar of the tavern.

[Tavern recruitment has been refreshed, do you want to check it? 】

Su You didn't even think about it and directly opened the recruitment interface.

This recruitment refresh actually happened yesterday, but Su You slept until dawn, so the recruitment could only be postponed until today.

At present, the level of the tavern is still level six, and Su You postponed the recruitment time last time, so the residents displayed on the recruitment interface this time are basically golden, and the lowest skill level is advanced and extremely excellent. Talent.

After excluding those with ordinary or repetitive skills, among the remaining candidates, one is a senior psychic master, one is a senior array mage (bottleneck), and the last one is a senior puppet master.

Senior spiritual masters actually appeared in the last recruitment, and the last recruitment of senior spiritual masters reached the bottleneck. However, in contrast, Su You still chose Ning Shi and Baiji.

Although the level of the spiritual master this time is one level lower than the last time, because she has a trait that is very suitable for the skill, Su You also included her in the selection range.

But even including it in the selection seemed to be of no use, because after comparison, Su You still felt that Yaoguang's existence would make her less eager to recruit a second 'magic stick', so she gave up on the spiritual master. , select Advanced Array Master and Advanced Puppet Master.

【Recruit 'Di Luo'? 】

[Recruit 'Desheng'? 】

[Two residents including Di Luo and Desheng are heading to your territory. Estimated time: within 48 hours. 】

[Resident 'Di Luo' comes to the Sunset Territory because of its good reputation. She will choose to join the Territory directly when she arrives at the Sunset Territory. Please check the message and process it in time. 】

Su You raised her eyebrows and accepted the surprise calmly.


Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 75
Favorite: 40
Talents: Puppet Master (88), Spiritualist (70)

Skills: Advanced Puppet Skills, Elementary Soul-Calling Skills (Bottleneck)

Traits: Summoning spirits (easy to attract spirits), keen (senses are sharp, easy to find things hidden in dark places), accompanied by the moon (strength is enhanced when there is the moon, weakened when there is the sun, both If not, the strength returns to normal)


Sex: Male
age: middle age

Loyalty: 55
Favorite: 20
Talents: Array Mage (80), Sculpting (85)

Skills: Advanced array skills, master carving skills

Traits: Precision mind (good at performing precise work), pedantic (difficult to accept new skills and methods), originality (good at self-creating new skills and methods)

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