Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 596 596 Feihe Arrives

Vivian's tone when she said this was obviously very excited.

Because for her, whether it is eating the melons of mermaids and fishmen, or having the opportunity to use fishmen as test subjects, these two things will make her very happy.

After learning these two pieces of good news, Vivian finally regained her composure and no longer looked as sinister as before.

While Suyou lamented how quickly Vivian changed her face, she put the purple coral and jade dew grass she brought from Luya into a bamboo basket, and then threw them all to Vivian: "Underwater breathing potion and isolation I’ll leave the barrier potion to you.”

Vivian: "???I still have to work on my relationship!"

Su You smiled and did not respond to the question: "Just tell me whether you can do it or not."

Vivian was holding a heavy bamboo basket on her face with a strange look on her face: "If Vivian says she doesn't know how, what will the lord do?"

"It's okay, I know it, I can teach you." Su You replied confidently.

Vivian: "...then there is no need to trouble you, I will do the same."

Vivian actually had no intention of escaping. After all, this was her job, but she couldn't help but want to say a few words, but it seemed that she had never competed with the lord...

Suyou was about to say something else, but the news that suddenly popped up made her slightly stunned, and then she said goodbye to Vivian directly.

Vivian looked at the leaving figure, then looked at the many high-quality purple corals and jade dew grass in the bamboo basket, and returned to the medical center with a calm expression.

Making underwater breathing potions and isolation barrier potions definitely does not require so much purple coral and jade dew grass, so she can use the remaining materials to research novel potions!

Vivian's face was calm, but she was humming a little song in her heart, and returned to the hospital happily.



On the other side, after receiving the news that Feihe had arrived at the territory, Su You rushed to Jing Que's home immediately, and then met the powerful and decisive woman.

From the appearance point of view, she is actually the same as other women, but her movements are clearly not something ordinary people can do.

"Lord, this is Feihe." Jing Que, as the intermediary, introduced the two parties to each other, and then mentioned to Feihe again the exchange conditions for Su You's promise to let her stay.

"I don't have a problem. How many people need to be trained? Are there any other requirements, such as time..." Feihe's personality is somewhat similar to Jingque's. They both don't like to talk nonsense and polite words. When he met Su You, he said He said hello and then began to ask about his work content.

Su You didn't care when she saw this, or she actually liked this kind of straightforwardness, so she explained her arrangements for the two of them in detail.

"The first batch of teaching subjects is ten people. The first day is mainly to familiarize them with the intensity of the training. If anyone can't adapt, tell me immediately and I will replace him... As for the teaching goals and time, the former will be based on your organization's intermediate assassins. Standardly, the time limit is one month.”

"During this month, if anyone is found to be in excellent condition, the training intensity can be increased to a high level."

Now that she has decided to let Feihe and Jingque help with training, Su You cannot just choose the subjects for training. She must also understand what Feihe and Jingque can teach.According to Jing Que, basically in all assassin organizations, the levels of all members are divided into low-level, intermediate, high-level, and top-level.

In addition to the top level, which is defined based on strength and status in the organization, the other three levels of assassins correspond to three training intensities in daily training.

People with different potentials have different training intensities, and the ranks and status within the organization they obtain after successful training are also different.

Although most of these people selected by Su You have not received professional combat training, they have all experienced beast tides, attacks by dark creatures, and some have even participated in exploration missions.

They do not have much combat experience, so they obviously cannot train according to the requirements of low-level assassins. This is undoubtedly a waste of their time.

Most of them could not meet the requirements of high-level assassins, so Su You chose an intermediate condition.

"I understand. Apart from these, does Lord Su have any other requirements?" Feihe nodded and agreed to Su You's conditions, and then further asked about Su You's other needs.

Su You shook his head slightly: "We are just the first batch of people at the moment. We will make arrangements based on the actual training situation first."

"Yes." Feihe nodded, and then continued to ask: "When will the training time arranged by Lord Su start?"

"If both of you have time, we can start tomorrow." Su You quickly set the time for the first day of training, and then made arrangements for Fei He's residence: "Do you want to live alone or not?" With Frightened Magpie?”

Considering the special nature of Jing Que's profession, Jing Que also lived alone. Anyway, there was no shortage of houses in the territory. If others were forced to live in, Su You would be afraid that they would accidentally be surprised by occupational diseases. Magpie injured.

But Feihe is different. She has her own strength and knows the assassin's taboos and will not deliberately violate them.

The most important thing is that if she lives with Jing Que, she can also let Jing Que help take care of her.

"I can do anything." Feihe has lived everywhere when she was on a mission, so for her, having a normal place to live is enough. Her requirements for the environment are not very high.

Feihe had no objection, so Suyou looked at Jingque and asked her if she would mind having an extra 'roommate'.

"There are exactly two rooms here. Feihe can just stay here. Lord, you don't have to worry." Jing Que also said he didn't mind very calmly.

In this case, Su You arranged for Jing Que and Fei He to live together, and asked Jing Que to help take Fei He to collect all other expenses. He also left all the familiarity with the territory to Jing Que.

As for salary, after Suyou and Feihe discussed it, Feihe said that the exchange condition for her teaching was to stay in the territory, so it didn't matter whether she had salary or not, she had money anyway.

Su You also knew that she was rich, and Jing Que was also rich.

Although they were once pawns of the Dark Star Organization, the Dark Star Organization was not harsh on its subordinates in terms of mission rewards, so they would earn a generous reward every time they performed a mission.

Assassins like them don't have any other daily expenses on weekdays. Food, clothing, and housing are basically within the organization. They will spend some money on missions, but not much, so the money is saved.

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