Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 597 Chapter 597 Robbery of the Treasury

Of course, these are all small-headed ones, and the biggest-headed one was before the Dark Star Organization was destroyed. Feihe once led people to infiltrate the Dark Star Organization and robbed the Dark Star Organization's treasury!

Jing Que knew about the treasury robbery, and she also received [-]% of the money. Although it looked small, she did not contribute, so it was equivalent to getting it in vain.

Feihe took [-]% of the remaining [-]%, and the rest was divided among other people who helped.

To be honest, when Su You found out about Fei He's robbery of the treasury, she was stunned for five seconds before she came to her senses...

After coming back to her senses, she was even more sure of her thoughts - Feihe was indeed extraordinary.

Whether it's exchanging hands for lives, robbing a treasury, or secretly controlling the destruction of the Dark Star organization... this is obviously not something ordinary people can do.

Back to the topic, although Feihe and Jingque were not short of money, Su You still paid them wages. The wages varied according to the difficulty of teaching and the number of people. Currently, there were ten people and the difficulty of teaching was intermediate, so the monthly salary was one gold coin.

But later, because Feihe insisted on not wanting the money and said that her part-time job was purely to pay for the accommodation, Suyou changed her salary from money to material things.

For example, you can receive a certain amount of medicine from the medical center every month, receive armor from the sewing store, customize weapons from the weapon store, and so on.

Feihe did not refuse this item-based 'reward', so the matter was settled.

Considering that Feihe had just arrived at the territory, Suyou did not stay here any longer and left directly after finishing the conversation. This way Feihe had time to rest. With Jing Que watching, there shouldn't be any problems here.

After leaving, Su You went to Lake to explain the training and asked him to find time in the afternoon to go to Jing Que and Fei He to confirm the specific situation.


After a busy meal, it was noon.

Because today's things were all piled up together, she didn't even have time to eat lunch before she had to receive several elves who had sent people here from all the way.

Sha Ling has been sent to the hospital and is currently being taken care of by Vivian...or Qiuyue.

Qiuyue and Shaling are about the same age, and they are both girls who have experienced a lot, have good personalities, and are not squeamish, so they feel more at ease getting along with Suyou, and Vivian also saves the pain of raising children, which is extra worry-free. .

"We have sent people there. We need to return to the clan immediately. I hope Lord Su understands." The speaker was Lingsi, an old acquaintance of the Elf clan. She came to the territory with Elder Tong Sheng after Anita was kidnapped. Looking for an elf knight.

Perhaps because she is one of the few elves with high strength and who knows the specific location of the Sunset Territory, the task of escorting Sha Ling was given to her this time.

"In this case, I won't keep you any longer." Su You can be said to be very familiar with the elves now, so there is no need to say any unnecessary polite words.

However, before Lingsi and the others left, Su You took something like a tips bag and handed it to her: "Bring it to Anita for me. It contains calming runes. I hope it can help her get a good sleep." .”

Lingsi nodded, her tone full of gratitude: "Thank you, Lord Su, for your concern for Your Highness. Her Highness will definitely be very happy if she receives the things you send."

Watching Lingsi leave, Su You flipped through the notebook she had always carried with her, watching the things above being completed one by one, and seeing the number of things above increase one by one, her inner pressure and inexplicable burden of responsibility also increased. Heavy. "...The next thing is about the mermaid clan." Su You put away the notebook, and then began to arrange the people who would go to the mermaid clan together in the future.

Youai, Duoya, Gong Yu, Vivian... these are all must-haves.

Meike won't bring it with him. After all, the mermaid tribe is underwater. Places like the seabed are extremely weakening for fire magicians. Even Meike can only exert [-] to [-]% of his strength at most, so he might as well stay in the territory. Town place.

As for Ning Shi, Su You hasn't asked whether she is going or not. She went there before to hand over something, but now that the thing has been handed over to Lu Ya, she has no reason to go...

But Su You definitely wanted her to go, because the fishmen were originally related to the dark element. If they could have a light magician with them, their safety would be higher.

After all the arrangements were made, except for the addition of Vivian and Ning Shi, whose situation was uncertain, the other personnel arrangements remained basically unchanged. They were still the same dozen people as when they went to summon the mermaid.

After the personnel were confirmed, Suyou went to the sewing shop again, and then gave Dori some blue mud left over from making rainproof equipment.

"In the past two days, you can use these to make a batch of wetsuits that are convenient for movement. It will take about twenty pieces." Although underwater breathing agents and isolation barrier agents will definitely be used when going into the sea, in order to avoid special situations, such as The potion suddenly fails, or the potion cannot be used... so a set of clothing suitable for underwater operations must be prepared.

"Okay, don't worry." Dolly accepted the materials, turned around and arranged the task.

When she was arranging tasks, Suyou saw Feiya in the sewing shop.

"Hello, Lord Su." Feiya smiled gently.

Su You smiled and nodded in response: "Miss Feiya, good afternoon."

Looking at Fiya who was teaching her apprentices sewing knowledge seriously, Su You could clearly feel that some changes had taken place in Fiya.

This kind of change is probably like a person who was originally outside a certain environment, but now he is slowly integrating in, and the sense of alienation revealed in every move and every smile is slowly disappearing.

This is undoubtedly good news for Su You.

Seeing that things were developing in a good direction, Su You was not prepared to intervene, but was prepared to let nature take its course... No matter what he did at this time, there was a high probability that he would do more and make more mistakes.

Feiya: "Lord Su, I think the materials you just gave Dolly seem a bit unfamiliar. Is it convenient for me to take a look?"

Fiya originally didn't want to ask about this matter, but when Dori distributed the material to others, Fiya saw the material's excellent ductility, flexibility, and waterproof properties.

Feiya had never seen this magical material in the past ten years or so, so in the end curiosity overcame her reason.

"Okay, if you're interested, you can go directly to Dori to get this material. It's called blue mud, and it's a material dropped from ocean monsters." Su You saw that Feiya seemed to be very interested in blue mud, so she was straightforward and generous. He asked Dolly to bring the blue mud to Feiya.

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