Although there was not much blue mud in stock in the territory before, because a batch of monsters were cleared at the beach when summoning the mermaid, and that batch of monsters happened to contain 'water elements' that dropped blue mud, so the blue mud inventory in the warehouse There is a lot more, so it doesn’t hurt to give some to Feiya.

"Why is this so embarrassing? I just want to see..." Feiya must have been embarrassed to accept what Su You gave her, but Dori listened to Su You's words, so she took all the extra blue mud and gave it to her. Phia.

"It's not a valuable thing. If you're interested, just accept it... If you really feel embarrassed, if you come up with something by research, just remember to tell Dolly." What Su You said is true. of.

As long as it is recyclable and renewable, its value is not high here.

If blue mud can be used to gain favor, or it can be "free prostitution" for Feiya's creative inspiration, the value of these intangible things is much higher than the blue mud itself.

"Miss Lord is right, just accept it. If you find anything new, be sure to tell me." Dori smiled and helped Su You.

Feiya couldn't resist the kindness, so she had to accept it.

"I'll leave the stuff to you. I'll pick up the wetsuit tomorrow night." Su You waved her hand and left the sewing shop.

For the next half day, she basically spent the next half day in the city lord's mansion dealing with the territorial affairs that had accumulated over the past two days. In the evening, she went to the medical clinic.

She watched Shana pick up Sha Ling from the hospital, and saw the two little girls Qiuyue and Sha Ling reluctant to leave, so she simply asked Shana to put Sha Ling in the hospital for custody while she was working during the day. With.

This way, Vivian can keep an eye on her and the two little girls can have a playmate.

Shana agreed to this, because she was worried that something would happen to Sha Ling if she stayed at home alone while she was working, so it was best to have someone watching her now.

As for Sha Ling and Qiu Yue, they don't even have any objections. They already like each other, so this can be regarded as getting their wish.

As for Vivian’s opinion…

Vivian was not there when Suyou came over, and Qiuyue was the only one taking care of the entire medical center.

With Qiuyue's current ability as a junior doctor, she can solve all minor ailments and pains, so Vivian spends most of her time as a hands-off shopkeeper, working in the pharmacy by herself to tinker with strange things, only when she encounters troubles that cannot be solved. Son, only Qiuyue would call Vivian over...

But since Vivian is not here now, her opinion doesn't matter anymore!

As for what Vivian would do when she saw that Sha Ling needed to stay in the hospital for a long time, Su You didn't know, but she would not kick Sha Ling out.

Vivian is a person with a hard mouth but a soft heart, and Su You understands this very well.

After arranging all this, Su You returned to the city lord's mansion to deal with city affairs. She didn't stop until it got dark at night and was about to go to bed.



Early in the morning, the first thing Suyou did after getting up was to upgrade her territory.

A full half month has passed since the last time the territory was upgraded. The current level of the territory is still a small town, and the next level is 'town'.

The conditions for upgrading to a small town are a population of 500 and a prosperity level of [-] points. In addition, a series of basic buildings such as inns, taverns, and hospitals must have at least ten levels reaching level three and five reaching level five. .

These conditions are obviously nothing to the Sunset Territory, where all buildings have reached level six.As for the population and prosperity, the current population of the Sunset Territory has reached more than 1000 people, and the prosperity has reached more than [-], which perfectly meets the conditions for upgrading the territory.

[Congratulations to the Sunset Territory for reaching the small town upgrade standard. Do you want to upgrade the territory? 】


[Congratulations to the Sunset Territory for reaching the upgrade standards and successfully upgrading the territory to a small town. The upgrade rewards have been distributed to the treasure chest in the mission hall. 】


【Sunset Territory】

Lord: Su You

Territory level: small town (the population reaches 700, the prosperity reaches 12000, and the building level reaches certain requirements, it can be upgraded to a medium-sized town)

Territory Status: Open Territory (Open Territory can attract everyone to visit)
Territory law and order: 96
Territorial social interaction: Elf tribe (intimacy, 96/100), mermaid tribe (acquaintance, 68/100), dragon tribe (neutral, 10/100), orc tribe (neutral, 6/100)

Territory happiness: satisfied
Territory Prosperity: 11079
Territory reputation: 2487
Territory population: 764
Territory aura: [Blessing of Life III] (from the idol Doris), [Treasure Hunting Bloodline III] (from the guardian beast spirit treasure), [Battle Bloodline III] (from the guardian beast spirit treasure), [Inspiration Halo II] (from the halo tips)
Territory events:

I: [Dark creature attack incident, omitted]

II: [Nature’s favor event, omitted]

III: [Pollution has harmed the forest and made the creatures in the forest miserable. For saving the forest, you will be grateful from them. 】(new!)

IV: [On the distant ocean, there is a beautiful creature. They are the elves of the ocean and the overlords of the ocean... But they are so powerful, but they still seem to have encountered some troubles? 】(new!)

V: [The surrounding environment has accelerated its deterioration due to the invasion of pollution. Although you have tried your best to save it, it has still left an indelible impact. Soon, the natural crisis will come again...] (New!)


Although it has just been upgraded to a small town, the territory is actually only one step away from being upgraded to a medium-sized town. The population quantity conditions are met, and the building level is also met. The only difference now is the prosperity of the territory.

This difference of [-] prosperity points is actually not difficult to obtain. Even if you don't do anything else, according to the current rate of the territory's prosperity increasing by about [-] points per day, it will only take more than a week to meet the conditions.

If it is faster, it is to build and upgrade a batch of buildings. The proportion of building score in prosperity is still very high.

But Suyou did not choose to increase prosperity through construction, because the prosperity increased in this way was 'virtual'.

At present, the buildings in the territory are sufficient for use. If she adds more buildings, and also adds a series of high-level buildings, then these buildings will be unused.

You have to spend building materials and pay unrewarded maintenance fees, and the empty buildings will also affect the average comfort level of the entire territory's buildings... It's obviously not right to pay so much just to upgrade the territory a few days in advance. worth it.

So Su You did nothing, just let it develop naturally and lay a solid foundation bit by bit. This was more important than using other methods to speed up the upgrade of the territory.

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