Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 599 599 doesn’t want to see it

Rather than quickly upgrading the territory, Su You was obviously more concerned about the three newly added territory events.

The first newly added incident is probably related to helping clean up pollution sources.

Suyou's actions of leading people to clean up the pollution source are equivalent to helping the animals whose homes have been occupied by pollution, allowing them to return to their homes again, so it is normal for them to feel grateful in their hearts.

It's just that Su You has not discovered that this incident has any actual impact, good or bad, so far.

What's more strange is that nearly ten days have passed since the end of the beast tide, and this event has just been refreshed. This makes people wonder whether the system's delay is too high.

Unable to figure this out, Su You temporarily put it behind her and turned to check the other two events.

The direction of the second new incident is very obvious. It is obviously about the mermaid tribe, and the so-called trouble should be about the mermaids.

But after understanding the meaning of this incident, questions also arise. You must know that territorial incidents, as the name suggests, are all incidents related to the territory. This incident of the mermaid clan obviously has nothing to do with the territory, so it should not be done no matter what. Appear at this location?

But if you think about it the other way around...

"What happened to the mermaid tribe will affect the territory..." Using this conclusion to think back, Su You had some clues, but was not sure of the answer for the time being.

The only place that has some relationship between the mermaid clan and the territory is undoubtedly this sea. If the mermaid clan's affairs will affect this sea area, when certain changes occur in the sea area, this will not be very far from the Sunset Territory. This is indeed a considerable impact.

As for what the changes here are, the most likely answer Su You can think of right now is undoubtedly 'pollution'.

"Are the fish people planning to use pollution to attack the mermaid tribe?!" Su You was startled by this idea, but then she felt that it was not impossible... It could even be said that it was very possible!
You must know that in the incident that almost led to the annihilation of the mermaid tribe, the biggest contributor was pollution!

If this is really the case, then things happening to the mermaid tribe in two days will really not be as simple as imagined!
Suyou subconsciously wanted to take out the same blood bead and tell Luya about this, but after calming down, she squeezed the same blood bead tightly and did not immediately choose to speak, but she also did not take the same blood bead back.

If this matter is really related to pollution, the ocean is so big. It is absolutely impossible for pollution in one or two days to pose any threat. The pollution that can give the fishmen the confidence to attack the mermaid tribe is definitely accumulated over time, and the amount is extremely huge. of pollution.

With this level of pollution, even if Suyou told Luya now, she would never be able to solve it, and it might make her confused.

But it was obviously impossible not to say anything. Even if all these speculations were wrong, Su You must contact Luya and remind her of something.

While thinking about language, Su You took a closer look at the third new event.

This incident seems to have the most content, but in fact it is the easiest to understand. In one sentence, it can be translated as: due to environmental deterioration due to pollution, there will be a new natural disaster in the near future.

Compared to the first two incidents, both of which had certain doubts, this incident can be said to be the only one that Su You understood clearly.

"Looks like I have to go find Yao Guang..." Su You held the same blood bead and went directly to Yao Guang's home.I don’t know why, but when Su You came over, she found that the door of Yao Guang’s house was open.

Before she could check the door, she saw Yao Guang looking at her from the crack in the door. This cold look was really scary.

"It seems you knew I would come over?" If Yao Guang was not here, Su You might have thought of other possibilities, but since she looked like she was standing here to welcome guests, it only meant that she knew Su You would come here to look for her. She did.

"Lord, please stop joking. How could Yao Guang know that you would come suddenly?" Yao Guang didn't admit it, and Su You didn't care. Anyway, they both knew the truth.

"Since you're here, you must have something to do with Yao Guang... Come in and talk." Although he pretended to be stupid, Yao Guang still welcomed Su You in. Just like the last time, Su You saw a lot of people as soon as he entered the door. The drawings and drawings on the table should be the notes left by Yaoguang when he deduced the astrology.

Logically speaking, although the things deduced by astrologers are incomprehensible to ordinary people, they cannot be placed at will. Especially the more powerful astrologers, the meaning of their strokes can be understood as long as they can You know, that has a huge impact.

But twice in a row, when Su You came over, this very important deduction paper Yaoguang was placed randomly, as if it was deliberately meant for her to see.

But... Suyou actually didn't want to see it.

Su You's eyes quickly scanned the paper on the table, and then he looked back at Yao Guang casually: "Remember to put away such an important thing, otherwise it will be terrible if you lose it."

Yaoguang: "?"

Yaoguang's expression stiffened slightly, and then his tone was unusually helpless: "Thank you Lord for your concern~ But ordinary people will not come to this small place like Yaoguang." Whether he can come is a question. Yet another question.

As soon as these words came out, she basically admitted that Su You's guess was correct. She really put these things here deliberately for Su You to see, or maybe she wanted Su You to ask her something... ...But Su You pretended to be stupid, and Yao Guang had nothing to do.

After this episode passed, Su You sat down and chatted with Yao Guang about the purpose of the trip.

"Yesterday I came back from the mermaid tribe and learned some things about the mermaid tribe. They are now encountering some troubles..." Su You briefly talked about the mermaid tribe and the fish people, and then expressed that she wanted to help the mermaid tribe. Ask Yaoguang if he has any suggestions.

Regarding this issue, Su You is not afraid of Yao Guang pretending to be stupid. After all, it was Yao Guang who revealed the news to her that the mermaid clan was the next to have trouble.

If you still pretend to be stupid like this, then you are not treating Su You as a fool, but you are treating yourself as a fool.

"So what do you want to ask, Lord Lord? Are you asking about the results of the mermaid clan... or about the results of the territory, or about the elves?" Yaoguang asked softly with a smile, but the words he said gave people the feeling. Far from being as calm as she showed on her face.

Suyou thought to herself...

Sure enough, Yao Guang actually knows everything...

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