Su You obviously only mentioned the mermaid tribe and fish people, but Yaoguang once again mentioned the elves and their territories.

It would be fine if it just mentioned the territory. She might have guessed it, but it would be weird to mention the elves... Su You didn't remember that she had said that the elves would also be involved in this matter.

And this is obviously impossible to guess.

But Su You didn't dwell on this matter and asked Yao Guang why he knew.

She will know that this is a normal thing. On the contrary, if she does not know, then this is an abnormal thing.

"What if I want to know everything?" Su You is a bit greedy. All three parties involved in this matter are interested in Su You, so she wants to know.

Hearing Su You's greedy words, Yao Guang was not surprised, nor did he have any other big reaction.

"It's not impossible, but Lord, you should know that some things are limited. If you choose one of them, you will get a lot, but if you want them all, you can only get a little." Yao Guang's words sounded complicated. , but it’s actually easy to understand.

This is equivalent to dividing the cake. One person can eat the whole cake, but if there are three people, each person can only eat one-third.

The cake here should refer to Yao Guang's ability. Her ability is limited. If Su You wants to know all, then she can only give part of the information. If she only wants to know one of the information, then this part of the information will be more complete.

"That's true... Then is it okay if I want to know about the fish-men?" Yao Guang's answer was expected. Su You also knew that it was impossible for him to get so many clues at once.

Yaoguang: "I know, I will deduce the clues of the mermaid clan as soon as possible..."

"No, I said fish-man." Su You corrected her slip of the tongue in a calm tone.

Yao Guang was stunned, recalling the conversation just now in her mind, and then she realized that what Su You said was true. What she just said was indeed a fish-man, not a mermaid.

"Why would the lord want to know about the mermaid? I thought you would choose the mermaid..." Yao Guang sighed, his tone full of regret.

This is another time she guessed someone's thoughts wrongly, and it happened to be the same person...

In fact, from a certain perspective, Yao Guang really guessed it right.

Because Su You really wanted to know the situation of the mermaid tribe just now. After all, the core of this matter is the mermaid tribe. What happened to the Sunset Territory and the elves are all derived from the mermaid tribe.

So as long as you know about the mermaid clan, the matters about the territory and the elves are nothing.

But when Su You was about to speak out the answer, Su You suddenly thought of a question... It is true that the mermaid tribe is the protagonist of this matter, but there is more than one protagonist of this matter.

The fish-man was actually the protagonist of this matter, but Su You subconsciously ignored it.

But when she thought about it, she realized that compared to the mermaid tribe, the fishmen obviously had the most clues, and they were all clues that Su You didn't know!
So Suyou finally chose the fishman.

She really didn't mean to go against Yao Guang, but she really felt that the fishman's information was more valuable.

"I didn't mean it." Su You didn't explain too much, because she knew that Yao Guang should also understand, but her personality seemed to be slowly changing towards Vivian's appearance, which she couldn't help but feel. The character who wants to do something is very similar to Vivian. "I know~ I still don't understand what you mean..." After saying this, Yaoguang looked tired: "I will deduce the fishman matter as soon as possible. Lord, we are very lucky. Tonight is a good day with a sky full of stars..."



That night, Su You leaned against the window and looked at the sky shrouded in dark clouds. She couldn't see the 'sky full of stars' that Yao Guang had mentioned in the afternoon.

She stared at it for a while, then turned back and touched the soft spirit treasure all over her body.

'Woo...' Lingbao purred with enjoyment, and Suyou couldn't help but smile when she saw how much enjoyment it had.

After teasing the dragon marten for a while, Su You gradually felt a little sleepy.

She yawned lazily, and then glanced casually outside the window - the originally dark sky was dotted with fluorescent lights and filled with stars.

As Yao Guang said, tonight is indeed a very good weather.

Perhaps because of seeing such a beautiful scene, Su You had a rare and comfortable sleep tonight. Even the scene he saw in his dream was full of flowers, and the peaceful and beautiful scene was intoxicating.

But after waking up, Su You found that she couldn't remember anything.

She only knew that she seemed to have had a very beautiful dream last night...

After waking up from the dream and returning to reality, Su You sorted out her thoughts and then started busy with today's affairs.

Because she will leave for the Mermaid Clan tomorrow, Su You is the busiest today. She needs to prepare everything, and she also needs to arrange everything a few days in advance, because she is not sure where she will go on this trip. How many days will it take to come back?

In the morning, Su You spent all the time in advance to deal with the daily tasks of the territory for the next few days, and then met with several people, such as Lake, Baiji, Dolly, Meike, Qiuhe, etc... She was happy with everyone. They arranged things separately, but because after she left, everything was random and unpredictable, so her arrangements could only be used as a reference, and they still had to be flexible on their own.

However, Su You believed that they could do everything well and manage the entire territory during the time they were away from the territory.

This time's departure was not only for the mermaid clan's affairs, but also as an opportunity for Su You to train them.

After all matters were dealt with, Suyou went to the medical clinic to get the potion made by Vivian, and went to the sewing shop to get the diving suit prepared by Dori. Finally, she went to other stores and warehouses to prepare a large number of supplies that might be needed under the sea. She didn't stop collecting supplies until her backpack was full.

In other words, Su You had upgraded her backpack to level five not long ago, giving her a full hundred grids of space, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to hold so many kinds of things.

But it's not over yet.

Because in addition to these supplies, Suyou also got Doli and with the help of Feiya, she completed the first batch of fourth-level space bags.

Although there are only two level four space bags, each space bag has a full twenty grids of space.

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