Two level four space bags, that's forty grids of space, plus Su You's one hundred, this is a lot of things to carry.

However, Su You was not prepared to bring these two level four space bags to herself.

She brought the supplies not for herself, but for others. Otherwise, how could she need so many supplies by herself?

There are so many potions and equipment in her backpack that she can't use herself, they are all prepared for other people.

If other people could bring things, Su You wouldn't have to bring so much, so the space bag must still be given to others.

But there are only two fourth-level space bags, so it becomes a question of who to give them to. After some thinking, Su You chose to hand one of the space bags to Vivian. The ownership of the other space bag will be decided tomorrow when everyone is gathered. .

The reason for Vivian is simple. She is a wet nurse and a doctor. She needs to carry the most things, including various herbal medicines, various potions, and even pharmaceutical products.

Suyou had heard her complain about the insufficient level three space packs before, but there was no better one at that time. Vivian just said casually, now that there is a better one, naturally she will hand it over as soon as possible. give her.

In addition to the fourth-level space packs, Su You also distributed space packs to everyone who participated in this operation. At best, everyone had a second-level space pack with five grid spaces.

On the one hand, she did this because this trip was indeed dangerous. After all, it was not Suyou's own territory. She was worried that there would be places that she could not take care of, so the space package given to each of them was actually equivalent to giving them a safety guarantee.

Of course, the most important reason is that more than [-]% of the people participating in this operation are residents of the territory, and they are all residents with full loyalty, so Su You can naturally hand over things to them with confidence.

As for the remaining [-]%, although they are not residents, they are people who have participated in many territorial operations. Several of them are interested in joining the Sunset Territory, but for various reasons...mostly because of family The reason is that they have no way to leave their original territory.

However, because of their close relationship with the territory, Su You can also see these people's attitudes and thoughts towards the territory. Their attitudes towards the territory are undoubtedly very good, so Su You can rest assured to let them participate in this operation, and also Give them something as important as the space package.

Not to mention how surprised these people were after getting the space bag, but Suyou was stunned for several seconds when he saw the inexplicable appearance of Sanjou joining the territory.

[Wanderer 'Dillo' applied to join the territory, do you agree? 】

[The wanderer 'Como' applied to join the territory, do you agree? 】

[Wanderer 'Jiuyue' applied to join the territory, do you agree? 】


Among the three people, Di Luo was not mentioned. This was the resident she recruited, and it also triggered the event of joining the territory directly, so it was not surprising that Su You received the application when she arrived in the territory.

As for the other two people, Como and Jiuyue both participated in the operation to the mermaid tribe, and they had also participated in the operation to clean up the sea area before. As for the operation to clean up the pollution sources, Jiuyue participated, but Como did not.

From this point of view, these two people can be regarded as 'elders'.

Jiuyue is a ranger, and her strength level has reached an advanced bottleneck. Her professional characteristics are somewhat similar to that of Duoya, an archer. However, her weapon is not a bow and arrow, but a hand-held repeating crossbow that is similar to a bow and arrow.Como is a master swordsman, and as the name suggests, he is a combatant who uses swords as weapons.

The joining of these two people is undoubtedly one...two pieces of good news!

If you include the arrival of Di Luo, then this is exactly three blessings.

Suyou agreed to the three people's application to join the territory, then opened the territory map and took a look, finding Di Luo's current location - the enchantment shop.

After confirming the location, Suyou brought the gift she had prepared before, suitable for a puppet master, to give to Di Luo.

At the entrance of the enchantment shop, a child was struggling to walk towards the door while holding something bigger than his head.

Seeing this, Su You simply went over and took the things.

"Who? Ah... Lord, why are you here!" Qiuyang was startled at first, and subconsciously wanted to ask who took his things, but when he looked back, he found that it was Su You, with a smile on his face. He laughed immediately.

"Come here to find someone." Su You simply replied, then she looked at the skull in her hand, and after a few seconds of silence asked, "What is this, did Cai Qi ask you to get it? Is this what he usually teaches you?" "

The Cai Qi in Su You's mouth is the name of the owner of the enchantment shop. He is also an enchanter and the teacher Su You found for Qiu Yang.

The meaning of Su You's words is very simple. She sent Qiuyang here to learn enchantment, not to do these things.

You must know that Cai Qi is not a teacher for nothing. In order for him to teach Qiu Yang, Su You made an exception and increased the time he rented the store, and the rent remained unchanged.

So although there was no direct monetary transaction, Cai Qi gained a lot from it. The rent saved alone was enough for Su You to find several enchantment teachers for Qiu Yang.

Facing Su You's questioning, Qiu Yang's face stiffened, and then he lowered his head pretending to be calm: "No, I'm going to get it myself. There are customers in the store who want to customize things. Mr. Cai said this involves privacy."

Although Qiu Yang's acting skills are considered good among his peers, how could Su You, an adult, not be able to read the thoughts of a child like him?
There must be other issues involved.

It's just that Qiuyang didn't seem to want to say it... maybe he thought it would trouble Suyou if he said it, because from his perspective, Suyou had already helped the two brothers and sisters a lot. If he had to trouble her even with their studies, That would be even more embarrassing.

Su You could guess what he was thinking, so she spoke bluntly: "Qiu Yang, you have to know that you are here to study. Cai Qi also paid tuition, and he has the obligation to teach you well."

"If you are unable to study well because he failed to fulfill his responsibility as a teacher, this is the most troublesome thing."

Qiu Yang didn't realize what the lord's words meant at first. After he understood it, he raised his head and recounted the recent events in detail.

"Mr. Cai was very good at the beginning. He taught me all the enchanting knowledge seriously and I learned a lot. But more than ten days ago, when I was about to start learning enchanting techniques, he suddenly changed his appearance. ..." Qiu Yang is a child after all. He doesn't have much money and can easily be fooled.

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