Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 602 602 Hiding Secrets

His learning progress has always been arranged by Cai Qi. At that time, he thought that he had learned all the basic knowledge and could start to really deal with the skills related to enchantment. However, Cai Qi asked him to let him go because he was not proficient in the basics. Continue to lay the foundation.

Although Qiu Yang is not a simple child who just believes what others say, after all, Cai Qi is the only adult he knows in this territory besides the bounty group, Su You, and Vivian, and he is also his teacher... …

The superposition of multiple layers of filters allowed Qiu Yang to be successfully deceived by Cai Qi. At that time, he really thought that his foundation was not solid and there were some other contents that he had ignored, so he could not learn real enchantment. skill.

Until a few days ago, when Cai Qi asked him to get something, Qiu Yang came back a little early because he didn't find where the thing was, and then he happened to overhear the conversation between Cai Qi and a guest——

"Hey, Boss Cai, where is your little apprentice?"

"Let's get the things. A stupid guy must be diligent, otherwise I won't keep him."

"You can't say that. I see that your apprentice is quite attentive to you. I've seen him studying a few times before. With such a hard-working apprentice, it's okay to be stupid. Isn't that what the saying goes... Diligence can make up for clumsiness!"

"Huh, it's just a crooked way. The foundation has not been laid well. They just hang around me all day long and want to steal their lessons. I don't have such evil-minded disciples!"

"..." When the guest heard what Cai Qi said, he felt something was wrong, because this was obviously not something a normal master would say.

If Cai Qi's first words can be regarded as a joke or ridicule, then this sentence can basically make people sure that he dislikes Qiu Yang very much.

"Haha... Let's not mention this anymore. Have I finished the enchanted weapon before..." The guest changed the topic and was not prepared to continue the conversation. Cai Qi probably felt that Qiu Yang was about to come back, so he did not continue.


"Lord, I am really studying the knowledge of enchantment very seriously. I have never thought of secretly learning Mr. Cai's skills..." After telling Su You about this, Qiu Yang said to Su You seriously. You explain Cai Qi’s misunderstanding of him.

Su You glanced at him: "Cai Qi is talking nonsense, you don't need to explain, just be yourself."

Su You didn't understand Qiu Yang's character, but Su You knew how hard Qiu Yue worked and how good she was.

After all, this is something that even the tough-tongued Vivian can't help but praise. The brother and sister basically have the same temperament. Qiuyue is so good, Qiuyang can't be any worse.

What's more, Cai Qi has a lot of thoughts, which she discovered as early as when she signed the shop lease contract with him.

Otherwise, she would not let Qiuyang take the two courses of enchantment and hidden weapons at the same time. This is mainly because after he learns hidden weapons, he can have a certain ability to protect himself. Otherwise, Su You would really not worry about such a child being exposed to such a person. Study alone around you.

However, it seems from now on that although Cai Qi is indeed full of bad intentions, he is not as courageous as imagined.

After all, he didn't even dare to say bad things about Qiu Yang in front of him, he could only say it secretly, and he was afraid that Qiu Yang would find out.

But the fact that Cai Qi hides his secrets and refuses to educate him has nothing to do with his courage. Since he dares to bully Qiuyang, dares to play tricks in front of Su You, and does what he does on the surface and behind his back, Su You is sure He needs to be taught a lesson.As for Qiu Yang's enchantment learning, Su You decided to put it aside first.

Anyway, he won't learn anything from this kind of teacher. Even if Cai Qi teaches Cai Qi a lesson this time, there is no guarantee that he will hold a grudge and do something to Qiu Yang, or he will directly mislead his disciples and teach indiscriminately.

Rather than wasting time, it would be better for him to continue learning from Jing Que.

Thinking of this, Su You already had some ideas in her mind, but before that, she had to resolve Cai Qi's matter.

While talking to Qiu Yang, they had already been delayed at the door for about ten minutes. Cai Qi, who was waiting for the materials in the enchantment shop, was already a little impatient.

It's just that there is a guest in front of him, so he can't get angry. He can only continue to wait patiently, apologize, and complain about Qiuyang.

Fortunately, this customer seemed to be easy to talk to. Although she had been waiting for more than ten minutes, she did not show any signs of being impatient, but...

Cai Qi couldn't help but feel a chill down her back when she looked at this guest's strange dress and the messy dark-toned and odd-material decorations on her body.

Recalling that after this customer entered the store, he said that he wanted to use good skulls as enchanting materials... Some not-so-good pictures emerged in Cai Qi's mind, and he suddenly felt that his legs were a little weak. , but when he thought about the large amount of deposit, he felt that the business had to be done!
After about three to five minutes, Qiuyang came back.

"What's wrong with you? You can't even pick up anything! You've been here for such a long time. Did you sneak away somewhere to play?!" Because of the angle, Cai Qi only saw Qiuyang with empty hands. , and did not see Su You behind Qiu Yang.

When he saw that Qiu Yang not only didn't get anything back, but also wasted so much time, he couldn't help but feel a little angry, so he scolded him directly.

Only halfway through these two sentences, he saw Su You appearing behind Qiu Yang, and also saw the skull in Su You's hand.

When he saw Su You, Cai Qi was startled, his mind went blank, and he couldn't say a single word of the original reprimand.

The atmosphere became a little weird for a moment. After a few seconds, the first person to break the weird atmosphere was the guest who had been waiting for a long time.

"Boss, what this lady is holding should be the enchanting materials I need, right? Can I start enchanting?" The customer said calmly, as if he didn't feel the unusual atmosphere at all.

Cai Qi unconsciously wiped the sweat from his forehead. At this time, he thought of the high reward promised by this guest. For a moment, he forgot to think about whether the words he just said were appropriate and whether they were used by Su You. hear.

Of course, the most important thing is whether Su You will be dissatisfied if he leaves Qiu Yang and lets him run errands as a child.

He nervously greeted Su You and pointed at the thing in her hand.

Su You was not prepared to cause trouble in front of others, and this thing originally belonged to Cai Qi, so she would not take it as her own.

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