Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 603 603 The contract is void

So Su You took two steps closer, placed the skull directly in front of Cai Qi, and then found a seat in the store to sit down.

"Qiuyang, come and sit with us." Su You was not polite at all, as if she regarded the enchantment shop as her own.

Qiu Yang knew her identity, so he naturally didn't think there was anything wrong with Su You's behavior.

Cai Qi actually had the same idea. He just thought that Su You wanted to come over to see how Qiuyang was studying, so he didn't care.

But the only person in the store who didn't know Su You's identity didn't think so. She stared at the movements of Cai Qi's hands for a while, then handed over the bracelet she needed to enchant, and finally turned her head to observe Su You's every move. .

Su You naturally noticed that she was looking at him, but he just looked up at her and smiled, without speaking or paying attention.

After half an hour...

Cai Qi held her perfectly enchanted bracelet, her hands trembling with excitement.

"Guest, congratulations, this is the smoothest enchantment I've done in recent times!" Cai Qi kept talking about the perfection of the enchantment this time while secretly observing the guest's expression.

Under normal circumstances, if someone knows that the effect of their enchanted thing is perfect, they should feel very happy, and even get some additional rewards for the perfect enchantment, but the guest in front of him still looks calm... To be precise, she has had this look since she entered the store.

If Cai Qi were a person in the real world, then he would definitely know that there is a word that is very suitable to describe this guest, and that is 'facial paralysis'.

"Well, it's good." The customer took the bracelet, paid the subsequent fees, and then put the bracelet on his hand without even looking at it carefully.

Cai Qi burst out laughing when he saw Qian. Facing this kind of God of Wealth, his attitude has always been very good and considerate.

So when he saw that this guest actually brought the newly enchanted item directly, he couldn't help but kindly reminded him: "This guest, after all, this is an enchantment based on the remains of dark creatures. The dark elements on it are Quite a bit, this is just after the enchanting, when the elemental fluctuations are the strongest..."

"I know, thank you for reminding me." The guest said that she knew, but she still did not take off the bracelet. Cai Qi stopped talking when she saw this. Anyway, he had already reminded him. Whether he listened or not was someone else's business. I can't find anything wrong with him.

However, although this customer has a somewhat eccentric temperament, the best thing about her is that she is generous and pays readily.

After getting the bracelet, the other party directly paid the balance of the last gold coin.

Cai Qixiao was overjoyed after receiving the gold coins, but soon he remembered the existence of Qiu Yang and Su You...

Because the customer had already left the enchantment shop and no new customers had arrived, Cai Qi said hello to Su You after collecting the money, and then began to ask her about the purpose of her trip.

"Why did Lord Su come to the shop free?" Cai Qi didn't know that Su You was here to find someone, but he couldn't think of any other reason, so he could only think that Su You came for Qiu Yang. "Come and take a look." Su You didn't say what she was here for, she just looked around and then moved her eyes to Cai Qi.

Cai Qi broke into a cold sweat at the sight.

"Are you here to see Xiaoyang's study progress?" At this point, he couldn't help but feel guilty, because he knew best about his regret and hiding his secrets. Although he had deceived Qiuyang, he knew that, The Lord Su in front of him is not easy to fool.

If Lord Su knew what he had said to Qiu Yang before, he would be doomed!
However, when he thought about how attentive Qiuyang was to him, he didn't quite think that Qiuyang would doubt him and tell Suyou what he had said to him before.

Although Cai Qi complained to the guests about Qiu Yang's bad performance, in fact he knew best how Qiu Yang was performing. He also knew that Qiu Yang was not a snitch, nor was he willing to take the initiative to trouble Lord Su. , otherwise Lord Su would not have come to visit today.

It can also be seen from this that after this period of time, Cai Qi can be said to have figured out Qiu Yang's temperament, but unfortunately, his luck was not very good, and Su You happened to bump into him and ordered Qiu Yang to do so. Yang things.

But at this time, Cai Qi didn't know that Su You had learned everything from Qiu Yang, so after he finished the previous sentence, he started to praise Qiu Yang.

"Xiaoyang is a good candidate for learning enchantment. He works hard and has a solid foundation. I don't think I was as fast as him when I learned enchantment..." It's unclear whether Cai Qi's praise is true or false, but he In fact, this sentence was not meant for Su You to hear, but for Qiu Yang.

By praising Qiu Yang, he wanted to make him forget the things he had done before. He didn't need to forget them completely, he just needed not to mention them when Su You was around.

"I didn't expect Qiu Yang to be so good... Since he is so good, why hasn't he entered into the formal study of enchantment skills for so long?" Su You looked at Cai Qi with a half-smile, and directly used his words to praise Qiu Yang. rhetorical question.

"Uh... that's it, Xiaoyang..." Cai Qi was choked, but then quickly found another excuse, but Su You knew that he was trying to quibble, so naturally she wasn't going to waste it. Time is here to listen to his quibbles.

"What's wrong with him?" Su You looked at him with a smile on her face, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, and it made people feel a chill rising inexplicably.

Cai Qi was so frightened by her that he broke into a cold sweat. All the excuses he had constructed in his mind disappeared without a trace. At this time, he had already begun to think about whether Su You already knew something...

"I won't tell you any more nonsense. Seeing that you have done your best in teaching Qiu Yang, I won't argue with you about this matter..." Su You's words can be said to be direct. It showed that she already knew everything, but she originally wanted to tell everything openly, so it was good to be more direct.

"However, the previously agreed contract to extend the lease time of the shop is invalid." This contract was originally intended as a reward for Cai Qi to teach Qiu Yang's enchantment skills, but since Cai Qi did not teach Qiu Yang well, it is normal for the contract to be revoked.

As for the teaching expenses during this period, Su You will make up for it later on from the rent.

But she couldn't make up much money. After all, she hadn't considered the fact that he treated Qiu Yang as his assistant, so the small amount was treated as wages for Qiu Yang.

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