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Chapter 604 604 The closed training ground

"No! Lord Su, you can't break the contract!" Cai Qi was a little panicked, and he hurriedly said: "You can't accuse me wrongly. I have taught Qiu Yang seriously, but this child's own foundation is not solid. If Start learning enchantment now, and the road ahead will only be harder..."

Cai Qi's excuse was very good, but coupled with his eagerness to explain, anyone could see the problem, not to mention the two people in front of him who had already seen through him.

Even Qiu Yang, who had always respected and admired him, was not prepared to believe a word he said, let alone Su You, who already knew his true nature.

"Okay, stop pretending in front of me. Don't you think what you said is inconsistent?" Su You looked at Cai Qi and sneered, then took out a pen and paper and started writing a certificate to cancel the previous store contract.

After writing two copies of the same content, Su You handed the two pieces of paper to Cai Qi.

Seeing Cai Qi's unwillingness to sign, Su You directly threw the certificate in front of him, and then said coldly: "I don't care if you want to hide your secrets. I just wanted you to teach Qiu Yang the basics. Your Keep your private skills for yourself, no one cares about you."

Su You really doesn't care about the so-called exclusive skills. She knows too many good things. If she didn't have so much time and energy, and she hasn't practiced her enchanting skills here yet, otherwise she would Everyone can become a teacher.

And he is also a full-time teacher.

"You don't have to teach those original things, but you can't even do the simplest tasks as a teacher and bully a child who is less than ten years old... You don't really think that you are the only enchanter in the territory, do you? ?”

Although enchanters are rare, they are far less rare than magicians. There are several magicians in the Sunset Territory, and there are naturally many enchanters.
  It's just that they are only staying in the territory temporarily and have no intention of joining. Su You has never been in contact with them and does not understand their nature, so she did not find them as Qiu Yang's teachers.

But with the current scale of the Sunset Territory, it would not be difficult for Su You to recruit an enchanter, but it would just require paying some conditions.

There are many reasons why she chose Cai Qi as Qiuyang's teacher. One is that Cai Qi is really good, and the other is that Cai Qi has a store in the territory, which is equivalent to having a handle in Su You's hands, and others can't escape. , so Su You felt relieved to leave the person to him.

But if you ignore the second condition, Cai Qi really has no competitiveness compared to other enchanters.

He could have used the opportunity of becoming Qiu Yang's teacher to benefit himself. As long as he taught well, Su You was not a stingy person.

From now on, it is only a matter of time before his enchantment shop becomes the largest and most famous enchantment shop in the Sunset Territory, and Su You will be a little more lenient with him because he is Qiuyang's teacher.

Unfortunately, Cai Qi is still too short-sighted.

He only thought that teaching Qiu Yang might threaten his position. He was worried that after Su You trained Qiu Yang, whom he could trust, she would help Qiu Yang compete with him for the enchantment shop business.

He didn't want the situation of "teaching apprentices and starving masters to death" to happen.

In fact, what he was thinking was not impossible, but he never thought that Qiuyang was only less than ten years old. When he grew up to the age where he could open his own shop, it would be at least seven or eight years later...

If seven or eight years is not enough time for him to establish a foothold in a territory, isn't it his own problem?



In the end, Cai Qi signed the certificate of termination of the contract.

His reluctance was useless, because he had already thought clearly about it later. Even if he refused to sign, it would be useless. This was someone else's territory, someone else's territory, and he couldn't beat Su You. . The most important thing is that this matter was originally his fault, so even if he wanted to make the matter worse and use other means to make Su You compromise, it was impossible.

But if he insists on refusing to sign, it is not impossible, but he will not want to do business well in the future.

You must know that this store still has more than a year to expire. If he falls out with Su You now, he will not be able to do business for more than a year.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Cai Qi made the choice that was most beneficial to him...but he knew best in his heart that even the most beneficial choice was far less than what he had given up.

But now that it had happened, it was too late for him to regret it.

After Cai Qi signed his name and the certificate came into effect, Su You tore up the contract with the shop that he had signed before, and then left the enchantment shop with Qiu Yang.

"Put the study of enchantment aside for now. I will find a better enchantment teacher for you after a while." Su You said calmly as she looked at Qiuyang.

Qiuyang nodded and didn't say that he didn't want to learn. He originally loved learning, but he was unlucky and met an irresponsible teacher.

If it were a normal person, Qiuyang would have started formal studies like Qiuyue.

"During that period... Lord, you can arrange for me to do whatever you have to do." During this period of time when he is not learning enchantment, Qiuyang will definitely be very leisurely, but he is not willing to be idle, because he knows that in this On the continent, only the most powerful people or the most useless people will be idle.

He's clearly not the former, but he doesn't want to be the latter either.

"Don't worry, you won't be able to take any time off during this period of time." Su You had actually already thought about what he wanted Qiu Yang to do during this free time.

But before that, she still needs to ask Qiu Yang's opinion, because he will have to suffer a lot for what she wants Qiu Yang to do.

"I'll take you to a place first. You can tell me the answer after you look at it." After saying that, Su You didn't wait for Qiuyang's reaction and took him directly to the training ground in the territory.



The territorial training ground is usually open, but many people found that the training ground was closed today.

Although everyone rarely goes to the training ground since the monster spawning tower was established. After all, the monster spawning tower is more suitable for them to accumulate practical experience, but many people still come to the training ground occasionally to practice their newly learned moves, or to Compete against each other here.

But now that the training ground is closed, they have no way to use it.

"Why is this training ground closed? I'm still thinking of finding someone to compete with!"

"Speaking of which, I seem to have seen a lot of people entering the training ground this morning... Why can't we get in now?" Someone stood at the door and whispered to his companions.

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