Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 605 605 Enchantment Master

The other party didn't know if he had thought of something, so he pulled him away directly: "Whatever, if you don't open it, don't open it. Let's go, let's go, let's go to the monster spawning tower for a couple of laps today."

When no one noticed, two people quietly entered the training ground from the back door, and these two people were Su You and Qiu Yang.

Qiuyang didn't know why Su You brought him here at first, and because he also heard those people's conversations, he was also curious about why the good training ground was suddenly closed...until he was told by Su You After entering the training ground, he saw everything inside, and then he vaguely understood something.

At this time, the training ground is no longer what it was before. It is full of various devices and equipment, some of which Qiuyang recognizes, such as sandbags and wooden stakes, but more of which he has never heard of. stuff.

In addition to these facilities, Qiu Yang also saw many people here, both men and women. They all seemed to be doing some kind of strange training... At least in Qiu Yang's view, this was very strange.

Although it is strange, these people are very serious about their work.

Even if they noticed the arrival of Su You and Qiu Yang, they only glanced at them with their peripheral vision, and then continued to concentrate on the matter at hand.

In addition, Qiu Yang also discovered another acquaintance here, Jing Que.

After all, Jing Que was his teacher in the hidden weapons course, so it was impossible for him not to recognize him.

Although this teacher is usually cold and hard to talk to, Qiuyang has always felt that Teacher Jingque would be better than Mr. Cai.

Because every time he had a question, Teacher Jingque would answer it seriously without any hint of impatience.

But Mr. Cai is different. He always... Forget it, he is no longer his teacher, so I won't mention the past.

"You continue training and don't worry about us." Su You saw that Jing Que wanted to come over and asked, so she said directly.

Jing Que nodded after hearing this and did not continue walking in the direction of Su You. Instead, she glanced at Qiu Yang beside her, and then continued to supervise the training of these people.

Qiu Yang looked at these people for a long time, watching how they continued to persevere even though they were so tired that they could hardly breathe. Even though he didn't do this, he couldn't help but sweat on his forehead and his breathing became faster. The whole person entered a tense state.

He seemed to have guessed what the Lord Lord meant before... She wanted to send him here for training.

"Qiuyang, you are very smart. You should have guessed what I want you to do. If you are willing, this will be your future training life." Of course, considering that he is only a child, his abilities in all aspects are definitely not as good as those of adults. , so he will definitely not be trained according to adult standards.

Regarding this point, Jing Que and Fei He must also have a sense of proportion. After all, they have been training since childhood and know best what to do.

"I..." To be honest, Qiu Yang really wanted to say that he was willing to participate in training, but he couldn't say this.

Maybe it was because the ferocious looks of these people during training scared him, or maybe it was because of other reasons, but in any case, he hesitated.

"You don't need to give me an answer right away. You can think about it carefully. Even if you don't participate in the training, Jing Que will still teach you courses related to concealed weapons." Su You was not surprised by Qiuyang's hesitation. No blame meant.

Not to mention a child like Qiu Yang, even adults may not be able to withstand the torture caused by this kind of training, so even if Qiu Yang refuses, Su You won't feel anything wrong. If he doesn't want to, he can train as a pure enchanter in the future.

But if he is willing, then there is a high probability that the Sunset Territory will have an ‘enchantment master’ in the future.

Enchanter is a mutated branch of enchanter. The condition for changing profession is that the resident must not only be an enchanter, but also need to have a proficient combat skill.

Mastery here does not mean that the level must be fully upgraded, but that one only needs to complete the basic and advanced courses of a combat profession and upgrade the skills to a minimum level of junior bottleneck.

Qiu Yang has both hidden weapon and enchantment talents. Although the values ​​​​are not high, he still has a chance to become an enchantment weapon master.

"If you don't want to, then learn enchanting in the future. Hidden weapons are just for self-defense..." Qiuyang's enchantment value is still a little low, with only a data of [-]. Without acquired influence, he has the most path. You can only go as far as the advanced enchanter.

Moreover, this would take a long, long time, and he would have to focus exclusively on learning enchantments, instead of learning hidden weapons and enchantments at the same time. This is what Su You meant when he said that hidden weapons are only for self-defense.

But this is not the case if you take the path of the enchanted weapon master. Because the enchanted weapon master requires combat and enchanting talents, its job transfer conditions are high, but the difficulty of upgrading is not very high.

Because the upgrade of combat skills can assist the upgrade of enchanting skills, similarly, the upgrade of enchantment skills can also improve the level of combat skills. The two improve each other... This is equivalent to doing one thing to improve the experience of two skills and obtaining double skills. grade.

But the sooner you change jobs, the better.

There is a limit to the number of times everyone can change jobs. The earlier the job change occurs, the higher the success rate.

This is the reason why Su You wants Qiu Yang to train, so that he can master a combat skill as quickly as possible and raise his level to the primary bottleneck.

"Um... Lord, I want to know what an enchantment master is." Qiuyang has actually already thought about it. He wants to participate in the training.

But he wasn't ready yet.

He couldn't give an answer because he was too nervous, so he wanted to distract himself first and also wanted to know more about the enchantment master, which was his future career, so he asked this question.

"The Enchanter is actually similar to the Enchanter..." The Enchanter's ability is to add special effects to various equipment, such as attack bonus, defense bonus, special effect bonus, etc.

The enchanter can also do this, and he can also enchant these equipment.

But in addition to this ability, the enchanter's most powerful ability is that he can enchant the surrounding things during combat.

"If you choose to become an enchantment master, you must master a combat profession as soon as possible, and because of the special nature of the enchantment master, you may have more time to go out in the future."

After entering the battle, the enchanter can directly enchant the equipment of other teammates during the battle.

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