Although this kind of enchantment is time-effective, the effect is far greater than the permanent enchantment attached to the equipment by ordinary enchanters.

To put it bluntly, this profession is actually similar to the bard, both are auxiliary professions.

It's just that the bard's auxiliary object is people, while the enchanter's auxiliary object is equipment.

"I...I understand, I want..." Qiuyang stumbled like a child who had just learned to speak. He tried to calm himself down. He stroked his chest with slightly trembling hands, trying to calm himself down.

After about a minute, he slowly said: "I want to become an excellent enchanter!"

At this time, Qiuyang no longer looked hesitant. His eyes were firm, as if he had made some important decision.

Su You was very happy and pleased that he would make this choice. After all, if he chose to become an enchantment master, it would be a good thing for him personally and for the entire territory.

Enchanters are easy to find, but enchanters are not so easy to find.

This is not only a requirement for dual talents, but also the props for job transfer are also rare.

If Su You hadn't happened to find a universal job-changing item in the treasure chest obtained by upgrading the territory, it would have been almost impossible for Qiu Yang to become an enchantment master.

"I'm very happy that you can make this decision. If so, then you can come over tomorrow and Jing Que will make some arrangements for you. You just need to learn from her as before."

Qiu Yang was obviously very happy to hear that Jing Que was still his teacher, because he didn't want to meet another irresponsible and petty teacher like Cai Qi.

"I understand. Don't worry, Lord, I will definitely learn from Teacher Jingque." Qiuyang made a decisive promise to Su You. His eyes and attitude were very firm, and he could be seen at a glance. It is determined to do this.

After saying this, Qiu Yang recalled what Su You had just said and couldn't help but ask: "Should I start joining their training tomorrow? In fact, I can do it today. I can bear it."

Su You knew what Qiu Yang was thinking, which was that he felt uneasy when he was free, because he felt that he owed Su You too much, so he wanted to improve himself as soon as possible.

"No, today is an experimental training for these people. You may not see the same people tomorrow." Su You didn't know whether these people here would choose to persevere after experiencing today's cruel training, but Qiu You There is no need for Yang to participate in today's training, it is not suitable for him at all.

"Oh, okay..." Qiuyang didn't quite understand the meaning of Su You's words, but he also knew that training would start tomorrow.

"If you want to take a look here, it's okay. Let the magpie take you. Be careful, stay away from the equipment, and stay away from those people." Although training has not started today, look at these people The training process is also good, so that Qiuyang can be mentally prepared and know what he may experience tomorrow.

"Okay, then I'll stay here and watch. Don't worry, I won't run around." Qiu Yang had nothing to do, so after hearing what Su You said, he naturally stayed here.

Su You glanced at him, then told Jing Que about the matter, and then added in her confused and complicated eyes: "I know that you are actually very soft-hearted and don't want others to go through what you went through when you were a child. , but Qiuyang's situation is different from yours. You went through those things to better become a tool of the organization, but he did it for himself."

"I understand." Jing Que also realized at this time that he had thought wrong. She knew very well how cruel what she experienced as a child was, so she subconsciously couldn't understand why Su You would treat a child like this.

Although the child was older than she was at the time, he was still a child.

But Su You was right. Both she and Fei He were trained as tools of the organization, but Qiu Yang was different. He did it so that he could become stronger and have a better life on the mainland.

The purpose is different, even if the process is the same, it is different.

Thinking of this, Jing Que inexplicably felt a little envious... She might be envious of Qiuyang. Although like her, he lost his parents when he was young, he was luckier than himself because he met Su You, so everything he did It can all be for yourself.

Qiuyue is the same.

Su You watched the change in her expression and vaguely guessed something.

She waved her hand in front of the entranced man, and then spoke under the slightly confused and confused gaze of Jing Que: "The past is in the past. Living the present well and preparing for the future is the most important thing."

Jing Que is not a sentimental person to begin with...and even if she is a sentimental person, her blood has already cooled down long ago under such ruthless and cruel education and being stained with so much blood.

It was just that today's events reminded her of herself, and the life in the Sunset Territory during this period of time allowed her to gradually integrate into a normal human environment, and her thoughts gradually changed, so she couldn't help but feel slightly sentimental for a while.

"Thank you Lord for your concern, I'm fine." Jing Que knew that Su You was concerned about him and knew that what she said was right, so he just thanked her and didn't say anything else.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you and Feihe. I'll leave first... By the way, Qiuyang said he wanted to stay and take a look, but he is still very obedient, but you should take care of him a little bit." Obedient means It's the same thing, but after all, we are training here and it is quite dangerous. It would be bad if we accidentally get hurt.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of him." Strictly speaking, Qiuyang is Jingque's first student. Jingque is very satisfied with his attitude towards learning, so naturally he has a lot of respect for him as a person. She has a good impression, and now she has to take care of him, and she doesn't mind.

After handing Qiu Yang over to Jing Que, Su You left here directly.

If she didn't have other things to do, she would actually like to stay here and watch their training...

However, Su You didn't forget that the reason why she went to the enchantment shop before was because Di Luo was there, but she was later delayed because of Qiu Yang and Cai Qi's affairs.

But having said that, Su You has actually met Di Luo.

Because she was the generous but somewhat eccentric guest that Cai Qi received before.

It was precisely because she knew that this person was Di Luo that Su You didn't have any doubts about her need to use a strange enchanting material like a skull.

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