Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 607 607 Inviting Ning Shi

But now, Su You took a look and found that Di Luo's current location was the monster spawning tower.

Judging from her action records, she should have gone directly to the monster spawning tower after leaving the enchantment shop, and has not left until now. As expected, she should have grabbed a room in the monster spawning tower, so she has been there all the time. Practice fighting inside.


A few minutes later, Su You arrived at the monster spawning tower.

Su You came to the monster spawning tower to find Di Luo, but what she didn't expect was that she hadn't seen Di Luo yet, but she actually met another person here who needed to be found later - Ning Shi.

Ning Shi seemed to have just come out of the room in the monster spawning tower. She looked a little tired, and the gem on the top of the staff in her hand also looked a little gray.

Just when Su You was thinking about saying hello, Ning Shi had already seen her.

"Lord Su." Ning Shi took the initiative and walked towards Su You's direction.

Su You responded in kind, and then politely asked her why she came to the monster spawning tower.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely come to the monster spawning tower to train themselves, but Ning Shi is a light magician, and the skeleton monsters in the monster spawning tower belong to the dark type and have natural restraint. In addition, the skeletons themselves are not that powerful. Monsters, so even if she went to the fourth floor, the monsters on it were no threat to her.

If that's the case, it seems strange that she's here.

However, Ning Shi did not hide her purpose of coming here. When Su You asked, she answered directly: "I came here to try out the skill book you gave me before, Lord Su."

It turned out that he was here to try out his skills... no wonder.

Suyou: "How do you feel?"

Ning Shi smiled and thanked Su You again.

"Thank you Lord Su for this skill book. It's very useful."

Group milk plus group injury, it’s strange that it doesn’t work well.

However, even the most useful skill must have shortcomings. For example, the disadvantage of this skill is that it consumes a lot of energy. This is why Su You saw that Ning Shi was not in a good state.

"Lord Su must have something to do when he comes here, so I won't disturb him." After chatting for a few words, Ning Shi was ready to leave.

She could see that Su You came here because of something. Similarly, she was also a little weak from trying out new skills, so she now wanted to go back and rest early.

"Wait a minute, I did have other things to do when I came here, but I just happened to meet you, and I also have something to tell you..." The thing Su You said was actually inviting Ning Shi to follow him to the Mermaid Clan tomorrow.

Su You was busy with other things these past two days and didn't go out much, so she didn't meet Ning Shi, so naturally she didn't ask her about it.

I originally planned to ask Ning Shi later, but now that I happened to meet him, I could ask him by the way.

"If Lord Su needs help, Ning Shi will naturally come... It just so happens that I also want to see how deep the conflict between mermaids and fishmen is in the legend."

Although Ning Shi's words obviously meant that this trip to the mermaid clan was just for fun, Su You didn't mind, as long as she was willing to go, the purpose was not important.

"When will we set off? I'll be ready." Su You told her the time and place for the meeting, and then watched her leave the monster spawning tower.

After that, Su You waited in the monster spawning tower for Di Luo to come out, but she didn't wait too long. Less than half an hour after Ning Shi left, Su You saw Di Luo walking down the stairs.

Perhaps because the place where Su You sat was more conspicuous, and because they had met once before, Di Luo was somewhat curious about Su You, so she saw Su You at a glance.

After seeing Su You, Di Luo felt inexplicably that this person should be here to find him.

Even though they didn't know each other, she still had this idea. Di Luo couldn't quite understand it, but seeing Su You walking towards her direction seemed to prove that her feeling was correct.

"Hello, are you here to see me?" Di Luo looked at Su You, as if he wanted to see a flower on her face. Unfortunately, Su You managed her expression well, and she had nothing. figure it out.

There is only one piece of information she knows now, and that is that the woman in front of her seems to know the money-grubbing enchantment shop owner, and may have some relationship with him, but she doesn't know the details.

"Well, do you have time to chat in private? It won't take too long." There are many people and noisy people in the lobby of the monster spawning tower, which is obviously not a good place to chat.

Di Luo pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly: "I just came to the territory and am not familiar with it. You can choose a place."

If Su You was asked to choose a place, there would be only one answer - a tavern.



"So you are the lord, disrespectful." After Di Luo heard the person in front of her reveal his identity, she was a little surprised. After all, Su You could be said to be the youngest among all the lords she had ever seen.

However, Di Luo herself has a lot of experience. After her brief surprise, she didn't feel that there was any big problem. It is absolutely wrong to judge people simply by their appearance and their age.

She had seen a ten-year-old child being deceived, and then she spontaneously organized other victims to hang the cheater and beat him...

"I came to see you this time mainly because of one thing." Su You briefly summarized the affairs of the mermaid clan.

But she did not say that this was a conflict between the mermaids and the fishmen, but instead used the conflict between two 'unknown' organizations.

In addition to getting to know Di Luo, the other purpose of Su You's trip is to hope that she can also participate in this operation. Before she agrees to participate in the operation, Su You will definitely not expose the mermaid's affairs. from.

Di Luo felt a little baffled by Su You's invitation.

Although she knew that Su You was the lord of the territory, it was normal for her to invite someone to join her.

But the strange thing about this is that she is a person who has just joined the territory for less than a day. She should be completely unfamiliar with this territory and the territory with her.

And in her impression, she has never met Su You, let alone knows Su You, so Su You most likely does not know her.

Di Luo already found it strange to be able to take the initiative to find him. But now Su You wants to invite a completely unfamiliar person to participate in an action, and it is an action that sounds very important. This is obviously very strange. .

Di Luo adjusted his thoughts, then looked up at her: "Why did the lord choose to invite me to join? You should not be familiar with me, right?"

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