——A person who will go wherever there is fun.

But unlike Vivian, Vivian only watches when she sees the fun and usually doesn't interfere, but Di Luo does.

Perhaps because he has spent more time with puppets, things that have no emotions or humanity, Diluo's character has also faintly changed in this direction.

The way she behaves and deals with things is mainly based on her spontaneity.

There is no absolute good or evil in her eyes. As long as she doesn't like things, she will take action. Even if she is in a bad mood, she will take action... When she is in a good mood, she will take action.

The 'living puppet' thing that she and Su You mentioned before was actually a rumor spread by the other party in order to retaliate against her after she interfered in something.

Di Luo did not regret it. On the contrary, if she had not had to leave for some special reasons, she would have made this rumor a reality and made the person who spread the rumor a 'participant' in the process.

"It's actually a pair of silk gloves... This is really a good thing and a good gift..." Di Luo stroked the pair of gloves that had a faint icy blue color in the dark, but seemed transparent under the light. A smile appeared on her face unconsciously that she didn't even notice.

Puppet masters are actually like people who control puppets. All their moves are operated by their hands, so they, like restorers, take extra care of their hands.

During the battle, any unusual finger movements may have a huge impact on the outcome of the battle, so when they don't need to control the puppets, they will also choose to wear special gloves to protect their hands. .

This pair of silk gloves was made by Dori, and the raw material was provided by Luya.

Same silk is not a particularly precious treasure for the fishmen, but it is not a cheap thing either, so Luya does not give a lot, but it is still possible to make several pairs of small things like gloves.

After giving the same silk to Dori, she and Feiya studied for a day and a night, and then made a total of three pairs of gloves.

One of them is the one Suyou gave to Di Luo, and the other two are in the hands of Doli and Duoya respectively.

Dori is a restorer and she also needs to protect her hands. Suyou had said a long time ago that she would give her a better pair of gloves, and now it has come true.

As for Duaya, she is an archer, and archery requires extremely precise hand movements, so the gloves are also given to her to protect her hands.

Same silk is a purple-quality item, so the lowest level of items made from it as the main material will only be purple... Gloves are just daily necessities, and purple-quality daily necessities can really be said to be something that can be used for a lifetime.

Just like Di Luo's love for this pair of gloves, Dolly and Doya also cherished this pair of gloves.



The last day of preparation time was coming to an end soon. On the night of the last day, Su You came to Yao Guang's home again.

After Yao Guang saw her, he handed her a piece of paper without saying a word, then waved his hand, not even letting Su You in, and without saying a word, he closed the door to himself. , as if he was shutting out Su You.

Su You looked at the paper in her hand and didn't care about Yao Guang's obviously disrespectful attitude, because she just vaguely felt that Yao Guang's condition was not very good... But since she didn't ask for help, then This is probably something she can bear.

In this case, Su You didn't bother him, took what he wanted and left directly. After returning to the City Lord's Mansion, Su You unfolded the piece of paper that Yao Guang gave her. She thought it would be something relatively easy to understand, but she didn't expect that there was actually a whole side of it, with more than twenty people drawn on it. Astrology chart.

Su You frowned and looked at these astrology diagrams for a long time but couldn't see any problem... She was not an astrologer in the first place, so it was normal for her not to understand. She just didn't know why Yao Guang would give her this thing. I don’t know if I got it wrong.

She took the piece of paper and turned it over. After flipping through it repeatedly, she saw several traces of what looked like symbols in the corners on the back of the piece of paper.

She recognized this symbol, because it was actually the same words engraved on the door of the underwater maze. These were ancient words.

Su You translated these ancient texts, and the final sentence translated was very short, but the meaning was very obvious.

The original words of this sentence are as follows -

‘There is darkness in the east and enemies in the west. ’


Because the mermaids are the attacking party, they cannot be surrounded by darkness and enemies. Therefore, the subject of this passage must refer to the mermaids.

Combined with the information Su You analyzed from the territory incident before, the darkness here should refer to pollution.

Therefore, the east of the mermaid tribe should be the location where the pollution began to spread in this incident. In theory, it is also where the source of the pollution is.

The west direction should be the direction where the fishmen are going to attack the mermaid tribe, and it is also very likely where the fishmen are stationed.

The mermaid tribe's sacrificial ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow, but Suyou will go to the mermaid tribe tomorrow, so she still has at least half a day to prepare... Although the time seems shorter, the mermaid tribe is not stupid. They usually He will be alert to his surroundings. In order not to be discovered, the fishman will definitely move his hands and feet inconspicuously, and his movements will not be too exaggerated.

Under such circumstances, all the arrangements they made should be relatively easy to solve.

But having said that, the location of the fishman was indeed chosen well.

Because they are in two completely opposite directions, no matter which side the mermaid clan wants to deal with first, they will definitely not be able to take care of the other side immediately.

In this way, they can greatly weaken the strength of the mermaid clan.

"It seems that they have been planning for a long time..." Su You sighed, and then continued to think about a problem.

She had clearly asked about the horoscope of the mermaids before, but Yaoguang gave information about the mermaid tribe... This was obviously wrong.

Thinking of this, she turned the paper to the front again, which was the side with many stars - she didn't think that Yaoguang would deliberately disobey her. She knew that what she wanted was the fish-man's information, but she still gave her the mermaid's information. family information.

So there must be information about fishmen on this piece of paper, but she hasn't discovered it yet.

However, this piece of paper is only of this size, and it is written in black and white, so all traces are very obvious.

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