Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 610 610 Weaknesses of Shark Pearl

The ancient words on the back are related to the mermaid tribe, so the stars on the front must be related to the mermaids.

But I don’t know why Yaoguang did this. She left ancient texts, and Su You could still translate them, but she left these stars, how could he understand them?

Su You rubbed her hand on the piece of paper for a while, her eyes wandering over the traces on the paper. She didn't know how long it had passed, but she finally saw something, so she decisively took out the paper and pen and copied the traces on the paper. First, I copied the star chart exactly as it was.

The astrological map given by Yao Guang is actually very sloppy. All the stars on it are replaced by irregular small dots... These small dots are large and small, and some are not even circles. shape, but a somewhat distorted ellipse.

Su You looked at it and connected some of the small dots with each other. Then she moved the connected line pattern to another piece of paper and combined them one by one. After all this was done, the original The veil over this astrological chart has finally been lifted.

"So that's it, it's really a bit troublesome." Now, Su You has understood that this is not actually a star chart at all, but a code for Yao Guang to convey the information about the star chart she saw to her.

The small dots representing the stars are connected to each other according to different shapes and positions, and the finally connected line segments are then combined together. This is another ancient text, and what Yao Guang really wants to tell her message.

Compared with the brief content translated from the previous string of ancient texts, the 'astrological charts' are more numerous and more complex, so they represent more and more detailed information.

The combined text content is a total of two paragraphs:
  ‘The fishmen are jealous of the mermaids, so they are willing to pay the price and are driven by darkness, hoping to use the power of darkness to eliminate the mermaids and eventually replace them. ’

‘The power of the mermaids comes from the shark beads, but fishmen with dark power can pollute the shark beads. ’


Because in previous games, Su You had an average relationship with the mermaid tribe, not bad, but she didn’t have a good impression and had no chance to communicate in depth, so her knowledge of the mermaid tribe came more from other sources or books. What is recorded in the text.

She knew something about the mermaid tribe, but her understanding here was not deep.

For example, she had heard the rumor that a fishman could get rid of his identity as a fishman and return to being a mermaid if he obtained a shark bead... But she didn't know that shark beads could also be contaminated.

However, she knew that the heart of an elf could not be contaminated, and the heart of an elf was similar to Shark Pearl, so she subconsciously believed that the same was true for Shark Pearl.

And on game forums, she rarely saw information about Shark Pearl.

But this is understandable. After all, the Shark Pearl is very important to the mermaid clan. It is a matter of life... and the Shark Pearl can be contaminated. They will definitely not expose this fatal weakness easily.

But now the murlocs knew their weakness and were preparing to deal a fatal blow to them... Thinking of this, Su You frowned unconsciously.

But she soon relaxed her brows. If she hadn't known the news in advance, the mermaid tribe might have fallen into crisis. But now that Suyou already knew the clue, she would definitely make corresponding preparations.

For example, prepare more items and props to resist pollution and dispel pollution.

Another example is to go to the location where the pollution originated from the fishmen to investigate in advance, find the source of the pollution, and solve the source of the pollution. It is best to directly attack the fishmen when they are not prepared, and counterattack an army... However, this possibility is lower, because the time is too long. It's short, and Su You's side is short of manpower. As long as this is a dungeon, Su You can bring dozens of people with him, so it won't be so difficult.

But this time Ning Shi was also there, which was good news.

It's not that she, as a light magician, can directly resist all murloc attacks, but she can at least protect the merfolk's shark beads from being contaminated.

And because light magicians are highly sensitive to pollution, Ning Shi can also detect pollution immediately, and they can also deal with the pollution in time, reducing the scope and probability of the mermaid clan being contaminated...



Based on the information she just obtained, Suyou re-planned what she needed to pay attention to and prepare for tomorrow.

After everything was ready, her eyes fell on the paper covered with astrological diagrams. She had thought about the question countless times in her mind before, and finally had the answer - why didn't Yaoguang just send her Tell her the information you know, but in such a roundabout way.

Yao Guang has said before that when there are multiple objects to observe the astrology, she can only obtain some relatively superficial information. Only when there is one object, can she carefully observe and analyze and obtain more clues.

Su You's final choice was to obtain as much information about the mermaids as possible. Yaoguang not only completed this task, but also added some clues about the mermaids. This was obviously not something that could be easily accomplished.

Reminiscent of Yao Guang's weak state just now, it is not difficult to guess that she must have paid a heavy price for these results.

Moreover, astrologers not only have to pay a price when observing and analyzing matters related to astrology, but they also have to pay a price when telling these things to others.

The former is that the more stars are observed, the more complex and in-depth the analysis will be, and the greater the cost.

The latter is that the more people know, the more detailed the information, and the greater the cost.

According to Su You's guess, Yaoguang's situation should only allow her to analyze and tell the information about the mermaids, but there is definitely no additional information about the mermaids.

So she thought of a good way, that is, not to tell Su You directly the results, in order to reduce the cost of conveying the information——

It's ancient text, and it's connected to draw pictures and solve puzzles. If this piece of paper is thrown anywhere on the mainland, it is estimated that [-]% of people will not be able to understand it. Since they can't understand it, it means that there is no leakage.

Even if he understood it, it was because Su You relied on his own ability, so Yaoguang basically minimized the cost of leaking the secret, in exchange for additional information about the mermaid clan.

Although it is a bit deceptive, it has indeed succeeded in 'hoodwinking' God, and it can be regarded as a reasonable means of avoiding risks.

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