"As expected, another person with a hard mouth and a soft heart..." Su You sighed with emotion. Looking back on the personalities of the people around her, she found that there were quite a few who had some tsundere attributes.

Meike is like this, Vivian is like this, and now that Yao Guang has revealed his true nature, it is also like this...

This can only be said to be her luck.

Su You suddenly felt that her luck was not that bad after all. She thought that she should have spent all her luck recruiting residents.

So far, no one around her has been bad.

And what's good here is not just in terms of strength, but also in terms of character and character, they are all very good.

The most important thing is that they all focus on themselves wholeheartedly.

People often say that they are lucky to meet Su You, but Su You actually thinks so. She is also lucky to be able to meet them in this world.



On a new day, at the appointed time, everyone arrived. Su You handed out what was to be handed out, and then took everyone to the beach.

After arriving at the beach, Su You blew the shell whistles Luya gave her.

I thought it would take a while, but I didn’t know if these dolphins had already known that she would bring people over at this time, so they waited here in advance, so it took less than ten minutes for Su You to blow the shell whistle. , a group of dolphins headed by Alan came from afar.

"Wow! So many dolphins!"

"These dolphins seem to be coming towards us? What do they want to do?"

"Is there a possibility that our mounts for going out to sea this time are them..."


Hearing the last person's words, they couldn't help but think of Su You and Ning Shi being picked up by one of the dolphins and then sent back the next day.

Thinking about it this way, it seems quite reasonable?
  Although it is reasonable, everyone still has some complicated expressions. After all, who would have thought that someone could have the ability to control marine creatures. Even animal trainers mostly only tame creatures on land. If this kind of thing spreads, it will really be possible. It's an anecdote.

Apart from Su You, the calmest one among the group was undoubtedly Ning Shi. After all, she and Su You took a dolphin ride to the mermaid tribe. She could guess that these dolphins were probably influenced by the mermaid. The princess came to fetch them.

Among these people, the one who was most surprised by the arrival of these dolphins was definitely Di Luo.

Because except for Di Luo and Vivian, everyone else was a participant in the previous operation to summon the mermaid, and they had all met Alan, so the surprise this time was short-lived.

And Vivian has long been used to seeing all kinds of weird things by following Suyou, so she doesn't have any emotional fluctuations about this.

But Di Luo was different. She had just arrived and was already unfamiliar and curious about everything here. When she saw such a strange thing, she would definitely not be able to help but ponder it for a while.

But before she could figure anything out, the dolphins came to them. "Everyone, get your things and clothes ready, and then find a dolphin by yourself." After saying that, Suyou walked straight to Ah Lan. She must have chosen to take Ah Lan's ride.

Duo Ya originally wanted to go with Su You, but when she saw that some dolphins would choose who to carry, she thought of the last time Ning Shi went with Su You. This dolphin must be more familiar with Ning Shi and may not be willing to carry her, so She never passed.

Here, Vivian happened to have found a dolphin that was willing to carry her, so she invited Duoya to come over and be a companion.

Five minutes later, everyone was sitting on the dolphin.

There were thirteen dolphins summoned by the Shell Whistle, some big and some small.

The small one can only carry one person, but the ones like Ah Lan can carry more people, so it can be regarded as just enough to carry all the people Su You brought, and even one or two more empty seats.

It was almost the same as before. It was also a sea voyage that lasted for more than two hours. However, this time Su You was prepared. She took out something similar to a saddle and equipped it on Alan's body. This made it comfortable to sit and not easy to fall off. Go down, and the most important thing is that there is a backrest!
  Although others did not prepare these things, Su You had prepared them and distributed them long ago, so everyone's sea journey was not difficult.

"This is the location where the giant turtle was summoned before." Ning Shi seemed to feel something, staring at the deep sea below the side.

Su You is not as powerful as Ning Shi. She can identify specific locations on the sea without using any props. However, she has a system map and can see things like coordinate points, so she also recognizes that this is where Alan stopped calling a few days ago. Turtle helps position.

"Alan won't summon a turtle this time." The last time he summoned a turtle, it was because Alan was injured and exhausted. He barely carried the two of them for two hours and couldn't hold on anymore, so he called for help.

But she had just seen it, and Alan's injury was completely healed, and for speed, dolphins must be faster than turtles.

"Yeah." Ning Shi didn't know what Su You's basis was for saying that, but seeing the way the dolphin under her didn't stop, she knew that Su You was right.

Others didn't know about the turtles, so even when they got to the same position just now, they didn't show any other expression. At most, they just chatted to relieve their boredom.

Each of these dolphins is very stable. It seems that they usually play together. Their speeds are also very different, so everyone has never dispersed and has been moving forward in sync.

In the previous journey, Alan took him for more than two hours, Turtle took him for more than half an hour, and then switched to Alan for more than half an hour. The total time spent was close to four hours.

But this time it was different. Although the time it took to reach the location where the turtles were summoned was about the same as before, perhaps because there was no 'transfer' along the way, it only took them half an hour in total from the transfer point to the whirlpool, which was equivalent to a shortened time. Half done.

"Is that a whirlpool?"

"It seems that our destination is the whirlpool. I feel like the dolphin is taking us in that direction..."

"Will you die if you fall into this whirlpool? Although I can swim, the deep sea is not something ordinary people can swim in!"


Listening to everyone's discussion in low voices, Su You didn't say anything because she could hear that there was no fear or fear in these people's voices. They were just discussing the whirlpool in a very calm way, as if they were asking each other if they had eaten. Not the same.

"A'lan, wait here for a while. Let's get ready before we go down." Suyou patted A'lan's head, and A'lan shook her body and called out.

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