"I will convince the other elders that before today, I will personally enter the forbidden area to check the situation." The meaning revealed by the fifth elder's words made both Su You and Lu Ya frown.

Suyou was about to say something, but was interrupted by the fifth elder.

"This matter has nothing to do with you two. It's not good for you as an outsider to interfere in the internal affairs of the mermaid clan." After saying this, the fifth elder stood up and prepared to leave.

Luya was a little confused by the fifth elder's sudden change of attitude. She opened her mouth, but was stopped by Su You: "Luya."

The fifth elder left the room without anyone stopping him. The next moment, only Su You and Lu Ya were left here.

"Youyi, the fifth elder..." Luya's thoughts were a little confused at this time. She didn't understand why someone who had a gentle and kind attitude before suddenly changed her attitude just now.

Lu Ya didn't understand, but Su You saw it.

What the fifth elder just said was actually hinting to Su You that she believed what she said, but the other elders may not believe it.

And because of the genocide incident a long time ago, the mermaid tribe has always been very wary of foreign races, so even if Suyou has a series of tokens from the elves, if the news is revealed from her mouth, the credibility will be greatly reduced... ...Especially since Su You also knew the weakness of the mermaid clan.

Not every elder is as easy to talk to as the fifth elder, and not every elder will care about Luya and put himself in her shoes.

So the fifth elder just said that she would convince the other elders because she was ready to take the responsibility on herself - she, the fifth elder, felt that there was a problem with the forbidden area, so she asked the other elders to jointly open the forbidden area and find out the situation.

Not only does this matter have nothing to do with Su You, it also has nothing to do with Lu Ya.

The Fifth Elder is using her own methods to protect Suyou. Of course, she is also protecting Luya and the entire mermaid clan.

"So that's it...will something happen to the fifth elder?" After Su You's explanation, Luya understood the fifth elder's good intentions, and what followed was a strong worry.

In Luya's view, the mermaid clan is important, but the five elders are equally important.

Her mother had already sacrificed herself to protect the mermaid tribe, and she didn't want to lose another person who cared about her...

"Don't worry, Luya. The fifth elder is the elder of the mermaid clan after all. Her suspicion is responsible for the mermaid clan. Even if the other elders know that there is a problem, they will not think of other places." The most important thing is that after listening to Luya After talking about the relationship between the fifth elder and the queen, Su You couldn't help but think of Hong Si.

The relationship between the fifth elder and the queen was so good, and the queen would even reveal some information to Hong Si. She always felt that the fifth elder should also know something.

"Then what else do we need to do?" Luya always felt that it would be bad if she didn't do anything about it.

Although in the past few days, after the elders learned that the mermaids would attack the mermaids, they strengthened the defense of the mermaids, and also conducted an undercover investigation inside the mermaids, with the purpose of uncovering the undercover, but within three days Time passed and they found nothing.

Tomorrow is the sacrifice ceremony, and the inexplicable pressure has been hanging on Luya's body, making her breathless.

"It's definitely necessary." Su You definitely wouldn't do nothing, but now that she couldn't go to the forbidden area, she could only start from other aspects, and the person she started with was the person who stopped them today.

"Luya, are Harry and Modi still in the mermaid clan?" The people behind the scenes seemed to have made a stupid move. Although they took advantage of these two people, they also handed the flaw to them.

"Although the two of them may be innocent, there must be clues about mermaids hidden around them... We can start from them." They at least need to know why the person behind the scenes stopped Su You. Doing so would be harmful to them. What are the benefits...

Su You thought for a long time, and she felt that she should change her mind. She should not think about why she was stopped, but what would happen if she was stopped...and this had to happen inevitably.

Luya thought according to Su You's thoughts, and then gave her own opinion: "I will be very angry if You Yi is stopped."

"Is it what you think, Youyi? What they want is for me to be angry and punish Harry by mistake..." Through Suyou's reminder, Luya also learned about her role in these people while interrogating Harry and Modi. image in the eyes.

Although they didn't say it, Luya could tell from their words that in the eyes of these mermaids, the Sixth Princess had always relied on the Mermaid King's favor to do whatever she wanted.

Following this line of investigation, Luya discovered that many of the small things she had done in the past, which she considered to be trivial, had become magnified and serious.

Take the incident when she broke into the Mermaid King's palace that night as an example. Although the elders, including the Mermaid King himself, knew that there was no problem with her doing so.

It was Mrs. Sang who was at fault in this matter. Mrs. Sang should not have been there at that time, but the people below did not know the actual situation, so they did not think so.

They only knew that the Mermaid King liked Mrs. Sang, but the Sixth Princess hated Mrs. Sang, so she deliberately ruined the relationship between the two people, and the result of the matter ended with Mrs. Sang being kicked out of the main palace.

Regardless of Mrs. Sang's previous identity, since she is now with the Mermaid King, she is considered the 'elder' of the princes and princesses. Even if they don't recognize her, she still deserves the most basic respect.

But Luya's behavior, let alone respect, was as close as tearing off Mrs. Sang's face and throwing it to the ground.

So this is naturally not a good reputation.

"No, it's not that simple." Su You shook her head and didn't think so.

To put it bluntly, Luya's current reputation in private is probably already in bad shape, so there is no need for them to take extra steps at such a critical moment.

Not only does this not affect anything, but it can easily expose yourself.

"Think again, if I didn't stop it today and Harry didn't explain it, what would happen next."

Luya didn't spend a particularly long time thinking about this issue. She spoke almost immediately: "Ignoring the order and blocking the distinguished guest is a double responsibility. He will be imprisoned in the mermaid clan's water prison and punished..."

Almost as soon as she finished saying this, Luya's eyes widened, and then she looked at Su You.

Su You smiled at her and asked, "Can I go into the water prison and have a look?"

"Of course!"



The water prison of the Mermaid Tribe is the same as the black prison in the Sunset Territory, and is used to imprison those who violate the rules.

It's just that the mermaids of the mermaid tribe always abide by the rules. Even if they make mistakes, they are only small mistakes at most.

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