Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 620 620 Ghost Hitting the Wall

Such a small mistake would not lead to imprisonment in the water prison and suffering. Therefore, the water prison was empty and there were only a few guards because there was no one to guard it.

It is precisely because of this that even if Luya brought a human to inspect the water prison, no one could stop her... But if this incident were to spread, it would add to the sixth princess's unreasonable deeds.

"You are all guarding outside. You are not allowed to come in without my permission." Luya said coldly to the water prison guard behind her. Then she turned to look at Su You, not shying away from the other mermaids who had not yet left: " If Yui really wants to build a water prison in his own territory, I can have someone call the builder of this water prison over to you."

Su You shook his head slightly, turned his back with his peripheral vision, and then replied naturally: "No, I just need to take a look to know how to build it... But it would be better if there are drawings."

When Luya heard this, she immediately called the mermaids who had not completely left and asked them to send over the blueprints of the water prison.

"Sixth Princess... This water prison is an important place for the mermaid clan. The blueprint..." The mermaid in charge of guarding the water prison said bravely, trying to make Luya give up this idea.

But since Luya said so, it definitely cannot be convinced by others' words.

Luya: "Go and get it if you are told. Why is there so much nonsense?"

"Yes." Under Luya's tough attitude, they finally got the blueprint of the water prison.

"You all get out and don't disturb us from checking the water prison." After the blueprints were obtained, Luya kicked everyone else out. After confirming that there was no one here, Su You and Luya began to search based on the blueprints of the water prison.

Because this matter was relatively secretive, and they were not sure whether it was correct or not, and were worried that making too much noise would alert others, so Luya didn’t bring anyone with her, and even when she brought Su You over, she found an excuse. .

The excuse was that Su You wanted to build a water prison in his own territory, so he came here for reference.

Although this excuse is a bit perfunctory, it is still enough to deal with the unsuspecting mermaid.


The water prison is not big, but it still takes a lot of time for only two people to search. After all, there are hundreds of large and small cells here, not including some other rooms.

The total number of rooms in total is at least three to four hundred, and there is even one layer below the water prison.

Fortunately, the two of them got the blueprints. With the blueprints, they could explore by area. Su You also analyzed the layout of the water prison based on the blueprints and found the locations where problems were most likely to exist.

"Luya, you give priority to exploring these locations... We'll meet here in an hour." Two people, more than [-] rooms, would definitely be able to see them all in one hour, but Su You circled only a few rooms. Ten, an hour is barely enough.

Luya took away her share of the drawings, and then split up with Su You.


ten minutes later.

"Huh?" Luya held Su You's replica map in her hand and came to the fourth mark. After checking, she saw a small hole in the corner of the water prison room.

"This is...well, such a small hole..." Luya came to the corner and squatted down to observe.

Just as she said, this hole is really small, so small that it can only allow one finger to go in. If there is any more, there is a risk of getting stuck. Luya couldn't say whether the existence of this hole was accidental or deliberate, but she and Su You explored it separately, one on the left and one on the right, so she couldn't contact Su You now.

She could only mark the location of this room on the water prison drawing, and then continue to check the next cell...


On the other side, Su You also encountered a similar situation to Lu Ya. She also saw several holes in the corners of several cells. The difference was that Su You brought a lot of props, one of which could be passed through. This hole is a tool for seeing the situation on the other side.

It's just that there are a lot of holes, and it takes a lot of time for Su You to look back and forth alone. In addition, she is also afraid that she will see some strange things and be in danger, so she does not do this, but does the same as Luya. Cells with holes are marked on the drawing.

As she gradually entered the cell, Su You felt inexplicably that her whole body was enveloped by a cold air, which made her pores tremble, and at the same time, she felt a hint of withdrawal in her heart.

As the name suggests, the water prison has many pools. In addition, this is the bottom of the sea and a place where prisoners are punished. It is stained with a lot of blood, so the yin energy is heavier.

Su You used this excuse to convince herself, and then hung a constant temperature rune on herself while continuing to go deep into the water prison.

Five minutes...ten minutes...twenty minutes...

As time passed, Su You suddenly discovered a problem - she seemed to have encountered a situation similar to a ghost hitting a wall!

Of course, the truth is definitely not that ghosts are fighting against the wall. Su You prefers that there is a formation here that will make people get lost.

I just don't know where I walked, or if I triggered something, why did I walk into this formation without knowing it.

Under normal circumstances, there are only three ways to escape from this formation -

The first is to start from the outside of the formation and directly use violent means to destroy the formation. However, Suyou has obviously entered the inside of the formation, and she has just tried the same shark blood beads and cannot contact Luya, so this method cannot be used. OK.

Fortunately, the second and third methods are to break through from within the formation, so Su You won't have to just sit back and watch.

The second method is to directly use violent means to attack the formation barrier from the inside. The energy of the formation will resist these attacks. When the energy is exhausted, the formation will be ineffective... But obviously, Su You does not have this strength condition.

So there was only the third method she could take - find the formation's eye and destroy it.

Destroying the formation eye does not require much combat power. You only need to take away the things corresponding to the formation eye, or clean and smear the formation lines.

However, this method looks simple, but in fact it is the most difficult method to crack the formation, because any formation master with some strength will hide the formation eyes to protect the formation from being easily destroyed.

But Su You had no choice but to try it first.

Thinking of this, Su You took out the blueprint of the water prison and carefully observed the locations he marked.

Of course, before doing these things, Su You also did one more thing, and that was to check whether he could use the return stone - the use button that had not turned gray was the biggest reason Su You dared to stay here.

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