Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 621 Chapter 621 Gate Formation

The drawings were turned over and studied many times. After thinking for a long time, Su You finally managed to match these marked points with the position of the eye of a certain formation in his memory.

"It should be an improved return formation..." Because it had been improved, she didn't recognize it at a glance, and she didn't even realize it entered the formation.

Part of the reason for judging this result was that Su You speculated based on the effect of the formation.

The effect of this so-called return formation is that it makes people lose their sense of direction and think that they are always walking in a certain direction, but in fact they are always walking in circles in the formation.

"Since it is the return gate formation, the formation eyes should be at these positions..." Su You roughly drew four ways to arrange the return gate array based on the layout diagram. The next thing she had to do was to find them one by one in order. In the past, wherever there was a formation, that was the layout method.

Su You was lucky. Although there were four ways to set up the formation, she had only found the second one before she had already discovered one of the formation eyes.

This first formation hole is exactly the hole she discovered earlier in the corner of one of the water prisons!

Because she was taboo about some things before, Su You didn't check carefully. Now in order to find the formation, she almost turned the entire water prison upside down, so naturally she wouldn't miss this obviously problematic place.

"It's actually fake..." Su You sighed and touched the 'flat' hole. Her fingers felt smooth and she didn't feel any depression.

If she admitted it correctly, this should be a camouflage stone specially used to set up formations.

The characteristic of this kind of stone is that after it is inlaid, it will blend with the surrounding materials, making it impossible for people to tell that there is something hidden here. The specific effect and principle are similar to that of a chameleon.

In any case, now that the first formation eye has been found, it is not difficult to find the next few formation eyes.

Soon, Su You found all the formation eyes, six in total, and she also knew how to break the formation.

But after finding the formation eye, Su You was not in a hurry to destroy it because she suspected that there should be some other things hidden in the formation. Once the formation eye was destroyed and the formation disappeared, the things hidden in it would also be gone. …

At this time, Su You was obsessed with exploring the things in the formation. Because she was isolated from the outside world, she had no idea that others were going crazy after discovering that she was missing!


Time went back to when Su You discovered the first formation eye. It was actually the hour she had agreed with Lu Ya. Lu Ya returned to the agreed place, but she did not see Su You, but Lu Ya He didn't think much about it, just thinking that Su You was delayed for a while on the road.

However, Luya didn't want to wait there. Although the water prison was large, there was only one way to go, so she didn't have to worry about 'passing by', so she walked directly to the right side where Su You was responsible for checking.

Ten minutes later, Lu Ya called all the water prison guards with a dark face and asked them if they had seen Su You. Not surprisingly, she got a unanimous answer of denial.

Because these people also included Luya's own guards, she did not doubt whether they were lying.

But since none of them saw Su You, there was absolutely no second exit from the water prison, so Su You must still be in the water prison!

"You guys are guarding the door. If you see someone, notify me immediately. You two go to my palace and wait there. When they come back, bring them over... The others will follow me in to find the person." At this time. Luya no longer cared about making a big fuss... People had disappeared, so why did she care about it?

Can these things matter? In her opinion, every second of hesitation she now puts Suyou in danger.

So Luya quickly divided the people into three groups, one group was guarding the door, the other group followed her in to find people, and the last group went to her palace to wait for the people who collected the 'local products' to come back. Then bring them over.

After all, they were the ones brought by Youyi to help. If they really couldn't find Youyi, then they would have some way to find someone... Even if not, at least there would be more strength in numbers.

People outside were busy looking for someone, but Su You encountered a problem.

First of all, she knew that she had been delayed in this formation for a long time and had exceeded the time agreed between her and Luya. Su You didn't want to make others worry, but she once again tried to use the same blood After Zhu conveyed the message to no avail, she had no choice but to give up.

The giving up here does not mean giving up looking for the secrets in the formation, but giving up contacting people outside...because she has already found the secrets in the formation!

The position she is in does not only have one formation, the Return Gate Formation, but there are two formations!

When Su You discovered the second formation, she couldn't help but think of what she had encountered in the underwater maze - what they encountered at that time was the compound machine formation.

And today, this place is similar to an underwater maze, because it is a composite formation.

It is easy to confuse the machine array and the formation, but they are actually two different things. The difference is that the machine array is physical, and everything inside is assembled using various parts.

The formation law comes with special energy, and this energy comes from the formation eye.

To put it simply, the current situation is that the two formations are fused together. This situation is similar to concentric circles. The big circle on the outside is responsible for covering up, and the small circle on the inside is responsible for hiding.

Now 'Big Yuan' has been found, which is the Return Gate Formation, and 'Little Yuan' Su You has also found it, but she can't recognize what kind of formation it is at all. After studying it for a while, she found out a piece of bad news and a piece of good news. .

The bad news is that this seems to be a self-created formation that has not been recorded in formation books, so Su You has never seen it.

But the good news is that although this is a concentric circle, the small circle is independent of the large circle. In other words, Su You can safely destroy the return gate formation, and the unknown formation inside will not be affected in any way.

But on the contrary, if the unknown formation inside is destroyed, the return gate formation that protects it will also disappear.

"It's been more than two hours, Luya and the others should be worried..." After discovering that the Huimen Formation would not affect the internal formations, Su You didn't hesitate and took out tools to dismantle all six formation eyes of the Huimen Formation. Come down.

The moment the last formation eye was removed, Su You felt that her vision went dark. Although the illusion around her did not change, many people appeared in front of her out of thin air...

"Lord Lord!"

"Yuyi! Are you okay?"

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