Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 622 622 Great Transformation into a Living Person

Yes, these people are Luya who is looking for someone all over the place and Duoya and his group who are returning from an outing.

From Su You's perspective, they appeared out of thin air, and from Luya's perspective, Su You also appeared suddenly.

It was obvious that the place she was standing just now was an empty space with nothing, but she was transformed into a living person in front of everyone.

"I'm fine. You guys should calm down first. I've made an important discovery." Su You knew that they were worried about her, but the formation was obviously more important, so Su You didn't care whether there was anyone else around or not. His eyes and ears directly told him about the formation.

Anyway, she could tell that these people had already made quite a fuss in order to find her. Even if they didn't say it now, it would be known sooner or later, so there was no need for her to hide it.

"There are two formations here, one of which is the return formation..." After some explanation, except for Su You's own people and Lu Ya, everyone else was somewhat doubtful about Su You's words.

After all, how could a formation appear out of nowhere in a place like the Water Prison?
  And there are still two formations!

Let alone whether anyone can break through the many guards and reach the water prison, no one can figure out the meaning of this formation.

It can't just be someone who is so idle that he just wants to set up a formation for fun, right?

But they had just seen with their own eyes the miraculous scene of a huge transformation into a living person. Apart from the formation that Su You mentioned, they really couldn't think of any other possibilities for a while.

"Luya, do you know if there is anyone in your mermaid clan who is proficient in formations?" Although Su You knew a lot about formations, her understanding was based on previously disclosed information.

But this time it was a self-created formation that had never been made public before, so there was nothing Su You could do.

And among the people she brought with her on this trip, obviously none of them were proficient in formations, so she could only seek external help in this matter.

But since this is the territory of the mermaid tribe, and there is a formation on their territory, and it has not been discovered for so long, she always feels that this is not done by the mermaids, but should be a formation left by a certain mermaid a long time ago. It's just that it's never been known.

"Formation..." Luya thought for a moment, then showed a troubled look on her face: "Yuyi, there is indeed an elder in our clan who is proficient in formation, but this elder doesn't have a good relationship with me."

The elder Lu Ya mentioned was actually the second elder.

Regardless of whether the second elder is good or bad, his strength is not low. After all, he needs to maintain the mermaid clan's protective shield, so his strength cannot be bad.

And because the protective shield is actually composed of multiple formations, the second elders in the past are actually masters of formations.

The mermaid clan is similar to the elves in this regard. Their elders do not have an obvious ranking order. Their ranking is only related to their responsibilities.

For example, the Great Elder is responsible for managing and coordinating the other elders and assisting the Mermaid King in managing the Mermaid Clan; the Second Elder needs to be proficient in formations and is responsible for maintaining and repairing the Mermaid Clan's protective shield; the Third Elder and the Fourth Elder are responsible for the safety of the Mermaid Clan. All kinds of guards and guards were trained from them; the fifth elder and the sixth elder are responsible for the resource management of the mermaid clan, and they hold the key to the mermaid clan's treasure house.

After hearing what Lu Ya said, Su You had a slight impression of this second elder.

Because this elder seems to be the only one Luya doesn't mention often, this may be related to the bad relationship she said. However, after finally discovering the clue, Su You naturally would not give up easily.

And whether the relationship is good or not is not the important point, because this matter is not Luya's personal matter, but a major matter related to the safety of the entire mermaid clan!
  "Luya, what you said is not important. You only need to think about whether the second elder is loyal to the mermaid clan." As long as the second elder is loyal to the mermaid clan, then all the grudges between him and Luya will be ignored. You can let it go first.

Su You believed that Luya was not ignorant. She must know the importance of personal grudges and the safety of the entire race.

"I understand." Luya also knew that she was overthinking. What she had to consider at this time was not personal grudges at all.

According to their previous guess, those people wanted her to imprison Harry in the water prison, so they came to the water prison to check.

Facts have proved that there is indeed a problem with the water prison.

In this case, then the problems in this water prison must be part of the mermaid's plan...

They finally discovered the problem first, but they couldn't let this opportunity pass.

"On such a major matter, I naturally trust the second elder..." The reason is simple. If the second elder is a traitor, then the fishman does not need to do so many things secretly.

They directly asked the second elder to turn off the protective shield of the mermaid clan. When the time comes, the mermaid clan will naturally become a mess. This is much easier than putting pollution into the forbidden area.

"Since we can trust him, let the second elder handle the formation matters... Luya, what do you think?" Su You looked at Luya and asked.

Luya nodded, then turned around and told the people behind her: "Go and invite the second elder. Just say that it is a major matter related to the safety of the mermaid clan, and ask the second elder to come over."

During the time when she went to invite the second elder, Su You talked about the formation in detail, and when she heard Luya say that she also found many holes in the water prison, she asked her to give her the marked drawings. Own.

Because she already had experience finding the first formation, Su You simply looked at the drawings on Luya's side and found the location of the formation directly.

"These should be four... No, these should be two formations that correspond to each other. The formation must be cracked at the same time, otherwise it will only fail." The reason why it is said that there are two formations that correspond to each other is because these two The return gate formation is not corresponding, otherwise she would not be able to solve it.

After understanding this, Su You knew why she couldn't crack the unknown formation just now, because she only saw one of the formations, but not the other one... Questions without sufficient conditions must be unanswerable.

"Let's look for another formation first." Although people have been sent to find the second elder, if we can solve the formation one step ahead of time, we can know more quickly what secrets this formation is hiding.

But before that, Su You first asked Luya about the whole process of checking the water prison.

Because if there are formations on both sides, then why is it that only Su You entered the formation by mistake, but nothing happened on Luya's side?

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