Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 624 624 Framed threats

Luya also knew that the reason why the second elder said this was because her previous words made her angry, but no matter what, she was the one who brought Su You.

Unless Suyou doesn't want to stay, Luya should decide whether she stays or goes.

"Sixth Princess, what you said is wrong. You should be the one who went too far..." At this time, the second elder returned to his previous false smile.

"You know that the clan has been troubled recently, but you still brought outsiders into the palace. If something happens to the mermaid clan, you won't be able to bear the responsibility for them." The words of the second elder were actually brought to the palace. It's a bit of a threat.

The second elder actually knew about the fishmen.

After all, the matter of the fishmen was of great importance, so the fifth elder had already held a meeting with several other elders to discuss the matter.

But because the impact of this incident was too great, it was not made public to avoid causing panic to everyone.

When the fifth elder told the other elders about this matter, they did not say that this was the news revealed by Su You, let alone that Luya also knew about it.

The reason why she did this was to protect Luya and Suyou, so she had always distanced herself from them.

But precisely because of this, the second elder didn't know that Su You was the one who revealed the news to them, and he didn't know that she was the person least likely to become an enemy.

Therefore, the second elder at this time thought that she could pour this pot of black water on Su You when the fishmen attacked the mermaid tribe, and falsely accuse her of being an undercover agent arranged by the fishmen in the mermaid tribe.

Even though Luya is a princess, she has brought a fishman undercover into the clan and has repeatedly protected him, so she is naturally guilty.

"Are you threatening me?" Luya was also very angry now. She knew that Su You couldn't be an undercover agent or spy sent by the Fishman. The second elder didn't know that Su You had told the news. Didn't she know that?

There is also the fifth elder, because Su You has brought out so many things related to the elves before, and all her words and deeds are for the sake of the mermaid tribe, so she now believes in Su You.

But it's useless even if Luya knows, because she can't tell all these things.

Because she knew that the fifth elder did not mention them two to protect them. If she was exposed now, although she could use her quick words for a while, it would not only harm Su You, but also the fifth elder.

"What the Sixth Princess said is very unpleasant. Why am I threatening you? I'm just advising you not to trust outsiders casually. It would be bad if you harm the entire mermaid clan." The second elder said His tone was somewhat triumphant, and his eyes scanned the humans in front of him with disdain.

Luya had a cold face, filled with anger and nowhere to vent it.

It's really uncomfortable to feel like you can only watch someone you hate showing off their power in front of you, but without any way to fight back.

Everyone knew that as long as the two of them used Su You's identity to make a fuss, the Sixth Princess would be absolutely unable to refute... Her silence was the best proof.

Just when everyone thought that the undercurrent between the second elder and the sixth princess would end with the failure of the sixth princess, Su You, who had remained silent, spoke up.

"Originally, this is a matter of the mermaid clan. As an outsider, it is indeed inconvenient for me to interfere. But since the second elder is trying to frame me in front of me, then I must seek justice." In fact, Su You started from the beginning. Just not ready to leave. Although they all know that there is a high probability that the second elder has not betrayed the mermaid clan, they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

And besides Su You, there is no other person here who knows the formation. If the second elder wants to deliberately hide something, Luya will never be able to find it, so she must stay.

It's just that her identity is a bit embarrassing, so she didn't speak just now, just to find a reason to stay.

Originally, if the second elder had not said those threatening words just now and only used her identity to make a fuss, then it would be really difficult for Su You to find an excuse to stay... She had even thought about pretending to leave just now, and then drink a bottle Invisibility potion, hide directly in the dark and observe the situation.

Although the behavior is not so aboveboard, special circumstances are treated specially.

It's just that the second elder may have been angry just now and was a little bit arrogant, but she actually said her doubts and threats directly in front of Su You.

Even though Su You is an outsider, she has done nothing now and is still the guest of the Sixth Princess. Before there is actual evidence, the second elder can be suspicious in his heart, but he must not say such things out loud.

What he said was that he wanted to frame Su You, but Su You and Lu Ya were in the same boat, and framing her was actually equivalent to framing Lu Ya.

"As the princess of the mermaid clan, Luya does her best to think about the mermaid clan and does everything herself. All of this is for the mermaid clan. I didn't expect that in the end, you, the second elder, would be accused of murdering the mermaid clan. "Su You's words made the second elder's face stiffen.

The second elder knew that he had indeed been impulsive just now and said some things that he shouldn't have said, but seeing that Su You had not spoken a word, he thought that the sixth princess's guest was timid, so he felt relieved.

But he didn't expect that Su You was not timid and cowardly. She was clearly waiting for him here when Lu Ya was not easy to talk!

Although he was very reluctant to be put in a position, the second elder still had to explain with a smile: "This guest is serious, you can't talk nonsense. I was just talking casually, and I didn't mean to say anything bad about the Sixth Princess."

If it were someone else, hearing her explanation, they would give her some face, and then the big issue might be minimized.

But Suyou obviously can't do this, because she is from Luya's side, and she doesn't accept this method.

"What do you mean, Second Elder, if you don't mean this? Didn't you just say directly that we are here to harm the mermaid tribe!"

"Luya and I are close friends, and I came here at her invitation. I thought everyone in the mermaid tribe would be as hospitable as Luya, but I didn't expect that there would be people who are full of self-centered thoughts."

Su You said it more directly, basically pointing her nose at the second elder and scolding the second elder for being a mermaid with narrow-minded thinking.

Originally, she shouldn't be so merciless. After all, the second elder is the elder of the mermaid clan and can also represent the mermaid clan. Scolding her is the same as scolding the entire mermaid clan.

But this matter was originally caused by the second elder's fault. In addition, Su You also had Lu Ya here, and she was also from the mermaid tribe. Su You's words just now could be said to help Lu Ya vent her anger.

If he was speaking on Luya's behalf, then this matter was an internal conflict within the mermaid clan and had nothing to do with Su You's identity.

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