However, since the words have been said to this extent, it is to break up the face, and there is no need for both sides to give the other a good look.

"Okay, okay..." The second elder shook his hands angrily at Su You's words, looking like he was about to leave.

He already had good face, but he lost face in front of so many people and mermaids, so he meant that he would not stay at all.

As for the formation?

What does this have to do with him!

Whoever discovers the formation can just let him solve it!

The second elder didn't know that the formation in today's water prison was related to the fishmen, he just regarded it as an ordinary formation.

Although the mermaid tribe lives in this seabed, they have also moved here. This is also a mermaid tribe, but it was once a land without an owner.

In a place like this, it is not surprising that there are some hidden formations. The mermaid tribe has lived here for so long, and they have discovered at least hundreds of ordinary formations, large and small.

"In this case, I will take the first step. There are still some things to arrange for the sacrifice ceremony, and the formation is not in a hurry."

Luya snorted softly: "Let's go slowly without seeing you off."

The second elder was originally thinking about whether they would retain him, so he didn't leave very quickly. However, after hearing Luya's words, he suddenly felt that he had lost all face, so he left quickly.

"It's so refreshing. I've long disliked him. He looks disgusting every day..." At this point, Luya snorted again, and then continued: "This formation is originally Yuzu's. After you found out, he still wants you to leave? How shameless!"

"He thought he was hiding it well. Since he was willing to come over, he just wanted to get the credit..." You must know that generally where there are formations, there are other things.

The existence of the formation is to protect these things. Every time the mermaid tribe discovers the formation, after cracking it, they can always get some treasures.

Su You discovered the formation in the first place, and she can be regarded as a 'hero' of the mermaid tribe. Luya didn't believe that the second elder didn't know this.

Calling him over to help was already a share of the pie, but it turned out that he had the best of intentions, actually leaving Su You behind and taking charge of it all.

As long as Suyou leaves today, if any secrets or treasures are really discovered from this formation later, won't the credit fall to the second elder? !

"That's what he actually thought?" Su You didn't expect this. After all, it was the first time he met the second elder. Although he could guess what kind of person he was, his understanding was still not very deep.

Su You only thought that the second elder wanted to drive them away because he didn't like Lu Ya, in order to give them some relief. She didn't expect that he did this just to take credit.

Although Su You didn't care about this credit, based on the relationship between Luya and the second elder, and the character of the second elder she saw today, she didn't want this credit to fall on him.

"But what should we do with this formation now?" After saying the previous words, Luya's expression suddenly became helpless.

They asked the second elder to come over because of the formation, but now that they have left, the matter of the formation has not been resolved.

"There's no need to worry about this." It's not that they're really not in a hurry, the main thing is that they can't be in a hurry.

The people who happened to go to the west side to investigate the situation came back, and Su You called them over, ready to learn about the situation on the other side. "Tell me what you found." After the second elder left, other irrelevant personnel were also taken out by Luya, so there are currently only Suyou and his party and Luya in the water prison.

Even so, their voices remained small.

Although Su You didn't explicitly ask them to follow whose orders, everyone knew that she trusted and relied on Duo Ya, so Duo Ya was equivalent to the captain of this operation.

Now that the situation needs to be reported, she, as the captain, will naturally come forward.

"Lord, we have inspected the area within ten miles to the west and found no traces of the movements of other creatures. However, the number of aquatic plants near that area is unusually sparse." Having said this, Duoya looked at Ning Shi.

Ning Shi felt her gaze, so he also spoke: "Although the pollution concentration in the ocean will be higher than that on land, the pollution in that area is indeed deeper than other areas."

There are traces of human life on land, as well as purification from plants and natural cleaning. There will indeed be less pollution than in the ocean.

Due to the isolation of the thick seawater, the seabed has little contact with nature, so the pollution accumulated over the years is difficult to be purified.

In addition, the ocean is inaccessible, and the more lifeless the place, the faster pollution accumulates.

However, just like Ning Shi said, even if there is more pollution on the seabed than on land, the pollution in the area they explored is obviously not right, so the problem must still exist.

"It seems that those fishmen must have done something there, or they have already been stationed there..." It is not known what they did, but if they were stationed, they could just send people to stay.

It's not just a sneak attack, but it would be good to be able to detect the opportunity for them to take action in time, and then come back to report the news, so that they can be prepared in advance.

"Leave this matter to me, I will arrange for people to stay there." Luya believed in Su You. The situation in the forbidden area is not yet known, but there is indeed a situation on the west side, so she trusts her even more. .

She increasingly felt that her Yuyi was summoned by the God of the Sea to help her and help the entire mermaid tribe survive this crisis.

"I'll stay and continue to study this formation." Luya has already arranged the attack point on the west side, and Su You doesn't interfere much. She doesn't have many people with her, and she doesn't have a communication tool like a phone, and here It is the territory of the mermaid tribe, and the mermaid tribe has its own way of communication, so the person guarding it must be a mermaid.

"Can Yuyi break this formation?" Luya looked at her expectantly.

"You can try." Su You smiled slightly and did not give a definite answer, but the confidence in her tone could be heard.

In fact, when she discovered that these were two corresponding formations, Su You had already figured out a way to crack them.

But after all, it was a self-created and unfamiliar formation, and it would take a lot of time for her to crack it. She thought that time was urgent, and there was not so much time for her to study. In addition, someone had already called the second elder for help, so she It didn’t take much effort.

But now that the second elder is gone, it is not impossible to leave this formation to her.

"Do you need my help? Can I stay?" Luya seemed much relieved after hearing Su You's answer.

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