Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 626 626 The art of witchcraft

She also wanted to know the secret of this formation and how to break it, so she also wanted to stay.

"Of course Luya wants to stay, but there is another thing that needs to be done here..." This is the mermaid tribe, and Luya is the master here. Wherever she wants to go, where she wants to stay, these are all Okay, Su You can't make a decision.

But after what happened just now, Su You discovered another problem, and this problem could only be solved by Lu Ya.

"Youyi, tell me." Luya knew as soon as she heard this that Suyou must have discovered something again, so she didn't say anything else she wanted to keep.

"Now it is a certainty that there is a problem in the water prison. Regardless of the function of this formation, Luya, have you ever thought about why they want you to put Harry in the water prison?" This is what Su You said after arriving at the water prison. Found a very strange problem.

If there were mermaids imprisoned in the water prison, or the water prison was heavily guarded, Su You could also explain that they did this because they needed a chance to sneak into the water prison.

But obviously, there is no one in the water prison, and even the guards are not very tight. The fishmen have all the means to enter the forbidden area. What is a mere water prison?

And Harry is not a fishman, so what help can he provide to the fishmen if he enters the water prison?

These are things Su You doesn't understand.

"So Yuyi, what you are saying is that there is still a secret about this Harry?" Luya understood what Suyou meant and found it strange.

"If there is a secret, Luya, you will know if you try it." Before interrogating Harry, everything was unknown, and Su You couldn't draw a direct conclusion.

But if nothing else happens, there is definitely something about Harry that they haven't discovered yet.



After listening to Su You's words, Luya took her people directly to find Harry. Before leaving, she left two mermaids for Su You for her to dispatch.

It is taboo to have too many people when cracking the formation, especially the unknown formation. No one knows what will happen during the cracking process, so although Su You kept the mermaid Luya gave her, she sent her own people away. Went back some.

Of course, letting them go back does not really allow them to rest in Luya's palace, but allows them to use the various props they carry to investigate the situation in the entire palace.

Except for non-combatants like Vivian and Gong Yu who returned to Luya's palace, Su You only had Youai, Di Luo and Ning Shi left with her.

The others all followed Su You's instructions and spread out to explore the entire palace.

"Yue Ai, Ning Shi, you two use magic to check the surroundings." You Ai is a water magician. This is the bottom of the sea. There is undoubtedly a lot of room for him to perform. This is why Su You kept him.

As for Ning Shi, the main reason for asking her to check this place was to see if this formation was left by the mermaid.

If it was left by a mermaid, it would definitely leave some traces of dark elements...

Youai and Ning Shi responded, then walked to the appropriate positions and began to check the situation of the entire water prison.

Di Luo, the only one left but not assigned any tasks, chose to walk around the water prison after asking Su You.

They started to get busy, and Su You also started to study this formation.

Half an hour later, Youai found nothing. Although Ning Shi found some pollution, the concentration of the pollution was extremely low and was unavoidable, so in fact, she found nothing.

"In this case, you two should rest here for a while and wait for me..." Su You was about to say that she would wait until she finished drawing the drawing on her hand before arranging them to do other things, but she suddenly heard a voice coming from behind her. Laidiluo's excitement was mixed with some urgent sounds——

"Lord, come here quickly, I found something!"

Su You and the other three looked at each other, and then Su You said, "Let's go take a look."

The three of them followed the sound and came to Di Luo's side.

Before Di Luo could say anything, they also saw a doll buried under a pile of dug sea mud at Di Luo's feet.


This is Su You's first thought!

Although this idea is mostly due to being poisoned by the palace movies and TV dramas in the real world, in fact, in Sunset Continent, there is indeed a spell similar to stabbing a villain.

After all, as mentioned before, in addition to magicians, animal trainers, and enchanters, Sunset Continent also has a wizard.

The method of piercing villains actually belongs to a very small, extremely partial, and at the same time extremely sinister and vicious branch of wizard magic.

This branch has been classified as a forbidden art a long time ago and is not allowed to be learned. However, black magic itself is also a forbidden art. However, there are still many black magicians on the mainland. It is conceivable that the 'forbidden' here can only be Try to block most people, but not completely block everyone.

"It's the wizard's puppet." Ning Shi frowned. In a moment, she condensed a white magic ball, and then wrapped the puppet in it.

Although wizards are not black magicians, any wizard who has learned forbidden arts will rely on energy from natural energy to dark elements in the future. Therefore, Ning Shi's magic can still cause harm to these wizards who have learned forbidden arts. Pollution has the same effect.

What she did at this time was to wrap the human-cursed puppet with light magic to prevent it from leaking contamination and harming others.

"What is the cursed puppet?" This sentence was obviously asked by Yue.

Ning Shi recognized this thing, not to say that she understood it completely, but she at least had a rough understanding of it, and Di Luo's excited tone just now showed that she probably knew this thing.

Not to mention Su You. If the forbidden techniques she had seen could be written down, they would probably fill a whole shelf in the territorial library.

Therefore, among the four people present, Yue was the only one who didn't know what this was, but he could actually tell that it was probably not a good thing.

It's obviously just a wooden doll. It looks very rough, with only four limbs and no facial features, but looking at it makes people feel chills inexplicably.

"Di Luo, since you discovered it, please tell me." Su You could have explained it herself, but she wanted to see how much Di Luo knew about this, so she let Di Luo do the talking.

Di Luo didn't care about Su You's test, because at this time, she was completely focused on the human curse puppet, and even Su You's acknowledgment that she knew this thing didn't notice it.

"The Human Puppet Curse is a forbidden technique of the wizard's soul branch... The specifics are complicated. To put it simply, let's just talk about the effect, which is that you can control people's souls by making puppets."

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