Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 627 627 People Curse the Puppet

All in all, it is actually similar to the villain, but this is a more advanced villain.

"It sounds very sinister..." Although Yue still didn't quite understand the principle, he just needed to know that it was a forbidden technique that could control other people's souls.

After hearing Yue's comments, Di Luo couldn't help but laugh.

This smile is very nice, but coupled with this situation, it makes people feel inexplicably scary.

"Is this called sinister? It seems that you have never seen a more sinister method." Di Luo is a puppet master, and his specialty is to control puppets, and this person who curses puppets is actually controlling a 'puppet', but the puppet here Not a dead thing, but a living life.

"Ah?" You can even control other people's souls at will. Isn't this sinister enough?

Yoe was directly frightened by Di Luo's words.

Perhaps Diluo was in a good mood after discovering the cursed puppet, so she was not stingy with Yue's explanation of the original origin in detail.

The cursed puppet was invented by a wizard hundreds of years ago. Because the wizard used the cursed puppet to do many evil things and killed many people, he was finally surrounded and suppressed by a coalition of people.

After his death, when everyone was cleaning up his belongings and preparing to destroy all the things that had brought harm to the world, they discovered a secret - this man was not only a wizard, he was also a puppet master.

Just like Dolly blended the skills of a restorer and a seamstress, the wizard actually blended witchcraft and puppetry to create the cursed puppet.

Explain in one sentence: Man-cursed puppets control people's souls through witchcraft, and puppets control people's souls through puppetry.

Therefore, although man-cursed puppets are a branch of witchcraft, they are actually also a branch of puppet masters.

It's just that there are more puppet masters than wizards after all. Those involved in the encirclement and suppression were worried that more people would go astray, so they hid the identity of this puppet master.

"...In addition to his identity being hidden, those people also discovered a secret room in his home. In that secret room were all the spell manuscripts related to the wizard's soul branch and puppetry, but fortunately they were all semi-finished products , but in fact, every semi-finished product is more powerful than a human-cursed puppet."

To put it bluntly, the Human Curse Puppet is actually a test subject of this person.

It's just that he was too arrogant and started killing people with a test object, and was eventually sanctioned.

Otherwise, with his amazing talent, if the semi-finished products in the secret room become finished products, the entire continent will probably be in chaos.

"...I would like to ask, Miss Dilo, you seem to be a puppet master?" The more you listened, the more uncomfortable you felt. Especially since the person telling this story seemed to be a puppet master himself, the sense of immersion suddenly became stronger. .

Di Luo didn't expect that his first reaction after hearing this story would be this, but she nodded quickly and then showed a malicious smile. Looking at her smile, Youai had a bad premonition in his heart, and Di Luo's next words proved that his premonition was true.

Di Luo: "Yes, I am the puppet master, and he can also curse puppets. It's just that I didn't have the materials before, and now I have a ready-made one... Suddenly I think about it, it seems that I can control the soul of a magician. It’s quite impressive, how about I try it?”

Yue: "..."

Although he knew that there were two magicians present, and that the other magician was not only stronger than him, but also more talented than him, Youai somehow felt that Di Luo's words were aimed at him.

"Okay, don't scare him." Although what Di Luo said was true, Su You and Ning Shi could tell that she was deliberately trying to scare people.

If nothing else, if Di Luo really wanted this person to curse the puppet, she could just hide the things secretly without calling the three of them over.

Now that she has called them over, she definitely has no intention of using this person to curse the puppet privately to do bad things.

Note that there is no "private" intention to take advantage of it. What Di Luo just said is joking and scary, but Su You can see that she really wants this person to curse the puppet, but most of it is not using To do something bad.

"Oh, I didn't expect him to be so frightened. Could it be that my acting skills are too good and what I said is true?" Di Luo curled his lips and stared straight at Youai, his whole body was covered with tears. All got goosebumps.

Even though he now realized that the puppet master in front of him was joking, he still felt that she was very scary, and he also found a familiar feeling in this scary feeling.

This is as scary as Miss Vivian!

"Miss Diluo, please don't make such jokes in the future. I'm a coward." Youai doesn't think it's embarrassing for him to say that he is a coward. Anyway, everyone is his own people, and the lord knows his character best. There's no point in pretending, and he can't do such a thing.

"Okay, let's stop this matter." Seeing that they were getting more and more distracted, Su You immediately stopped the topic.

She quickly read the information about the human-cursed puppet, and then looked at Diluo: "Since you recognize it and know so much, can you tell whether it has been used? And when was it used? What was it used for? who?"

After hearing that Su You got down to business, Di Luo also put away his previous teasing look.

"Lord, do you see if there is a little red on the chest of this doll? This is actually the blood of the person being controlled, and it is also the material for binding control." Di Luo's words not only explained part of the way to use the doll, but also quite a lot. So I told them that the doll had already been used.

"As for the time of use, I can't give too specific information, but judging from the blood stains, it is probably more than two days old." Because the doll has been wrapped in light elements and will not cause harm to others, Di Luo did not shy away from it. Hold it in your hands, look through it carefully, and then tell you some of the information you discovered, such as:

‘The blood stains on this doll do not look like human blood stains’, ‘Although the doll has been used, it has not been triggered’ and ‘She can drive this doll to find the owner of the blood stains’.

The first information is easy to explain. This is the mermaid tribe. I also know that the blood stains on it are most likely that of a certain mermaid. If this is really the blood stains of humans or other races, then the matter will be huge. After all, this is A third race is involved.

The second message means that although the puppet has been used, the use here refers to the fact that it has been bound to a person, but so far this person has not been controlled by the person behind the scenes using the puppet.

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