Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 628 628 Rumors are wrong

"Do you see there is a thin line on this doll? This is the soul line. Every time you use the doll to control the soul, the soul line must be burned. If the soul line is gone, the control will be ineffective." The soul line on this doll It is complete, so although it has been bound to people, it has not been actually used.

Under Di Luo's instructions, they all saw circles of thin threads like spider webs wrapped around the arms of the doll.

As for the third piece of information, it is related to the owner who is looking for blood stains.

"The puppet is bound to the soul of the other party, which is actually equivalent to being a part of the other party. If the lord needs it, I can let it lead the way now." What Diluo here obviously refers to is the doll.

"Does it take burning the soul thread to let it lead the way?" Although Su You had heard of the cursed puppet, she had never actually encountered it before, so her understanding was not very deep.

But after all, it is a thing that controls the soul. When used, it will definitely hurt the person being controlled.

This soul thread sounded like something similar to vitality. She guessed that burning the soul thread would consume the victim's vitality, so it was best not to use this soul thread.

"Lord, you are such a good man." Di Luo vaguely guessed why Su You asked this question, so he said this.

Su You was noncommittal and said nothing.

"Don't worry, I'm just letting him find his master. He's not asking his master to come to us. There's no need for a soul thread." But in the process of looking for his master, the master will definitely feel uncomfortable for a while, but the discomfort here will not last forever. It basically hurt the body, so Di Luo didn't bother to say anything.

"Okay, Ning Shi, you follow Di Luo to find someone, and Youai stays." This place has been checked and there is nothing abnormal, so there is no point in Ning Shi staying.

In this case, it is better to let Ning Shi follow Di Luo to help. After all, this forbidden technique is also related to the dark element, and she can help.

"Then let's go." Di Luo took off the puppet silk that was like a bead chain from his wrist, and then connected one end to the human curse puppet. After the operation, the puppet wrapped in the light ball showed the posture He stood up twistedly.

At first, it was like a baby that had just learned to walk, swaying and stumbling, but after a while, it gradually learned how to maintain balance and how to walk on the ground.

"When you leave, take away the mermaid outside." If they were to act alone, something might happen easily if they were not familiar with the place. If there is someone from Luya outside, bringing one of them can help them understand the situation, or maybe Help spread the news.

Di Luo was guiding the puppet and had no time to speak, so Ning Shi responded and expressed his understanding.

After Di Luo and Ning Shi left, Su You continued to study the formation here with Youai who stayed behind.



"Sixth Princess, it seems like there is nothing wrong with these two people." The captain of the escort wiped the sweat from his head and said to Luya nervously.

When he saw Luya frowning slightly, the captain felt that he was probably going to be doomed today.

When he thought about the methods of the sixth princess that he had heard about, the captain knew that his job was probably not guaranteed.

However, he didn't blame anyone. At most, he just felt that he was a little unlucky... How come this happened to the mermaid under his hands? "You..." Luya was about to say something more, but she turned around and saw the captain looking nervous and sweating, which made Luya a little confused.

After wondering, she quickly thought of the rumors about her in the palace, which basically said something bad about her. Thinking about it, it seems quite normal for the captain to be so scared.

Although Luya didn't care about her reputation, she had never done any of these things herself. It would be fine if it was misinformation, but it was obviously someone behind the scenes who was manipulating this matter, which Luya couldn't bear.

Since someone does this, it must mean that it is good for them. If she ignores it, she will help these people and harm herself at the same time.

"Sixth Princess, please tell me if you need anything!" The captain didn't know that Luya was thinking so much. He only knew that he had to serve this ancestor as well as possible, so that he could still have a chance to keep his job.

But judging from the situation just now, these six princesses are probably going to make a scene, and they will probably suffer of their own later.

Although Luya didn't know what he was thinking, she could guess some.

She relaxed her expression, and although her tone was still cold, it was much softened, and it didn't sound as arrogant and harsh as before.

"Don't be so nervous. I know that this matter has nothing to do with you, and the palace guard is not managed by this princess. I have no right to interfere with your stay." Although Luya's words did not sound very nice, but The revealed meaning made the captain breathe a sigh of relief.

The captain knew very well that although the palace guard affairs were managed by the third elder and the fourth elder, the two elders dealt with major matters, such as the departure or stay of a small captain, and they would not interfere.

And even if it's not the sixth princess, but other princes and princesses, whenever they want to change someone, their superiors will definitely give them face, not to mention the one who is the most favored.

Another point is that there are actually many mermaids watching his position. Everyone is waiting for him to make a mistake and then replace him. Even if he dissatisfied the Sixth Princess with this matter, even if she doesn't say it directly, others will Take this opportunity to pull him down.

Fortunately, the sixth princess has already said that she has nothing to do with this matter and will not interfere with his whereabouts. The implication is that she will not use her status and power to drive him away.

And after saying this, others cannot drive him away on the grounds that he has offended the Sixth Princess, otherwise they are going against the Sixth Princess!

"Thank you, Princess Six." The captain thanked Luya. While his nervousness eased a lot, he also had some doubts about the rumors.

Didn’t you say that the Sixth Princess was unruly and willful?

Although he did feel a little arrogant when he looked at the sixth princess today, how could anyone in the palace not be arrogant?

Even though he, the captain of the escort team, has a low status in the palace, after returning home, the mermaids around him will treat him with some respect.

But apart from the irrelevant arrogance, he didn't see anything bad in the sixth princess.

Are the rumors wrong?

But many things are not groundless... Forget it, he is just a squad leader, he doesn't care about so many things.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, the captain quietly waited for Luya to arrange new orders for him. However, what he did not expect was that before he could receive the order, he heard rapid movement behind him...

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