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Chapter 629 629 Harry fainted

He couldn't help but look back and found that the mermaid who hurried over was actually the mermaid responsible for guarding Harry and Modi!

Although Luya was no longer prepared to punish them too much, out of concern for the face of the Sixth Princess, minor punishments were necessary, so the two received a few light whips and were imprisoned for another three days. of confinement.

It looks serious, but in fact the force of this light whip is about the same as a bump. It only hurts for a short time and does not cause any serious consequences.

As for the three days of confinement, it was nothing. Someone brought food, and there was no forced corporal punishment. At most, they just couldn't go out.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any problems with such a light punishment, but the person responsible for guarding arrived in such a hurry, which made the captain's heart skip a beat.

And what the guard said next also verified his guess——

"I've seen the Sixth Princess. The Sixth Princess is not well! Harry fainted!"

Luya's eyes widened in surprise, and then she turned to look at the kneeling captain on the ground with a stern look: "I said I only wanted to give these two people a small punishment, what did you order them to do?! Why are they doing this? Passed out!"

In the past, Luya would definitely not have thought this way, but ever since she learned that someone was deliberately destroying her reputation, Luya couldn't help but think about the matter in this aspect.

For example, did the captain take someone's favor and torture the two mermaids on purpose? As long as Luya didn't look, the reputation that would spread would be that she, the sixth princess, punishes her tribe members heavily for the smallest things done by outsiders!

Although this matter is fundamentally Modi's responsibility, and Harry also made a small mistake in not fulfilling his duties, this is only a small mistake after all. Others heard that although he was afraid of the authority of the royal family and did not dare to say anything, in his heart Everyone will definitely think that the Sixth Princess is a cruel person!

And once this happens, Luya will never have a chance to explain. Even if someone proves it, others will only think that they are afraid of the sixth princess and deliberately speak for her.

Facing the sixth princess's stern questioning, the captain who was kneeling on the ground also looked very aggrieved.

Poseidon is above! He really didn't let anyone do anything to those two people!

Wasn't it just a few light whippings? The injuries were not as severe as when they went out to kill sea beasts. Why did this good mermaid faint?

Perhaps he felt that this matter was a bit serious, so the captain couldn't help but speak his mind.

Luya was dubious about his words.

"Go and ask the family doctor to come over immediately... Get up and lead the way for me. I'm going to check the situation. If what you said is half-truth, then go to the water prison and stay there!" Although Luya didn't look like him. She looked like she was lying, but she couldn't trust anyone at the moment. She only believed what she saw with her own eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, the captain who was kneeling on the ground immediately stood up and led the way.

Because this place was near the black room of confinement, and they could make it in time, they quickly arrived at the door of the black room where Harry and Harry were locked up.

Originally, the door of the dark room should be closed, but since everyone fainted and something happened, the door was naturally opened. Not only that, Luya also saw two familiar people at the door.

"You two seem to be with Youyi?" Although Suyou didn't bring many people, only a dozen or so, Luya basically didn't have contact with other people and only had Suyou in her eyes, so she could only recognize They look good, but I don’t know their names.

"I have met the Sixth Princess. We are indeed with the lord. I am Di Luo and this is Ning Shi." Di Luo held the puppet in his hand. After a brief introduction, he continued: "The lord has discovered something new." Let us come and inform His Highness of the clues.”

Luya knew what Di Luo meant as soon as she heard it. Although she also cared about Su You's words, Harry's matters were obviously more important now. Di Luo seemed to have noticed something, and continued to explain: "The mermaid inside is not seriously injured, and this is exactly why we came here."

Luya thought for a while and finally asked the people around her to step back.

The captain who led the way hesitated to speak, but in the end he said nothing.

After everyone left, Di Luo briefly summarized the matter of the puppet curse. Then she placed the puppet in her hand on the ground. In less than three seconds, the puppet that was originally like a dead thing was still there. He stood up in a twisted posture.

But this time it didn't learn to walk, but walked straight into the dark room, and finally stopped next to Harry.

"It seems that the soul bound to it should belong to this mermaid." Dilo checked Harry's situation, and then said something to reassure Luya: "This matter is my problem, driving the doll to find its owner, The master will be affected to a certain extent. There is nothing wrong with him, he just fainted and will wake up within ten minutes."

"So this should be the secret Yui mentioned..." Luya murmured to herself.

At first they were all curious as to why those people wanted to put Harry in the water prison, but after the puppet appeared, everything became clear.

Because Harry has unknowingly become the 'puppet' of those people. As long as he can enter the water prison, it is equivalent to the person behind the scenes entering the water prison.

They can manipulate Harry into doing anything.

And because Harry came in after committing a crime, it would not arouse suspicion. Even if something went wrong, the first person to be suspected and questioned would definitely be Luya, the person who imprisoned Harry.

The more Luya thought about it, the more she felt a chill in her heart.

Because many people have the brains to come up with ideas, but not many have the ability to implement them.

Being able to know the secrets of the mermaid clan's shark beads, being able to perform witchcraft in the mermaid clan, and even knowing about the water prison... Many of these things were unknown even to her, the mermaid princess.

There are only a handful of mermaids who know these secrets and have the ability to do things. She has gradually narrowed down the scope of suspects.

While shrinking, Luya's inner pressure also gradually increased, because these people were all at the top of the mermaid clan.

Among these people, if one betrays the mermaid clan, no matter who it is, the mermaid clan will suffer huge losses.

"This matter... no, Miss Dilo, can this human-cursed puppet be lifted? Also, can you find out if there are any other victims in our clan?"

Luya was really afraid that the people she was thinking of would betray the mermaid clan, and at the same time she couldn't imagine that they would become traitors, because they had all been devoted to the mermaid clan in the past...

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