Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 630 630 Unknown Betrayal

But after learning about the cursed puppet, she suddenly felt that even if there was no 'undercover', the crisis within the mermaid tribe was still great.

Because these people are very likely to have 'betrayed' the mermaid clan without knowing it.

The culprit is naturally the puppet.

That's why Luya asked this question, because she hoped that Di Luo could find the mermaids controlled by the cursed puppets. It would be best to directly remove the control of the cursed puppets to avoid harming them.

But even if there is no way to eliminate this, it is not a problem. The worst thing is to keep people under least tomorrow, they must not be allowed to cause trouble.

"It's not a problem to remove the cursed puppet. This forbidden technique relies on the cursed puppet. As long as the puppet is destroyed, the forbidden technique will be ineffective." Di Luo's words are undoubtedly good news, but What follows is obviously bad news.

"However, although I can lift the curse on the puppet, I do not have the ability to find the cursed person." Although on the surface, she found Harry, in fact it was not she who found it, but the puppet. What she found was that all she did was give the puppet the ability to move.

Although Luya felt that Diluo's words were somewhat contradictory to her previous behavior, she did not think that Diluo would lie to her. She felt that maybe she understood something wrong, but there was one sentence that she still understood, and that was Di Luo had no way to find the cursed mermaid.

This news made her feel a little regretful, and at the same time she felt a great crisis.

"Sixth Princess, although I have no way to actively find the person who is being cursed, I can see the person who is being controlled." Because no matter who is being controlled, there will be invisible puppet threads wrapped around their body, and It's that thing on her wrist.

Ordinary people who don't understand puppetry may not be able to recognize puppet threads, because they will hide themselves and blend with the person being controlled, but for a puppet master of Di Luo's level, as long as the opponent's level is not more than two levels above hers, level, then she can definitely discover the puppet silk.

Di Luo is a high-level puppet master. If you are above two levels, you will have to be at least a master-level puppet master. There are only a handful of puppet masters of this level on the mainland.

And with his ability, if he really wants to do something, there is no need to use such low-level means as the cursed puppet. After all, the cursed puppet has been lost for a long time. Even if the information about the forbidden technique is obtained, the power is definitely average. In this case, it is better to directly Refining the 'living puppet'.

Living puppets are almost impossible for Di Luo, but they are nothing to a master puppet master, and compared to human curse puppets, living puppets obviously have more advantages.

"The strength of this puppet master will not be much greater than mine. The opponent is only a master puppet master at most. A puppet master of this level can control up to three to four people at a time by using human spell puppets. If there are more, there will definitely be problems. "

Luya's long frown finally relaxed.

It can only control three or four people at most, Harry is already one, which means that only three people in the mermaid clan can be controlled at most...

This is much better than what Luya imagined. The answer was that the fishmen unknowingly cannibalized the entire mermaid clan and gradually controlled the entire mermaid clan.

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved." Luya said she was relieved, but she knew in her heart that she would never be relieved as long as the fish-man thing wasn't over.

In the following time, Di Luo did not lift the spell on Harry, because lifting it would attract the attention of the people behind the scenes. After all, there was inexplicably missing one person who could be controlled, and everyone would find something wrong.

But in order to prevent Harry from being controlled and doing something, Di Luo cut off the soul line on the doll. In this way, without the soul line, although the other party can sense the doll, it cannot control the doll. After doing this, Ning Shi and Di Luo were taken by Luya, who took them around the palace.

This was mainly done so that Ning Shi could check if there was any abnormality in the dark element in the palace, and also to allow Di Luo to see more mermaids in the palace, hoping to find other people who had been secretly under witchcraft.

Originally, Di Luo had to go back and report to Su You in time after discovering the answer behind the human-cursed puppet, but she was not a pedantic person who did not know how to adapt.

Although it was important to let Su You know about this matter, it was equally important to find other potential crises for the mermaid clan as soon as possible.

Even if she went to the lord to report the matter, the lord would probably not be able to come up with anything. After all, it was Di Luo who found the human-cursed puppet. In this case, there is no need to waste this time.

Since Di Luo was able to find the first human-cursed puppet, she believed that she would be able to find the second one as well. Of course, that was assuming that there was a second human-cursed puppet in the mermaid tribe.


Di Luo has made a breakthrough here, not only finding the person bound to the human curse puppet, but also finding the answer to Harry's incident. Although Su You has not completely cracked the formation, There were also quite a few discoveries.

To be more precise, this discovery was made thanks to one person, and this person was Hong Si, one of the few mermaids Su You knew among the mermaid tribe.

Things went back to about five minutes ago. When Su You was trying the third method to crack the formation, he suddenly heard a conversation coming from outside the water prison.

You must know that at this time, the only people near the water prison were Suyou, Youai, and the two mermaid guards left by Luya.

The two guards outside were both men, but what Su You heard was a somewhat familiar female voice.

After a while, the two guards outside the door let the female mermaid in. Su You looked back and saw the person she expected.

"Hongsi, did your princess ask you to come to me?" Apart from this, Su You couldn't think of a reason why Hongsi would take the initiative to come to her.

And Hong Si's answer didn't exceed Su You's expectations.

"Hong Si was indeed ordered by Her Royal Highness the Princess to deliver something." As she said that, Hong Si took out a box that looked very plain and simple.

There is a disposable lock outside the box. Once this lock is opened, it will be damaged and cannot be closed again. Now the lock is intact, which means that no one has opened it halfway.

Su You glanced at her, then took the box and opened it. There was only a note in the box.

The note was relatively small, and there wasn't much content on it, but there were two people's handwriting on it.

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