Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 631 6311 Formation Books

Judging from the content, one is Luya's and the other is Diluo's.

There are relatively few words in the first line. Luya asked her to borrow two people, and these two people were Ning Shi and Di Luo.

The second paragraph was written by Dilo, and in a few sentences explained the affairs between the doll and Harry.

"Please run away." Su You put away the note and box, and then found that the person who was supposed to leave at this time was still standing in front of her.

"But what other things are there?" Su You originally thought that Hong Si was a little weird, but because there were too many things going on at the moment, so as long as Hong Si and the fish-man didn't care, she would ignore it for the time being. At most, she would wait until the fish-man incident was over. A secret reminder to Luya.

But now it seems that she wanted to pretend not to know, but others just brought it to her, making it impossible for her to pretend not to know.

"Miss Su is indeed smart. In addition to helping His Highness deliver things, Hong Si also has something else he wants to give to Miss Su." After saying this, Hong Si took out a book as if by magic and handed it to Su. pomelo.

But whether it was out of caution or something else, Su You didn't take the book directly, but looked at Hong Si with questioning eyes.

Hong Si knew that if she didn't tell her what it was, Su You probably wouldn't take it, so she could only explain.

"Hong Si heard about the formations from His Highness and thought of one thing. The queen said that I had the talent to learn formations, so she gave this book to me... But then the queen left, and Hong Si I only wanted to take good care of His Highness, so I put this book away."

After Hong Si finished speaking, the words "An Unknown Book" that appeared in front of Su You's eyes changed into "An Formation Book".

It seems that what Hong Si said is true, but the 'truth' here is limited to the fact that this book is indeed a book about formations. As for what Hong Si said about the queen, the truth is unknown.


"Thank you then. I just don't have a clue right now. Your book might be of great use." Since it is something that Hongsi can specially send, no matter whether it is good or bad, it will definitely be useful. of.

"Miss Su is serious. This is what Hongsi should do... Hongsi has a merciless request. I hope you can agree. The queen said that I have a talent for formations. I am also interested in formations. I wonder if I can stay." Come down and see how to crack it?”

Su You nodded and agreed directly.

After all, he is someone close to Luya, and he even specially sent something here, so he must give her face.

Moreover, Hong Si's question was actually just a formality. Even if she didn't ask, she could stay as long as Su You didn't take the initiative to drive her away.

"You can stay if you want. Didn't the queen say that you have a talent for formations? You can also come over and work with me to crack it. Maybe you can find a way to crack it before me." Su You said this. A little sincere, but also a little tentative.

Because she suspected that Hongsi might know this formation... maybe she even knew how to crack it!

If possible, Su You would like to be lazy. After all, breaking the formation is not just about finding a way. It is very troublesome when you actually start to break it.

"Thank you, Miss Su, for letting me stay. As for talent, it doesn't matter. I haven't learned formations. How am I different from ordinary people?" Hong Si smiled and said that she didn't know formations. She said so. Su You didn't force it either. After that, she didn't care about what Hongsi was going to do. After getting the formation book, she just started reading it on her own.

Although she has already guessed that there is a high probability of a solution in this book... Even if there is no direct solution, there will definitely be some hints.

But what she didn't expect was that the contents of this book about this formation were not even included. Su You just turned to the third page and already saw a formation that was 70% similar to it.

Continuing to scroll down, Su You discovered that the subsequent formations were actually adjusted based on the formations on the third page, and were not new formations.

When he turned to the ninth page, the formation Su You saw was 99% similar to the unknown formation in the water prison.

Judging from this situation, it is no surprise that this is not an ordinary formation book. It is more like a person's notebook. This notebook records the process of a person gradually completing a formation.

As for this person's identity, Su You already had the answer in her heart...

Suyou looked at Hongsi. She was chatting with Youai at this time. Although Youai was cautious, Hongsi didn't ask any extraordinary questions. At most, she only asked about things on land, human habits, and recent news. Interesting things about the mainland... Therefore, Yue gradually relaxed a little.

However, he still remembered what should be said and what should not be said. The two of them chatted for a long time on topics that were actually not nutritious.

Perhaps feeling Su You's gaze, Hong Si turned around and looked over: "What did Miss Su find?"

"There are indeed some discoveries." In fact, it is more than just "some discoveries"?

It was almost like someone was delivering the answers directly to her during an exam!

Su You definitely knows how to 'copy the answer', but she hasn't figured out yet whether she should copy the answer... What if this answer is wrong?

Or maybe someone is just waiting for her to 'copy the answer' and then reap the benefits?

The thing was given by Hong Si. Hong Si must know something, but Su You was not sure of Hong Si's position.

She originally wanted to test it out, but since Hong Si took the initiative to ask, Su You chose to be more direct.

"I found that this book is very similar to the formation in this water prison starting from the third page. Until the ninth page, the content of the book is 99% similar to the formation... I suspect this should be a book The draft notes of a very powerful formation master when he created his own formation." After Su You said this, she didn't look at Hong Si's expression, but continued to turn to the tenth page.

The first nine pages are a draft of the process of creating your own formation, which is the process of optimizing the formation step by step.

And this tenth page is written with methods to crack the formation.

Su You looked up at her: "Hongsi, you said this book was given to you by the queen. Do you remember whether there are other powerful formation masters around the queen?"

Hongsi paused, as if thinking, and finally shook his head.

"Since there is no such thing, does that mean that the owner of this formation book is actually the queen?" Su You continued to ask with a smile.

Su You said before that this is a draft of the notes of a very powerful formation master when he created his own formation. There is no other formation master around the queen, so this formation master can only be the queen!

Of course, it is also possible that the queen found this book elsewhere, but the possibility is very low.

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