Because normal people would definitely not choose to place an array with an unknown origin in their 'home', and a smart person like the queen would definitely not do such a thing.

"Miss Su, do you mean that the queen is an array master?" Hong Si's face showed obvious surprise, but Su You could feel that her tone was calm.

Sure enough, Hong Si did know about this!

Su You didn't feel happy when she discovered this, but felt that more mysterious fog overlapped in front of her.

A mermaid king who is 'obsessed with women', a queen who died but left behind many secrets, a Mrs. Sang with an unknown purpose, a Hongsi who had a lot of information but never told Luya...

The affairs of the mermaid clan haven't even begun yet, but there are more and more characters, and they are becoming more and more complex.

I thought it was just a pure murloc attack, but later I discovered pollution, discovered formations, and even found out that all this may be related to the traces left by the mermaid queen who finally sacrificed herself to protect the mermaid tribe...

Regardless of whether Hongsi admits it or not, the person who arranged the formation in the water prison already has the answer, and that is the queen.

After all, it was her own formation, and no one could understand it better than her.

Although Suyou has never met this magical queen, she is willing to sacrifice her life for the mermaid clan, and she is Luya's biological mother, so she considers the queen as her own.

"Hong Si, you are the person next to the Queen. Do you think the Queen wants us to unlock this formation?" When Su You asked this question, her thoughts were not on this, but growing crazily in another direction. .

Because she just thought that several clues she had learned seemed to be connected with the queen.

The queen is a formation master, and there are formations in the forbidden area. Something happened in the forbidden area when the queen gave birth to Luya, and the queen went to the forbidden area...

Combined with this piece of information, she got a new piece of information - the formation in the forbidden area was related to the queen, and might even have been created by the queen!

This can also explain why the queen left the newly born Luya and went to the forbidden land, because there was no way to live without her there.

Hong Si looked at Su You, whose expression was unclear, and leaned forward slightly: "How could Hong Si know what the queen is thinking?"

Su You knew that Hong Si was unwilling to continue to provide help, but it didn't matter, she just needed to know Hong Si's position...

The blood-red bead that suddenly appeared in his hand suddenly shattered, and Su You's expression changed.

"No, something happened to Luya! The same blood bead she gave me was broken!" While speaking, Su You spread his hands, and the few bright red fragments in his white palm were particularly dazzling.

After seeing this, Hong Si's face also changed drastically, and then she left in a hurry without even having time to say a word to Su You.

"Lord, something happened to the Sixth Princess. Di Luo and Ning Shi are following her. Will the two of them also... How about we go to help first?" Although Yuai, who has been silent and pretending to be a fool next to him, does not understand. What happened, but he knew that Di Luo and Ning Shi were with the mermaid princess.

If something happens to this mermaid princess, then it is very likely that something will happen to the two of them.

"Don't worry, nothing happened to Luya, and neither will Di Luo and the others." Su You dropped the glass bead fragments in his hands on the ground with a calm expression, showing no signs of panic as before.

Yuai was stunned for a moment because he didn't understand the situation.

Didn’t the lord say that something happened to the sixth princess? Why are you saying there's nothing wrong now?

...Did the lord lie just now?

But why did the lord lie... Does this have any meaning?

Countless questions echoed in Youai's mind, but he didn't ask any of them because he knew that if Suyou was willing to tell him, he would tell him directly. If not, then there was no need for him to ask. Not surprisingly, the Lord did not continue this topic, but called him to help break the formation together.

Su You was hesitant to crack it before because she didn't know Hong Si's position, so Su You just used the shark blood beads to test Hong Si.

In addition to acting as a 'telephone', the Shark Blood Beads also have a passive function, that is, when the owner of the blood is in danger, the corresponding Shark Blood Beads will shatter to remind the person who owns the Shark Blood Beads that the other person is in danger. It's a crisis.

Su You had already thought about testing Hongsi, so while she was chatting with Youai, she took the time to make a glass bead dyed red... and then she broke the bead into pieces and disguised it. Something happened to Luya and the same blood bead was broken.

But if you look carefully, the difference between the same blood beads and the glass beads is very big, but the problem lies in Su You's words - something happened to Luya.

Hong Si should really care about Luya, so she panicked a little after hearing these words, so that when she saw the fragments in Su You's hand, she subconsciously thought that these were the fragments of the same blood bead, and then Hong Si He left in a hurry because he was worried about Luya.

At this point, Su You's test is over, and the result of the test is obvious. Hong Si cares about Lu Ya very much.

As long as Hongsi cares about Luya, then no matter how many secrets she has, there is a high probability that she will not be an enemy of the mermaid tribe. Therefore, the formation book she gave is credible.

"Youai, listen to me, you can go to another formation later..." Since this book is credible, Su You didn't hesitate and started arranging work directly.

Because there are two formations, it is twice as difficult to crack.

Fortunately, Su You deliberately left one person behind, so there were helpers to help. Otherwise, if she was the only one running back and forth, she would be exhausted first, not to mention whether it would take enough time to crack the formation.

[The formation cracking progress is 10%...]

[The formation cracking progress is 29%...]

[The formation cracking progress is 55%...]

[The formation cracking progress is 87%...]

[The formation cracking progress is 99%...]

[The formation cracking progress is 99%...]


Because she got the standard answer, Su You cracked the formation very quickly at first. With Youai's cooperation, the progress went from 0% to 99% in just ten minutes.

But the strange thing is that when the progress reaches 99%, the system prompts as if it is stuck. It crazyly prompts that the progress of 99% has never increased, even if it is only 0.01%.

Suyou's face darkened.

She knew this was a situation she didn't want to happen.

As I said before, the final formation in this notebook is only 99% similar to the formation in the water prison, and this missing 00% is what prevents her cracking progress from % to Su You. % reason.

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