Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 636 636 Traitor of the Mermaid Tribe

At least she wouldn't deliberately make things difficult, and she would also speak for Su You, otherwise she wouldn't repeat Su You's words and say that she was doing this to give Luya a gift.

"I'm also sorry about the water prison. I don't know the reason. After I cracked the formation, the water prison became what it is now." Su You was very grateful to the fifth elder for his help, so he cooperated. Tell the truth and apologize.

"Then did Miss Su make any new discoveries after unlocking the formation?" The fifth elder saw that neither of the two people around him was ready to speak, so he took over the right to speak, and then unknowingly changed the topic from 'Water Prison' to 'Water Prison'. Destroy' and move to the 'formation'.

"I just unlocked the formation not long ago, so I didn't have time to check the surrounding area, but isn't there an obvious underground staircase here? Maybe there is something protected by the formation inside."

Suyou didn't tell anything about the key. If she didn't tell him, Youai would definitely pretend not to know anything.

The key is not mentioned because the key has already been used, and she did not gain anything after using the key, but only triggered a copy.

The copy has no meaning to other creatures except Su You, so Su You just assumes that the key and door are arranged for her by the system and have nothing to do with the mermaid clan.

In this case, then what is behind the underground stairs should be the real object of the formation's protection.

"I see... Then there is probably a treasure protected by this formation hidden under this staircase." The fifth elder smiled gently and slowly changed the topic from the destroyed water prison to the treasure one by one.

"Huh, who knows if there is any treasure? But the water prison was indeed destroyed! Tomorrow is the sacrificial ceremony. If something like this happens the day before the ceremony, what if the Poseidon is displeased?!"

The second elder was stared at by the elder, but he also heard the fifth elder's protective intentions, so he didn't care about anything else. He opened his mouth and mentioned the water prison again, and even mentioned Poseidon on purpose!

Needless to say, the status of Poseidon in the heart of the mermaid tribe is obvious. The second elder’s words are obviously intended to intensify conflicts and turn small things into big things.

The fifth elder frowned, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes. She was about to speak, but the next second she heard a muffled groan, and then the guards behind her all shouted "Sixth Princess".

"Hello, Sixth Princess." The guards behind the elders saluted Luya respectfully. From the corner of their eyes, they could vaguely see that in addition to the guards, there was a mermaid tied up and gagged beside the Sixth Princess.

Although they were very curious about what crime the mermaid being carried by the guards around the Sixth Princess had committed, it was obvious that because Luya's menacing appearance was too scary, they did not dare to raise their heads, let alone see what the mermaid looked like. .

"Hey, why are you here, Second Elder? Didn't you say that you still have something to do? Have you finished your work? If you haven't finished your work, what will happen if something happens at tomorrow's sacrificial ceremony... Second Elder, you can't escape your responsibility. !" Luya also heard what the second elder just said, so she spoke without mercy at this time.

Since the second elder could deliberately turn a small matter into a big deal before and dare to threaten her, this is what she calls treating others in their own way.

Luya's arrival obviously changed the situation on the court.

Originally, the First Elder was only neutral, the Fifth Elder was protecting Su You, and only the Second Elder was deliberately making things difficult. Now that Luya is here, the Second Elder is obviously unable to cause any trouble.

The second elder also understood this, so he stopped talking now, just sneered, and then looked on coldly.

"Uh huh..." The tied up and gagged mermaid struggled desperately, but unfortunately his hands and tail were tied tightly, so he couldn't move at all, and because his mouth was also gagged. , he couldn't speak, and could only make a sound of "uh huh".

The scene had calmed down just now because of Luya's words, and his whimpering was particularly obvious at this time.

The second elder looked at the tied up mermaid and couldn't help but frown, because he felt it looked familiar. The mermaid seemed to have noticed that the second elder was looking at him, so he gestured wildly with his eyes.

Soon, the second elder seemed to recognize this mermaid, and couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart.

He raised his head and deliberately did not look at the mermaid. He stared at Luya and asked in a bad tone: "Sixth Princess, you are already willful enough. You do so many unreasonable things in daily life. Everyone thinks that you are still young. I don’t care about it, but what mistake did this merman make today that made you torture him like this?!”

Facing the second elder's question, Luya was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help laughing... The meaning of her smile was that she didn't expect someone to dare to complain first.

"Willful?" She asked back: "As a princess, I caught a traitor who betrayed the mermaid clan. This is called being willful? Second Elder, don't be panicked, right?"

The second elder's heart trembled, and he was even more sure that Luya already knew something.

Just when he was about to stop Luya's next behavior, the great elder glared at him fiercely.

Just this glance, it was like pouring a basin of ice water on his head, making him shiver all over, and at the same time he was completely afraid to continue talking.

"Sixth Princess, please explain the situation clearly." The First Elder was already busy with work, and tomorrow was the sacrificial ceremony, so he was even busier.

If he hadn't heard that something happened in the water prison, and heard from the second elder that humans had entered the water prison, and it was Luya who brought him in, he would never have wasted his time and made this trip.

Now he knows what happened. It was all because of the formation. Although the water prison was destroyed, it was basically useless. He had already had the idea of ​​shrinking the water prison before, so this could be regarded as helping to 'demolish' it in advance.

It's just that the Great Elder would definitely not say this directly. He just wants to solve Luya's matter quickly and then go back to continue handling the official affairs of the mermaid clan.

He had no interest in this kind of private farce.

However, now that Luya mentioned the word 'traitor' so sensitively, and then related to what the fifth elder had told them about the fishmen a few days ago, this inevitably made the elder's heart sink.

He had always known that there was a traitor in the clan, but the other party hid it very well, and there was more than one person, and they were all helping each other hide their identities, so it became very difficult to find the traitor.

However, the second elder's reaction just now made the first elder couldn't help but think about whether the traitor was him. If it was him... the first elder was not willing to have this possibility.

Third update tomorrow, New Year's Day.

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