Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 637 637 Poseidon’s Gift

Although the great elder has a normal relationship with other people in the mermaid tribe in order to maintain his dignity, after all, they are 'colleagues' who have been together for hundreds of years, and it is completely impossible not to have any feelings.

If the second elder really did something stupid, the first elder would definitely be disappointed.

"I'd better not talk about this matter, lest the second elder say that I slandered him." Luya asked the guards around her to throw the tied mermaid in front of everyone, and also took away the thing that blocked his mouth. out.

"Tell everyone yourself what you did and who ordered you to do it!" Luya fell silent after saying this.

The mermaid who was thrown out had been interrogated before, and the previously tough thoughts and hard bones had been worn away, so as soon as her mouth was free, she immediately told everything she had done.

"I, I am the guard Ba Ji who is responsible for guarding the protective shield..." As Ba Ji said everything sentence by sentence, the expressions of all the fish present were getting worse and worse. The most serious one was undoubtedly the big one. The elder and the second elder are here.

It's just that the first elder was angry, while the second elder was frightened.

He had winked at Ba Ji countless times, wanting him to stop talking, but he didn't know whether Ba Ji really knew that he had done something wrong and didn't want to hide it anymore, or whether it was because of what Luya had done to him before. He didn't dare to hide it. In short, he didn't even dare to look at the second elder. He seriously told everything he had done...

As mentioned before, the position of second elder needs to be filled by a mermaid who is proficient in formations, and his responsibility is to maintain the large and small formations in the clan.

Among these formations, the most important and largest formation must be the protective shield that envelops the entire mermaid clan.

Once there is no such protective cover, countless marine creatures will invade the mermaid tribe.

Although mermaids are the overlords of the ocean, not all sea creatures obey mermaids.

Some violent sea creatures are warlike by nature and like to make waves in the ocean by relying on their strength. However, in order to maintain the peace of the ocean, mermaids suppress their nature, which naturally makes them unhappy.

If these marine creatures unite, the mermaid tribe will also suffer a lot of harm. After all, although the mermaids are powerful, they are not very numerous.

But fortunately, the mermaid clan has experienced only a handful of accidents with its protective shield over the millennia, and every time there are special circumstances, so it doesn't matter.

But just a year ago, the mermaid discovered that there were cracks in the protective shield, and this mermaid was Ba Yi.

After discovering this incident, he immediately reported it to the second elder.

According to normal circumstances, the second elder only needs to repair this crack. Baji also thinks so, so when the second elder said that he would solve it and asked him not to care about it anymore, he really didn't care anymore. .

Until a month later, when Tomoe accidentally passed by that location again, he was surprised to find that the cracks that existed a month ago had not been repaired, and were getting worse as time went by!

His job is to protect the protective shield, so he naturally knows something about the protective shield. He knows that the second elder has not repaired it at all. Otherwise, even if the protective shield is broken for the second time, there will be no such big traces. Out of duty, he once again found the second elder, but this time the second elder threatened him and asked him not to tell the story, otherwise he would attack his family.

Of course, if it was just a threat, it would certainly not have caused Ba to hide it from the second elder for so long. After all, all mermaids know that even if they are not threatened, when the protective shield is broken, the mermaid tribe will still suffer disaster. In this case, why not Take the risk and secretly tell this matter, so that you can achieve meritorious deeds!

But in addition to threats, the second elder also offered benefits. Under the coercion and inducements, Ba had concealed the matter.

At first, he was a little panicked, worried that something might happen with such a crack. It was not until two or three days later that he found that the crack had disappeared, so he thought that the second elder had repaired it, so he accepted the benefits of the second elder with peace of mind. The matter was concealed.

For a long time after that, there were no problems with the protective cover, so he gradually forgot about it.

Until a month ago, he discovered that the barrier was broken again. The difference from a year ago was that this time besides him, another mermaid also saw it.

He knew that the second elder did not want this matter to be known to others, so he thought of solving the matter for the second elder, so that he might be able to get some 'rewards'.

But what he didn't expect was that this mermaid was completely different from him before. He didn't accept threats and inducements at all. In desperation, he had no choice but to take this mermaid to see the second elder.

"After I brought the person there, the second elder let me go. I never saw that mermaid again... Great Elder! Fifth Elder! Sixth Princess! You must believe me! The disappearance of that mermaid is really related to I have nothing to do with it! This was all done by the second elder, if you want to find it, just go to the second elder!"

"Shut up!" The second elder saw him biting him crazily and wouldn't let go. For a moment, he didn't care about the elder elder staring at him. He cursed fiercely, but it was too late, because Ba had already put all the All that needs to be said has been said.

"Second Elder! You are the one who really should shut up!" After hearing Ba Ji tell the whole story, the First Elder was so angry that he threw the bead string he had been carrying all year round.

You must know that this bead string was what the elder saw on his bedside when he woke up after the coming-of-age ceremony.

All the mermaids knew that this should be a gift from Poseidon, because mermaids often saw gifts on their bedside after coming-of-age ceremonies.

These gifts are called 'Poseidon's gifts'. Mermaids who have Poseidon's gifts basically have great achievements, such as the Great Elder, who is now an extraordinary Great Elder.

He was so angry that he lost his mind and even threw Poseidon's gift. This also shows how angry the great elder was at this time.

The fifth elder sighed, and first sternly warned the guards behind him not to tell anyone what happened today and asked them to leave. Then he bent down and picked up the bead string on the ground and brushed off the dust.

She did not return the beads to the First Elder now, because she knew that he was angry, and what was more important now was the Second Elder's business. The beads could be returned at any time, and there was no need to rush.

"You bastard, please explain to me clearly where the mermaid went! And why the protective shield is broken, and why you haven't repaired it for so long!"

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