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Chapter 638 638 Ocean Sand and Cryolite

The first elder saw all the actions of the fifth elder, but he did not say anything and continued to question the second elder.

Just like the first elder understands the second elder, the second elder also knows the character of the first elder very well - he knows that the first elder cannot tolerate sand in his eyes.

In the eyes of the great elder, the things he had done were considered serious crimes that could abolish the bloodline and drive out the mermaid clan, so he did not want to hide it anymore.

Of course, he couldn't hide it.

"Yuyi, let's go." Although Luya also wanted to know what the second elder was thinking, she knew more about the scandal of the mermaid clan.

The scandal should not be made public. Although she didn't mind, it didn't mean that other mermaids didn't mind, especially the Great Elder. He valued the mermaid clan's face and would never allow the scandal to be known to outsiders.

He didn't react now because he was angry. When he reacted and found out that there were still humans here and knew everything, he would definitely be angry.

So she wanted to take Su You away from here to avoid other troubles later.

"If you are interested, Yuyi, I will ask the fifth elder after the matter is over, and I will tell you then." Luya whispered into Suyou's ear.

Although Su You also wanted to know what happened, she knew it was not appropriate for her to stay, and Luya said so, so she followed suit and left.

As for this underground staircase...

Let's wait until the second elder's matter is resolved. It just so happens that she also needs to go back and gather a group of people. She, Youai, and Di Luo and Ning Shi who are following Lu Ya are obviously not enough.



After returning to Luya's palace, Luya briefly summarized the process of how they captured Baji that she had not said before.

"That Baji is not a good guy. He just helped the second elder hide it. When I and others caught him, he was actually stealing ocean sand and cryolite!" Ocean sand and cryolite are two materials with different uses. It is very versatile and can be used as an enchanting material or to make equipment.

But among the mermaids, the most important role of ocean sand and cryolite is to repair the protective shield.

Baji's stealing of these two materials was actually taking advantage of his position. After all, after the promotion of the second elder in the past year, his status under the second elder could be considered to be lower than one person and higher than ten thousand people.

You must know that ordinary ocean sand and cryolite are not uncommon in the sea, especially ocean sand. To put it simply, it is the sand on the seabed. This stuff is all over the seabed. Even if you squat on the ground and grab a handful, it is still the ocean. sand.

But since it can be used as a material to repair the protective cover, the ocean sand and cryolite here are definitely not so ordinary.

The ocean sand and cryolite stored by the mermaid tribe in the warehouse are the highest quality materials.

Ocean sand is pure sand that has never been polluted, and cryolite is crystal without a trace of impurities.

The simplest way to express their rarity is that they are both purple quality materials.

This is why Luya said that Tomoe had betrayed the mermaid clan.

If he was just coerced by the second elder to do things, it would be excusable, but the second elder did not let him steal things from the mermaid clan. This behavior is no different from treason, especially the things he stole are crucial to the mermaid clan. , this is even more sinful.

"So why did Baji steal the ocean sand and cryolite?" Su You couldn't help but ask.

Knowing that these two materials were so important, he still took the risk of stealing them, which only meant that he could use these two things to obtain higher benefits. But apart from being used to repair the protective shield, these two materials, ocean sand and cryolite, have no other value to the mermaid tribe...


Su You had a bold guess in her mind.

And Luya's next words also confirmed this guess.

"I didn't understand why he stole these things at first, but later he said it himself. He stole these two materials to sell them." Materials that have no other meaning to the mermaid tribe are not important to humans. Words are rare treasures.

Pure ocean sand and cryolite without impurities are relatively difficult to obtain for the mermaid tribe, let alone humans who cannot enter the water.

Therefore, although ocean sand and cryolite are purple-quality materials, their value is higher than ordinary purple materials because of their special origin.

Even a cryolite the size of a fingernail can be sold for ten gold coins.

A handful of ocean sand is only as big as the palm of your hand, and the most expensive ones can be sold for hundreds of gold coins!

After all, sand is so fine that the difficulty of picking out pure sand is about the same as mixing rice and millet and then picking them out separately.

But for cryolite without impurities, you only need to pay attention to the cutting angle when collecting it, and do not mix in the parts with impurities.

"Ba has used his position to steal supplies from the clan, and then bribed the mermaid clan's gatekeepers to go out every once in a while in order to bring these things to land for sale." You can also hear it from Luya's words. , besides Baji, others also made mistakes.

These gatekeepers took away Ba Ji's benefits and let Ba Ji leave without authorization, which in itself violated the rules of the mermaid tribe.

What's more, the benefits given by Baji were all stolen from the mermaid tribe, so these gatekeepers were actually equivalent to unknowingly becoming accomplices.

However, since they dare to violate the rules, they must be prepared to be punished, so these mermaids are not unjust.

"Those guys were also locked up by me, but now that something happened in the water prison, I had to have them locked up in the cells of Liuli Palace first." Liuli Palace is the name of the palace where Luya lives.

In addition to Liuli Palace, there are cells in other large and small palaces in the palace, but this cell is relatively small and was used to imprison disobedient followers.

However, there were not many gatekeepers who committed the crime, there were only three of them, and the cells of Liuli Palace could still accommodate them.

"So why does Ba Yi need human currency?" Su You was obviously not interested in the fate of these people. She still wanted to know why Ba Yi did this.

He steals things from the mermaid tribe and sells them. This must be for money, but human currency cannot be used in the mermaid tribe. The mermaid tribe also has currency, but that is another thing.

And because the mermaids rarely trade with other races, they basically have no use for the currencies of other races.

"Youyi, you have the same question as me. I also asked Ba Yi to find out that he used those human currencies to buy many other treasures on the continent, and then brought them into the mermaid tribe and traded with other mermaids." Although the currency is not Interoperable, but the materials are interoperable.

happy New Year!

I wish you all good luck and prosperity in the new year, may your stars shine brightly, and may you be filled with good luck!

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