Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 639 639 The second puppet

To the creatures on land, the materials on the seabed are precious. Similarly, to the mermaids on the seabed, the materials on the land are also precious.

It’s just that their merfolk rarely go to land, so they rarely trade and rarely use those materials.

Mermaids are different from the elves. They are not a race without desires. They also have greed and like power, wealth, and status.

But because of the existence of the palace, these three are in the hands of the royal family of the mermaid clan. These mermaids have been instilled with the concept of superiority and inferiority since they were young, so naturally they don't feel anything.

But now that the mermaids have left the mermaid tribe and enjoyed the happiness of the human world, it is difficult for them to be satisfied with their current boring life.

Don't talk about it, even if you find an ordinary mermaid without any status in the palace, as long as they are willing to go to the human world, they can still live a very happy life, because everything about them is treasure and has value. Liancheng.

Things that are worthless in the mermaid tribe can allow them to enjoy wealth and wealth for several lifetimes in the human world. I believe most creatures cannot resist this temptation.

"They are so stupid..." Luya couldn't help but sigh.

These mermaids are indeed stupid. They yearn for human life, but they seem to have forgotten one question... Since the mermaids are so comfortable in the human world, why do they live under the sea?

Is it because the ancestors of the mermaid tribe don't like the prosperity and joy of the human world?

Or is it because they are marine creatures and cannot live without the ocean?

If this is the case, with the financial resources and strength of the mermaid clan, they can build an ocean villa directly on land. As long as they have money, no problem will be a problem.

But this is obviously not the reason why the mermaid people did not choose to live on land.

Mermaid tears, shark beads, shark yarn...

Any of these things can be robbed by the human world. Under the temptation of profit, if humans know that the mermaids live on land and live next to them, what will they do?

Slave the mermaid to obtain the Shark's yarn; torture the mermaid and collect the mermaid's tears... These two are considered relatively good, but the most terrifying thing is to hunt the mermaid and seize the Shark's beads.

The value of the first two things is far less than the value of the latter.

When people are crazy, they can't think of the principle of 'killing the chicken to get the egg'. They will only think about grabbing all the benefits they can get in their own hands.

Instead of raising a mermaid and being discovered one day, resulting in a conflict of force, which may eventually lead to the mermaid being snatched away from you, it would be better to just kill and sell it.

Although very bloody and cruel, this is definitely the ending of the mermaid tribe moving to land.

After all, no matter how powerful they are, their population size is definitely not comparable to that of humans. Let alone the entire continent, just four or five people in large cities are enough to cause them heavy casualties!

The ocean is their territory, but the land is not!



After chatting with Luya for a long time, it was already evening. Luya said that she was going to the outer city to check the guard situation, and the people sent by Suyou also came back one by one during this period, until everyone arrived. Suyou spent some time organizing everyone to exchange clues.

"Report to Lord Su, I haven't found anything here."

"Me too."

"I made some discoveries. I don't know if they are useful. There seemed to be many mermaids gathering on the east side of the palace. It's just that there were too many mermaids. Even with the invisibility potion, it was easy to be discovered. So I didn't get close, so I didn't know. what are they doing."


At the beginning, the first few people basically found nothing, and even if they did, it was meaningless.

It wasn't until the fifth person spoke that he finally said something that cheered everyone up.

"Lord, the area I am responsible for exploring is the northeast side. It is very quiet there. There are no buildings and no mermaids. But just when I was about to leave, I saw a mermaid secretly burying something in that location... Although I know it may not be appropriate, but I still dug that thing back out. If you think it’s OK, then I’ll bury it back.”

As this person said, before you can determine whether the mermaid is good or bad, his behavior of burying things cannot be divided into right and wrong. It's just that the whereabouts of this mermaid are too weird... Do normal people need to sneak around and find places where there are no people when doing things? ?

No matter who saw it, they would definitely feel that there was something wrong in the other person's heart, so he dug out the things after the mermaid left.

However, he wasn't sure what this thing was, so he thought about showing it to the lord. If it wasn't a bad thing, it might be someone's hobby, and he could just bury it back then.

"Bring it to me and take a look." After listening to so many people without any clues, suddenly someone said that he had discovered something and brought something back. Su You couldn't help but perked up, and the others also looked at him with curiosity. Come over.

If possible, Su You still hopes that this thing is not a bad thing, otherwise it will be a big trouble. After all, from what happened today, we can also find that the internal problems of the mermaid tribe are not small. If there are more troubles, it will undoubtedly make things worse.

"That's it. It looks quite cute to me... There shouldn't be any problem." He said there was no problem, but still gave the thing to Su You. After all, he dug it back just to show it to the lord.

As a result, the moment she saw the thing, Su You fell silent instantly, and not only her, but everyone else who saw it, except the person who dug up the thing, also fell silent.

After a few seconds, someone finally broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Are you kidding me? You call this spooky guy cute?! I get goosebumps just by looking at it, okay?" One person pointed at the puppet in Suyou's hand in disbelief, and the other His hands pretended to rub the goosebumps on his body to prove that he was really scared.

"No, I'm not joking. I really think it's cute. I'm also thinking about finding a carpenter to make a bedside table after I return to the territory!" Seeing this man saying scary words with a serious face, everyone knew that he was not I'm joking, but I really think this doll is cute.

Although Su You also felt that the probability of having someone with weird aesthetics in her small team was a bit high, but now was obviously not the time to think about such things. She directly handed the puppet to the side with her eyes almost glued to it. Dilo.

"Is this also a human-cursed puppet?" Although it was a question, Su You, who could see the information, actually already knew the answer.

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