Di Luo nodded, and then after playing with the human curse puppet for a while, his brows suddenly frowned.

"No, no, no... this person cursed the puppet..." She muttered something in her mouth, and the way she babbled along with the movements of playing with the puppets made her whole person a little weird, which inevitably made the others who were already shocked feel even more shudder.

This puppet...isn't there something dirty? !

Otherwise, if one or two of them came into contact with the puppets, they would go crazy!

After a while, Di Luo said with a serious face that this person had a problem with the puppet curse and she needed to spend some time studying it. Su You nodded in agreement, so Di Luo took the puppet to the cubicle, while Su You I want to stay and continue to listen to everyone's reports.

In addition to thinking that the discovery of a man cursing a puppet was a surprise enough, Su You didn't expect that Su You would actually get two more important clues later.

The first was that a person who was responsible for checking the border situation of the mermaid tribe discovered that there were as many as four cracks in the mermaid tribe's protective cover.

Although the cracks were not big, and the most obvious one was only as long as a knuckle, Su You knew that in many cases, no matter how strong some things are, even if there is a pinhole-like flaw, the effect will be greatly reduced.

This is like intact glass and glass that already has a crack. The crack will continue to extend with pressure, and the same is true for the protective cover.

The same attack might only do 100 damage if it hits a intact protective shield, but if it hits a crack, the damage might be 1,000 or even 10,000.

"Do you remember the location of the crack?" Su You's serious look startled everyone, especially the person who discovered the crack. Even if he reacted slowly, he could still find out from Su You's attitude that there was something wrong with it. How important.

"Remember! I even marked it on the map!"

"Very good, you go find Luya immediately. She is in the city outside the palace now. You tell her about this and then cooperate with her to find these cracks." Although there has been a problem on the Second Elder's side, the cracks may not be able to be solved. Repair, but the crack thing is crucial.

Even her people could discover the existence of the rift in one afternoon. There was no reason why the fishmen who cared so much about the mermaid tribe wouldn't notice it.

So this matter must be told to the mermaids as soon as possible. Regardless of whether they can repair it or not, they must know about it so that they can take precautions.

Although Suyou had the same blood bead to contact Luya, she didn't know the location of the crack. In addition, it was getting late now, and Luya didn't have much time to search for each one based on her description. So it's best to let this person lead the way directly.

But before that, Su You would definitely inform Lu Ya, in case she couldn't find the person in the past, or there would be any misunderstanding.

"Yes!" The person who received the order responded without hesitation.

Although it is dangerous to act alone, those who can follow Su You here are basically mentally prepared and will not hesitate because of this danger that may not exist.

What's more, everyone has a city-returning talisman, which is their greatest confidence.

And the third clue, if true, can be said to be the most important and the most dangerous of the three clues.

"Lord, take a look at this." The person who gave this clue was named Lan Zhou. She did not just say what she had discovered like the others. Instead, she gave Su You a piece of paper. On the paper was a A simple portrait, with just a few strokes, the fish-man's appearance is vividly described.

Yes, this painting is of a fish-man. “Did you see the fish-man?” Su You guessed what Lan Zhou had discovered almost instantly.

Lan Zhou was not sure at first, but after hearing what the Lord said, he naturally nodded: "If this is the fish man in the painting, then I have indeed seen it, and I have seen quite a few, about ten or so, but they are not here. Saw it in the palace."

After confirming that the target was correct, Lan Zhou began to tell how he met the mermaid.

According to the assignment, Lan Zhou's investigation scope was not small, but because it was an open space that had not been used by the mermaid tribe for the time being, she could see everything at a glance. She simply looked at it for more than ten minutes before assigning herself to it. The area was surveyed.

She was not idle for the rest of the time. Since the palace had already been visited, she went to the residential area of ​​the mermaid tribe, where ordinary mermaids lived.

It was also there that she saw a dozen 'mermaids' whose movements were somewhat unusual.

"I originally thought that there was nothing else to do anyway, so I followed to have a look. Unexpectedly, halfway through, I found that they had actually left the mermaid tribe, and I felt that something was wrong..." That is to say, Lan Zhou is bold, A person dares to follow a dozen unidentified creatures, otherwise there is really no chance for her to discover this secret.

"I followed them to a place. I didn't hear what they said clearly, but I saw what happened next clearly..." When he said this, Lan Zhou paused.

It wasn't that she was deliberately showing off, but the scene that followed was so shocking that she still felt physically uncomfortable when she thought about it.

"I watched helplessly as these 'mermaids' tore the skin and flesh from my body... The originally smooth and white skin was covered with gray and black scales..." When Lan Zhou described this process in words, other people around him looked at each other. The eyes he looked at the people around him became full of suspicion.

Although what Lan Zhou said was terrifying, Su You knew that this was actually a mermaid who somehow used a layer of mermaid skin and mingled with the mermaid tribe.

No wonder the fishman is so confident in this action...

The pollution in the forbidden area, the puppets cursed by humans, the cracks in the barrier, and the fish-man wearing mermaid skin...everything was unexpected.

If he hadn't been involved in this matter, even if the mermaid clan was lucky enough not to be exterminated after this incident, there probably wouldn't be many people left alive.

"Do you know what they did after that?"

Lan Zhou shook his head: "They left not long after taking off their costumes. I wanted to follow them, but I don't know why. At that time, I had a feeling in my heart. This feeling was strongly preventing me from moving forward..."

It sounds a bit metaphysical, but there is indeed something similar to a sixth sense on this continent.

Especially people who like to go out for adventure, they believe in this kind of thing.

Once they have a strong premonition in their hearts, even if it is completely contrary to their original plan, they will follow their inner thoughts, so it is not surprising that Lan Zhou would do this.

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