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Chapter 641 641 The Great Prince

"Then do you still remember the appearance of those dozen 'mermaids'?" Although these fishmen have torn off their outer skin, they will definitely return to the mermaid tribe and retain their previous appearance.

The mermaid tribe is no better than humans. They have a large population, let alone a dozen. Even if they trap hundreds of dummies, they may not be discovered.

But there are only so many mermaids in the mermaid tribe, and every mermaid tribe is registered. If there are suddenly more than a dozen unfamiliar faces, they will definitely be arrested... They will definitely not do this kind of thing that treats the mermaid tribe as fools.

"I remember some of them. There are some that I have never looked back on and I didn't have the chance to go around and see." Lan Zhou understood what Su You meant, so after she asked, he took a pen and paper and wrote down the most clear part of his memory. Several faces were drawn.

Thanks to the unique appearance of the mermaid tribe, there are basically no ordinary or popular faces. Therefore, Lan Zhou is always impressed by everything she has seen. In addition, her painting skills are good, so everything she remembers is correct. Draw it out.

Su You got the portrait and then looked at the others: "Do you have any other missing clues?"


"Well, you guys go with me first to give the portrait to the fifth elder." She only brought a few people with her. It was obviously unrealistic for these people to stare at these fake mermaids, and they were not familiar with the mermaid tribe. Something happened, so the mermaid tribe can only send people to keep an eye on this matter.

So Suyou found another confidant who was left by Luya, and told him that he wanted to see the fifth elder, and asked him if he knew where the fifth elder was now.

"The fifth elder should be at his residence now. Do you need me to take you there?"

"No need, I know where it is. You stay here. If Luya comes back and asks, just say that I went to find the Fifth Elder."

Suyou had been taken to the Fifth Elder's residence by Luya several times before. Moreover, she had a map of the Mermaid Palace in her hand, so getting lost was definitely not possible.

But having said that, she found that there seemed to be a mermaid missing in the Glazed Palace...



Arriving at the Fifth Elder's residence, Su You heard bad news.

"You said the fifth elder is not here?" Su You frowned slightly.

"Yes, the fifth elder left not long ago." The guard at the door said.

She never expected that at this critical moment, she would not be able to find the fifth elder!

"Then do you know where the fifth elder has gone?" When asking this question, Su You was already thinking about the next mermaid to find.

Luya must not be able to do it, because she is busy with the issue of barrier cracks, and the fifth elder is not here, and although she recognizes a lot of mermaids in the entire mermaid tribe, she has even met the mermaid king by accident. One side, but there are only a few people who can really be the best thing is that she can find the fifth elder.

But unfortunately, this mermaid didn't know where the fifth elder had gone.

"Sorry, I don't know where the fifth elder went, but it seems that the fifth elder was in an emergency. She left in a hurry after receiving some news."

In this case, Su You didn't stay here too much.

After careful consideration, the next person Su You looked for was the eldest prince, the heir to the mermaid clan. In fact, before making this choice, Su You had many candidates in mind. The first one was definitely the Great Elder. However, the Great Elder's character made Su You give up this choice.

Because rather than letting the Great Elder believe that there are fake mermaids in the mermaid tribe, Su You felt that he would be more willing to arrest his group directly and then deal with the fake mermaids.

Knowing that there was no return, Su You naturally couldn't go.

The two candidates after the great elder are the third elder and the fourth elder, because these two elders are responsible for the safety of the mermaid clan, and the matter of the fake mermaid actually falls within their scope of responsibility.

But the problem is that she doesn't know these two elders at all, and she's not familiar with their personalities. Instead of looking for them, it's better to look for the great elder to try to trust her.

Now that the third elder and the fourth elder have been ruled out, Su You will not go to the sixth elder. Not only are she not familiar with the sixth elder, but this is not their scope of responsibility, so there is no point in looking for them.

As for the second elder, let alone that. After today's incident, it's hard to say whether there will be such a number one person in the mermaid tribe in the future.

None of the elders could be found, so Su You could only start with other powerful mermaids in the palace.

In addition to the elders, the other masters in the palace are the Mermaid King, the Queen, the princes and the princesses.

There is no need to think about the Mermaid King and Queen, so the only ones Suyou can choose are Luya's other brothers and sisters.

As the heir of the mermaid clan, the eldest prince is now learning to handle the affairs of the mermaid clan from the elder. His power is the highest among all the brothers and sisters, so Su You naturally chooses him.

Of course, the most important reason is what Luya said. Among all the brothers and sisters, she has the best relationship with her eldest brother.

Because Luya was not very old when the queen passed away, and the Mermaid King at that time was depressed because of this incident. Although the fifth elder also wanted to take care of Luya, she was an elder after all, and it was not good for her to have too much contact with the princes and princesses, so she took care of her. Luya's matter fell on the eldest prince.

It is no exaggeration to say that Luya was brought up by the eldest prince. The relationship can be said to be that of brother and sister, but it is said that elder brothers are like fathers. The eldest prince has indeed fulfilled his responsibilities as a father, so the eldest prince is almost like Luya. Be your daughter's favorite.

Otherwise, Luya would not be able to live so wantonly in a cage-like place like the palace with just the favor of the Mermaid King.

The mermaid king dotes on her, the next mermaid king of the mermaid tribe also dotes on her, and the only two people in power in the palace like her, so naturally Luya can do whatever she wants.


After deciding on the candidate, Su You looked at the map and found the location, then headed towards the Grand Prince's Palace.

Arriving outside the eldest prince's palace, before Su You had time to reveal her identity and the reason why she came to look for the eldest prince, the mermaid at the door saw her and took them in directly.

"Guests, please wait here for a moment. His Highness is dealing with important matters. He will come over immediately after finishing the processing." The mermaid who brought them in could not be said to have a very good attitude, at least he didn't treat him like a guest.

But it's actually not bad, it's just a very ordinary attitude towards strangers.

Since the other party said so, Su You and the others could only wait.

While waiting, Di Luo, who had been working hard, finally raised his head with a look of surprise.

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