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Chapter 644 644 The beads inside the puppet

Di Luo didn't speak, but she withdrew the puppet silk. From the looks of it, she should have thought of something. She might even have thought of more and more accurate things than Su You. After all, she knew more about this aspect.

"Blood relationship? Are you sure what you said is true?" Di Luo raised his eyebrows, and then took out the first puppet bound to Harry: "Where is this puppet? How do you feel?"

The eldest prince watched her take out another puppet and couldn't help but frown slightly. His dark eyes made it difficult to tell what he was thinking.

"No." The eldest prince didn't know why she asked, but he still answered.

Di Luo clicked his tongue, and then threw the second doll to the eldest prince.

This move surprised both Suyou and the eldest prince, but Suyou knew that she must have her own meaning in doing this. After the eldest prince got the puppet, he broke it open without mercy and divided it into two parts. two.

After the puppet was dismantled, as Di Luo said, a round pearl-like thing appeared on the chest.

Suyou knew that this was not a pearl, because she also had this 'bead' on her hand, but it was broken.

Yes, this bead is the shark bead.

Shark beads contain extremely powerful energy. They can indeed be used as materials for puppets, and they can indeed support puppets to control souls... Now all this seems to be explained.

It's just that the current situation is a bit special. The eldest prince said that he can feel the power of blood from this shark bead, which means that the owner of this shark bead has a close relationship with him... To put it more directly, the owner of the shark bead has a relationship with him. The most direct blood relationship

It is precisely because of the blood relationship that the eldest prince can sense at a glance that there is a shark bead inside the doll. Otherwise, although the mermaid can also sense the shark bead, the shark bead that is not related by blood requires the mermaid to take the initiative to sense it.

Only shark beads that are related by blood can inexplicably generate attracting energy like magnets.

However, there are not many mermaids who are related to the eldest prince, including Luya, five other siblings, the mermaid king, and the mermaid queen.

But obviously, the Mermaid King is well, and the other five princes and princesses are also well, so this shark bead...

When Suyou figured out the owner of the Shark Pearl, the eldest prince over there had already begun to cry silently.

After all, even Su You can guess who the owner of this shark bead is, and the eldest prince can definitely guess it too.

The three Di Luo people on the side were obviously a little confused when they saw this scene, especially Di Luo. She didn't understand why the person who was tit for tat with her a second ago was suddenly crying now, but she had no intention of adding insult to injury, so she just Pretend you didn't see anything.

The eldest prince here was immersed in the pain of missing the Mermaid Queen, while Su You pulled three people over and softly explained to them briefly about the Mermaid Queen.

Anyway, this matter is not a secret to the entire mermaid clan, so there is no harm in telling them.

After understanding who the owner of the Shark Pearl was, they could understand the eldest prince's mood at this moment, although they could not sympathize with it.

The eldest prince's sentimentality did not last long. He put away the Shark Pearl, sorted out his emotions, and then the first thing he said to Su You was: "Don't tell Xiaoya about this today."

Su You nodded in agreement.

Even the eldest prince would lose his temper because of this incident, let alone Luya, who had grown up pampered. Even if the eldest prince didn't say it, Suyou would never tell Lu Ya about it unless necessary.

Her mother died to protect the mermaid clan, but her shark beads were used by the culprit as a tool to continue harming the mermaid clan... It can be said that anyone who hears this will go crazy.

"Can we sit down and have a good chat now?" Su You asked.

The eldest prince said yes and returned to his seat.

Although he looked no different from before on the surface, Su You could still feel a strong sadness from him.

"Maybe it's inappropriate for me to ask this question, but the current situation of the mermaid tribe is not very good, so I hope the eldest prince can tell me the answer as much as possible."

"You ask." After seeing his mother's shark beads, the eldest prince felt sad, but he also trusted Su You a little more.

After all, Luya, who was still young at the time, didn't know how powerful the queen was, but the eldest prince knew it.

If Suyou was an enemy or an undercover agent, then she would never be able to send back the shark beads left behind by such a powerful mermaid just to gain his trust. This was obviously not worth it.

"As far as I know, when all mermaids reach the end of their lives, their bodies will be buried in one place, and the shark beads will also be taken out in advance and stored in the mermaid clan. If this is the case, why will the queen's shark beads be there? In the hands of the fish-men?" Su You still knew too little about this queen.

She only knew that the queen sacrificed her life to protect the mermaid tribe, but she didn't know exactly what she did or what happened after her sacrifice.

However, asking this question obviously meant to expose wounds, but I had cried just now, and if I didn't ask now, it would seem that the tears just shed were wasted... Su You thought indifferently.

"Miss Su does know a lot about the mermaid tribe." The eldest prince did not answer this question directly, but first said something of unknown meaning.

He doesn't know if he really thinks Su You knows a lot, or if he thinks Su You knows too much.

"You are right, but my mother left the mermaid tribe alone to defend the mermaid tribe from the enemy's invasion. She stayed there for a day and a night. The mermaid tribe was placed under a ban by her mother, and no one could leave. , the enemy is gone..." When he said this, the eldest prince's tone became extremely soft: "She is also gone..."

Su You was a little surprised by this ending, but after thinking about it carefully, she found it very reasonable.

No mermaid knows what happened on this day and night. The only ones who know about it are the dead queen and the invading enemies, so this has directly become an unsolved mystery.

But one thing is certain, the queen's body either self-destructed or was looted by the enemy.

Now it seems that the latter is definitely the case.

All this is reasonable...but Su You always feels that something is not quite right.

But she thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure out any problem. In the end, she could only put aside the question temporarily and solve the current problem quickly.

"Grand Prince, the most urgent matter now is the matter of these fake mermaids..." Compared to the puppets, the fake mermaids are obviously in the greatest danger.

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