Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 645 645 Test Discrimination

After all, puppet manipulation has many limitations, but dummy mermaids are different. They are all fish-men with their own independent thinking. As long as they are not exposed, they can do whatever they want.

It is said that when you see a cockroach, there are probably many cockroaches hiding in your home. To be honest, Su You believed that the dozen fake mermaids Lan Zhou saw were just some of them, not all of them.

"I will send someone to keep an eye on him, and give me a copy of the portrait." Since he had chosen to trust Su You, the eldest prince naturally would not waste time on this aspect. He immediately took the portrait and prepared for people around him to keep an eye on it.

But before he could call someone, Di Luo also stood up and stopped his movement.

"How can the eldest prince be sure that the people around you are not fake or controlled?"

The eldest prince: "May I ask what this young lady's name is?"

Di Luo: "Di Luo, do you have any advice?"

The eldest prince read the name twice in his mind, and then replied: "I don't dare to give you any advice, but I just want to ask Miss Di Luo, even if I have a fake mermaid or is controlled by a puppet, how can you tell the difference?"

"What's so difficult about this? Isn't the fake mermaid just covered in a layer of skin? After peeling off this 'mermaid skin', wouldn't it be clear?" Di Luo always felt that what the eldest prince just said was a bit weird, so she The answer was also rude.

The eldest prince felt Di Luo's inexplicable hostility and couldn't help but frown slightly.

But he didn't think much about it, he just thought it was because he had made the other party unhappy by robbing the puppet before.

If he knew the real reason why Di Luo spoke in this tone, he would be wronged.

He didn't mean to be weird just now. The reason why he asked that was because he really wanted to know what method Di Luo had to find these mermaids with different situations.

It's just that the communication methods of mermaids and humans are still somewhat different, and there were conflicts before, so there was a misunderstanding.

Fortunately, neither of them mentioned it, so the misunderstanding was over.

"As for the controlled mermaid, I naturally have a way to distinguish them, but it's more troublesome and requires the cooperation of the eldest prince."

Since he wanted to cooperate, Di Luo also explained how he distinguished it.

The soul of a creature can only be controlled by one puppet. In other words, Diluo only needs to see which mermaids he cannot control, which means that he is already controlled by the mermaids.

This method is actually not troublesome. After all, Diluo's strength lies here, and she also has ready-made materials to make other dolls.

The only difficulty is whether the eldest prince will allow Di Luo to do this.

If he didn't believe Di Luo and felt that Di Luo wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to control the people under him, this would be understandable. After all, this method was indeed suspicious.

If he doesn't believe it, there's nothing he can do about it. Di Luo doesn't care. Anyway, he's not her subordinate. Even if the mole is found out, it's not her who gets hurt.

Su You also felt that the test Di Luo mentioned was very necessary. After all, she wanted the mermaid clan to be well, so she hoped to eliminate all factors that might affect the mermaid clan.

Just when she was thinking about whether to take out all the things from the elves and gain the trust of the eldest prince in the same way as the five elders, the eldest prince actually agreed directly. "Yes, but I have to watch from the side." The eldest prince readily agreed to let Di Luo use the people under him to do the test.

Di Luo glanced at him suspiciously.

Although she felt that the eldest prince's promise was a bit strange, it was her suggestion after all. However, she hesitated when the eldest prince agreed. This was obviously inappropriate, so she directly took out all the materials she needed, Ling Ling A scattered table was set up.

With the help of the eldest prince, even though the mermaids who were called in were full of doubts, they were still very cooperative and did whatever Di Luo asked them to do.

But there was nothing they actually needed to do, just reach out and let her take a drop of blood.

There were five mermaids in the first batch. After taking the five drops of blood, the five newly made puppets in Di Luo moved slightly - this meant that they were successful.

"Next." Di Luo said lightly, and then pushed all the puppets aside: "You can handle these by yourself, whether you burn them or keep them... Of course, if you want to know how to use them, I will also I can teach you.”

Diluo's words were obviously meant for the eldest prince.

The eldest prince didn't know why his attitude towards him, a person whose eyes were not eyes and whose nose was not a nose, suddenly changed... But he was obviously not interested in this kind of witchcraft, so he used a random spell to destroy these puppets. All were destroyed.

The moment the puppet was destroyed, the five mermaids still in the room felt a sudden lightness on their bodies.

Although they didn't know anything about the doll, they could vaguely guess what it was... But before they could think about it, they heard a stern warning from their eldest prince.

"Today's events are not allowed to be spoken out. This matter is related to the safety of the entire mermaid clan...I will arrange for you to do some things later. I hope you will be careful and pay attention to safety..." They were filled with excitement when they heard the words that were half warning and half concern. Stirring.

The people who could have appeared here at this time were the eldest prince's extremely trusted cronies. They were very loyal to the eldest prince and to the mermaid clan, so they naturally kept his words in mind and did not dare to think more.

Seeing the change in their expressions, the eldest prince nodded slightly: "Okay, you go out, and let the next few people in after you go out."

There are many available people around the eldest prince. After all, he is the heir and has many affairs around him. It is impossible for him to do it himself, so he arranges for the people around him to do these things.

However, due to time and material constraints, it was impossible for Di Luo to test everyone, so the eldest prince only selected the most important group of people, a total of thirty people.

According to one batch of five people, there are six batches in total.

Di Luo actually just wanted to test it just in case. She didn't think there would be any problems among these mermaids. After all, she had said before that the puppet master could only control three to four mermaids at most. .

Harry counts as one, the unknown puppet that was broken into pieces by the eldest prince counts as one, and the remaining one or two will not fall on these ordinary fish.

But some things will always develop in directions that no one can imagine. When the third batch of tests was carried out, one puppet already stopped moving.

Without Di Luo saying anything, the eldest prince, who already understood the principle of the test, immediately asked the other four people to take down the mermaid who might have a problem.

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