The captured mermaid looked confused and looked very innocent, but when Di Luo pulled out the puppet silk, his expression suddenly changed, and his expression was distorted and uncharacteristic of ordinary people.

Even if the mermaid tribe has such a unique appearance, paired with his expression, it looks very strange and terrifying.

"That's not right...Are these fishmen all fools?" Di Luo couldn't understand that he controlled three mermaids casually.

Su You looked at her with a puzzled face, and sighed leisurely: "Is it possible that there is more than one puppet master on the fish-man side?"

Di Luo: "..."

Di Luo was silent for a few seconds, and then nodded seriously: "I ignored this possibility. I just thought that this method is rare and few people know about it, but just because it is rare, it does not mean that it is not available."

"So the number of controlled mermaids is not just three, it may even be more than six, and there may be more." Although Su You was very reluctant to admit this, judging from the current situation, this is probably the truth.

"Anyway, let's check these first." Di Luo thought that she had tried her best. Although she had brought materials, they were not enough for the entire mermaid tribe.

And even if she had enough materials, she couldn't ask everyone to do a test. Otherwise, if there was such a big noise, even if the controlled mermaid was found, the news in the palace would definitely be spread by the fake mermaid. , then it will really be possible to alert the enemy.


Ten minutes later, all thirty mermaids called by the eldest prince had completed their inspection.

Among these thirty mermaids, only one was controlled by a cursed puppet, and the other twenty-nine were normal.

After confirming that there was no problem with these mermaids, the eldest prince sent five people to stare at the fake mermaids in the portrait, and then sent 15 more people to spread out in the palace, asking them to hold the eldest prince's token to spy on other suspicious people in the palace. mermaid for inspection.

As for the Prince Yutou who inspected the palace, he has also been found. It is said that because of the matter of the second elder, everyone in the palace must now start to eliminate the mermaids who have accepted benefits and violated the rules of the clan. This way, not only can they be inspected, but also their people can be inspected. items.

As for the remaining people, the eldest prince did not arrange to go out immediately. After all, he also needed people around him, and they were people he could fully trust.

The order was issued, and all the fish present understood the seriousness of the matter, and they immediately began to act according to the order of the eldest prince.

"Wait a minute, bring this with you." Before these mermaids left, Di Luo gave them a lot of 'wooden sticks'.

Under the confused gazes of these mermaids, Di Luo explained without changing his expression: "This is puppet wood. It is a material specially used to make puppets. It is also the best prop to resist the control of puppets."

After hearing the explanation, these mermaids all knew that this might be a good thing, but after all, they were not familiar with Di Luo, so they did not accept it immediately, but looked at the eldest prince.

It wasn't until they saw the eldest prince nodding and telling them to put them away that they thanked Di Luo and took the puppet wood with them.

So far, everything Su You should do and could do has basically been done. The only thing that has not yet been solved is the underground staircase that appeared after breaking the formation in the water prison.

The reason why she brought so many people with her was to go there and find out.

"Everything here depends on the eldest prince. I want to take people to the water prison now." Su You only said that he was going to the water prison, but did not say what he was going to do. However, the eldest prince was well-informed and should also know what happened in the water prison. matter.

"I'm afraid this won't work." The eldest prince shook his head, and then explained before they misunderstood: "The elder sent someone to guard the door of the water cell." To be honest, the eldest prince usually said this a few seconds late. When she left her mouth, Su You had to wonder if he was trying to stop her.

But after hearing the explanation, she couldn't help but feel a little headache.

This great elder can really be said to be the most troublesome person in the entire mermaid clan.

Even though he has countless good things, such as high strength, loyalty to the mermaid clan, and upright behavior... But just because of his "stubborn personality", no matter how many good things he has, they will all be offset.

For this kind of person, Su You cannot use strong methods, because this kind of person will not accept soft and hard advice. He will only believe what he wants to believe. However, Su You's identity is destined that she cannot be trusted by the great elder.

Even if she took out the things from the elves, the fifth elder had mentioned this to Su You, otherwise Su You would not have chosen to come to the eldest prince for help.

"Since the Great Elder is guarding, it would not be a good thing to come in uninvited, so we won't go." Su You sighed and said helplessly.

The eldest prince looked at her deeply, then nodded slightly: "Since Miss Su has other plans, I won't stay any longer."

Suyou paused, and then said goodbye to the eldest prince.



After leaving the eldest prince's palace, Su You stopped pretending and took people directly to the water prison.

I simply didn't meet any mermaids along the way, otherwise it would be really troublesome to explain.

When they arrived near the water prison, Su You asked everyone to take out all the props related to concealment.

After hearing Su You's instructions, everyone understood that what she said in front of the eldest prince was actually a lie. The words "It's not good to come in without invitation" were just words for the occasion.

However, the eldest prince probably also knew that Su You was just talking, and it was not true that he would not go to the water prison, otherwise he would not have said Su You's "other plans".

He knew it, but he didn't stop it and pretended not to know, which meant tacit consent.

Although he was the heir, he was not in full power after all and could not stand up to the Great Elder, so he did not choose to help Su You.

"You two go and lead the people away. After they leave, the others will go directly into the water prison. Don't hesitate..." After some arrangements, everyone acted according to the arrangement.

Although there were some minor mistakes in the process, the result was good. All of them successfully entered the water prison, and the two people who were previously assigned to attract attention also slipped in while there was chaos outside.

"Everyone is here." Duo Ya counted the number of people and then said to Su You.

"Then get ready to set off. Before setting off, everyone should first take a look at the items in their backpacks to see if there are any missing or insufficient props. Now add them immediately..." Su You reminded them seriously to check their belongings word for word. , after confirming that everyone was prepared correctly, the two people assigned held torches and walked at the front to clear the way.

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