Going all the way down the stairs, even with the lighting of torches, they still couldn't see the entire scene of this 'basement'-like scene.

Because they were worried that the mermaid would discover their whereabouts, they did not have time to observe the situation around them. They simply walked down the road after making sure that there was no danger...

"Lord, there is a door here!" After walking for about ten minutes, the two people walking at the front made a surprised voice.

Although the journey was very peaceful, it was precisely because of this unusual calm that everyone couldn't help but stand on end. Everyone hoped to get to the end quickly, so after hearing "There is a door", everyone felt faint He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't act rashly. Let's light up this place first." Now that we have reached the end, Su You asked everyone to use props or torches to light up the surrounding area. After lighting up, the appearance of the stone gate and the surrounding environment can be seen clearly.

This is a large stone door that is as tall as two people. The surrounding outline of the stone door is inlaid with a circle of beautiful ore whose material cannot be seen, but is obviously not an ordinary stone.

The walls on the left and right sides of the stone gate are full of patterns. At the same time, the stone walls on the left and right sides are also covered with complicated and dense patterns.

Su You couldn't see anything about the patterns on both sides of the stone door, but she could see some problems with the stone walls on the left and right sides... She always felt that the patterns on the stone walls looked like a kind of writing.

But it was obviously not ancient writing, because Su You knew ancient writing.

And it's not the text of the mermaid tribe, because Luya showed Su You the text of the mermaid tribe. Although she only read part of it, it was obviously different from this one.

Su You pondered for a while about the marks on the wall, but couldn't figure out anything. Su You felt a little regretful, but the good news was that someone saw a hole in the stone door that looked like a key to the door.

There are four holes in total, corresponding to four different irregular shapes. Not surprisingly, as long as you can find these four shapes and put them in, you should be able to open the stone door.

It's just that the space on the underground stairs is so big, even though more than a dozen people stood in three or four rows, it was still crowded.

In a small space, even if there was something, they should be able to spot it at a glance... But they just didn't find anything.

"You two stay and watch, the rest of you come up with me." Since the thing is not down here, it must be on the stairs coming down this way.

There is nothing here, and there is no need to keep too many people, but someone still needs to watch, so Su You left two people to look after each other.

The others followed Suyou back along the stairs.

Different from before, in order to get down quickly, they didn't look around carefully at all. Now the purpose of their return is to find something, so naturally they have to be very careful.

As they expected, the 'keys' to open the door were indeed scattered around the stairs. From the appearance, they were stones of different shapes and complex patterns.

The first stone was in a crack in the ground, making it not only difficult to find, but also difficult to remove.

The second stone is 'inlaid' on the stone wall on the right, blending into the pattern on the stone wall. If someone hadn't discovered that the patterns on the left and right sides of the stone wall were symmetrical, but this one was different, it really wouldn't have been found. This key.

The third stone is on the left side of the stone wall. Like the one on the right, it is also fused and inlaid, completely natural. However, they have already found one of them, and it is easier to find the third one. In less than ten minutes, three of the four irregular stones were found. This made everyone very excited and full of confidence in the exploration. But what they did not expect was how easy it was to find the first three stones. This fourth stone is so hidden.

Twenty minutes had passed since they found the third stone, but they had found nothing.

Later, some people thought that one of the first three stones was on the ground, one on the right side of the stone wall, and one on the left side of the stone wall. Is it possible that the fourth stone was embedded in the stone wall above their heads?

This idea was approved by many people, and Su You also thought it was reasonable, but her long-term experience made her feel that things were not that simple.

Sure enough, they looked up and searched all the way, but could not find the last stone that opened the door.

Although it was expected, Su You still felt a little regretful in her heart.

"Lord, what should we do now?" After checking again to no avail, one person couldn't help but ask.

It's not that they don't want to continue looking, but they all feel that the stone either does not exist or is not here. In this case, there is no point in continuing to waste time searching here.

"Let's go down first and give me all the stones." Su You arranged for everyone to return to the stone gate, then got three stones and placed them on the stone gate one by one.

What is surprising is that even though there is a stone missing, the stone door still opens slowly...

The stone door is very heavy, and the sound when it is slowly opened is also very dull, like a treasure that has been buried for thousands of years being opened. Even though they have not entered the stone door, they can still feel the breath of history at the door...

It was a kind of ancient smell, certainly not pleasant, but not enough to make people cover their mouths and noses.

If we use more straightforward language to describe it, it would be a very dead and indifferent atmosphere with no biological activity for many years, as well as the pungent feeling of dust blowing up in the wind.

Until the stone door was fully opened, no one made a sound or took any action.

When Shimen stopped, everyone's hearts stopped for a moment, and an inexplicable feeling arose spontaneously.

They clearly couldn't see what was inside, but they always felt that there was something they wanted inside...

They want to go in, and they want to go in now...


A huge sound like a boulder falling to the ground called everyone back to their senses before they had time to think about what happened. I heard someone shouting from behind: "Go in quickly! There are rocks rolling down from above!"

"Everyone enter in order, don't be in a hurry." Although Su You was not standing in the front row, she was still at the front. She couldn't see what was going on behind her, but she could vaguely hear the sound of something rolling down.

She didn't care to think about why the stone rolled down, and she didn't have time to think about whether the stone was set by the system or someone did it deliberately... The top priority now was to stop everyone from entering the stone gate in an orderly manner to avoid being rolled down. The stones were crushed into pulp.

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