Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 648 648 Son of Two Pearls

As long as they go in, the stone will definitely not be able to harm them, because although the door is big, the stone is obviously bigger, and it will only be stuck outside.

Fortunately, everyone was panicking, but after all, they had experienced some storms, had strong psychological quality, and had excellent ability to follow orders. So Su You gave the order, and everyone entered the stone gate in order, and no one was crowded. .

It took a long time after everyone entered the stone gate before the stones rolling down from top to bottom blocked the entrance to the stone gate. Although they escaped the attack of the stones, they also lost their escape route.

This result made everyone who thought they had escaped unharmed couldn't help but feel fearful again.

"Everyone has a city return stone. If something unexpected happens later, everyone can decide whether to use it or not." Su You saw everyone's uneasiness and immediately spoke to comfort them.

It has to be said that the words 'Return to the City Stone' are like a reassurance, and everyone's inner panic disappears because of the existence of such a thing.

"Although there is no way out now, since we have come here, it would be a pity not to explore it properly... I heard Luya say that the mermaid tribe has cracked several formations before, and there are hidden things under each formation. I have a lot of treasures with me. If I can take some away, then this trip will be worthwhile." Although the return stone is a reassurance, Su You still needs to mobilize everyone's fighting spirit and motivation.

The treasures hidden under the formation will become the motivation for their exploration here, and the return stone will become the confidence for their exploration.

Only when these two factors exist at the same time, their action this time will be easier and the probability of success will be higher.

"I said before that if there is anything gained from this trip, you can take it away without having to hand over the territory. This sentence is still valid, but I don't want anyone to fight for the items and cause conflicts."

Su You's words are mainly to remind everyone that this exploration is not for the territory, nor for her, nor for the mermaid tribe, but for themselves.

Because they can take away all the gains from exploration, they will work harder, instead of thinking of giving up when encountering some difficulties, and thinking of using the return stone to leave.

Of course, Su You believed that most of the people present would not run away from the battlefield, but these were the things that needed to be said.

Providing the most direct benefits is the best way to motivate everyone. Among these people, a few of them had a different mentality after hearing what Su You just said.

"Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense. Let's spread out and look for any clues in this. Be careful, no matter what you find, don't touch it yet." Everyone knows these basic exploration common sense, and it is useless to talk more. , so after Su You briefly mentioned it, everyone spread out to look for clues.

And she also took out the lighting props and began to carefully examine the space behind the stone door.

First of all, this is a rectangular space about the size of a stadium. The walls around the space are the same as those around the stone gate. There are patterns on them and incomprehensible words.

The difference is that some of these texts that Su You saw were ancient texts that he recognized. The translated contents of these ancient texts are roughly as follows:

'Once in a hundred years, the sea god comes and brings blessings to new life. The son of the twin pearls is destined to return and lead the family to prosperity. ’ ˆ ˆ These twenty-four characters are the original texts of the ancient texts, but the ancient texts are actually similar to the ancient texts in the real world. They are a bit obscure and difficult to read, and the meaning of some characters will be changed due to actual conditions.

But fortunately, this passage does not have any particularly difficult words to understand. It is basically literal.

According to Su You's understanding, the meaning of this passage should be this:

'The mermaid tribe will welcome the arrival of the Poseidon every few hundred years. The blessing brought by the arrival of the Poseidon will cause a special mermaid to appear in the mermaid tribe, and this special mermaid is the destined leader. This mermaid can Lead the entire mermaid clan to prosperity. ’

Although she translated it once and understood the general meaning, Suyou didn't know what the four most important words in this paragraph meant. These four words were "son of two pearls".

She can only guess that this is a special mermaid, because it has been blessed, so it is special, and because it is special, it has the ability to lead the mermaid tribe to get better and better.

"Double beads... beads... could it be?" Su You muttered a few words, and then a bold idea arose in her heart,

The thing that can be related to mermaids is undoubtedly the shark beads, so does the double pearl here refer to ‘two shark beads’?

If this is the case, can the 'son of the twin beads' be understood as 'the mermaid who was blessed and was born with two shark beads'?

The shark bead represents the life and power of the mermaid clan. If a mermaid can possess multiple shark beads at the same time, it will not only have a long lifespan, but also have extraordinary strength... This is indeed in line with the ability to lead the mermaid clan to prosperity.

"If the Son of Two Pearls really exists, who would it be?" Su You had a hunch that since this clue appeared in front of him, it would definitely be useful.

In other words, there definitely exists a son of twin beads among the mermaid tribe, but the biggest question now is who is the 'lucky one' who has been blessed by the Poseidon?

In addition, is it related to the fish-man incident?

If there is a connection, then is the son of the twin beads an enemy or friend of the mermaid tribe?

If according to normal thinking, the Son of the Twin Pearls is a mermaid, then he must be a friend rather than an enemy. But the problem is that Su You has been exploring the mermaid clan for so long and has never heard of any information about the Son of the Twin Pearls, so she doubts this. There are two possibilities.

One is that the Son of Two Pearls does not exist at all, and the ancient writings on it are all fake.

The other one is that the Son of Two Pearls exists, but something happened to it. Whether it was death, disappearance, or being hidden by the mermaid tribe, it has become a secret of the mermaid tribe, and few mermaids know about it.

Just like the Shark Pearl's weakness is that it can be contaminated, the existence of the Twin Pearl's Son has become an absolute taboo that all insiders keep silent about!

If you look at it from a game perspective, the probability of the former possibility is obviously very low, and the probability of the latter will be higher.

And even if you don't look at it from a game perspective, Su You feels that the latter is more likely.

If the Son of Two Pearls did not exist, then this text would be meaningless, and the system generally would not generate meaningless things unless it was used to mislead her, but there was obviously nothing misleading about this information.

In other words, the Son of Two Pearls exists, but all the information about it has disappeared, so what is its current state?

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