

Or was he imprisoned by the mermaid clan for something?

Or is it some other situation?

If the Son of Two Pearls died, how did it die? Where are the two shark beads after death? What impact did its death have on the mermaid clan?

If the Son of Two Pearls disappeared, when did it disappear? Why did he disappear? Have the mermaid tribe looked for it in all these years? Did you get any clues?

in case……

There are so many possibilities and so many questions that Su You can’t even list them all!

She sighed, and then continued to look at the surrounding walls, trying to find some other clues that could be used to deduce this matter.

Unfortunately, looking around, she couldn't find any other text clues related to herself... However, although there were no text clues, she did see a few murals.

There are five scenes in the mural.

The first scene is in a place similar to an altar. In the center of the altar stands a smaller mermaid, and this mermaid is also surrounded by a circle of mermaids.

Because the mural is similar to a stick figure, it only draws simple outlines of these mermaids, and does not draw detailed expressions on their faces, so Su You is not sure what their attitude is towards the mermaid in the middle.

The protagonist of the second scene is obviously still the surrounded mermaid, but it seems to have grown up a bit now. In this scene, it is the only mermaid, and there are no other creatures around it. There are only countless books and texts. .

If the first scene is the infancy of this mermaid, then the second scene is when it grows up and begins to learn knowledge.

The third scene is similar to the previous scene, except that it changes from learning literary knowledge to learning combat knowledge.

This scene contains many ferocious-looking unknown creatures, all of which are lying on the ground. The only standing creature is that special mermaid.

The fourth scene was split into two scenes. The lower part was filled with countless mermaids kneeling in obeisance, and the upper part was a throne. A mermaid sat on the throne and was being kneeled down by other mermaids from the entire mermaid clan.

Originally, there was nothing special about this scene, and the content could be connected with the previous three scenes. If the whole story was connected with the incident of the Son of Two Pearls, the plot should be like this:

The son of the Twin Pearls has attracted the attention of many mermaids since he was born. Because of his special physique, he needs to learn various things since he was a child. He needs to become an excellent mermaid with both civil and military skills.

After it finished learning all the content, it ascended the throne of the mermaid clan and became the mermaid king...

This is all very logical, but the biggest problem with this fourth scene is that Su You saw two thrones, one was empty, and the other had a mermaid sitting on it.

Su You didn't know if the mermaid sitting on the throne was the son of the twin beads. At the same time, she couldn't understand why there were two thrones.

It can only be said that one of the thrones must belong to the Mermaid King, but who does the other throne belong to?

If you had to think of a possibility, Su You thought that the extra position should be for the mate of the Mermaid King. ‘Mermaid King’ is just an identity and does not represent gender. Like the elves, the Mermaid King can be either female or male, so the gender of the partner is also uncertain.

But that's not the point. The point is still on these two thrones.

If this guess is correct, why is there still one missing mermaid even though two thrones have been arranged?

And is this missing mermaid the mermaid king or its mate?

Su You couldn't figure this out, so she could only focus on the last scene.

What surprised her was that the picture given by this fifth scene did not seem to be related to the previous four scenes.

But what is certain is that the protagonist of this picture is definitely the son of Shuangzhu, because Su You can clearly see that the chest of the mermaid in this picture has been cut open, and the two circular outlines inside are very obvious.

The last mural seemed to only depict the murdered son of Shuangzhu, but after careful observation, Su You saw a 'hidden' mermaid in the corner of the painting.

It is said that it is hidden, but in fact it is just that the mermaid is painted very small and the location is very remote.

The imagery gives people the impression that this son of two pearls was harmed by an unknown person, but another mermaid knew about it, but this mermaid was watching from a distance and did not come forward. I don’t know whether he didn’t dare, or didn’t want to, or maybe it He is one of the murderers.

If the son of the twin beads is the Mermaid King, then the people most likely to harm the Mermaid King should be the people around the Mermaid King... Thinking of the empty throne, Su You had a bold idea.

The son of twin beads became the mermaid king, but was killed by his partner!

At first glance, this should be the final answer, but if you look back, Su You feels that something is wrong.

If this mermaid king's partner really killed the mermaid king, then why can it sit on the throne and enjoy the mermaid clan's worship?

Is there no second mermaid in this world who knows the truth?

This possibility is obviously not very high. After all, something happened to the Mermaid King, and he was such an important son of two pearls. His accident will definitely attract the attention of the entire mermaid clan. As his partner is the best candidate to attack, he will definitely become a key investigation target.

And even if there is really no second mermaid who knows that the mermaid king was killed because of his partner, then it is impossible for this partner to take the position of mermaid king. For the stability of the clan, the elders will definitely jointly elect the next mermaid king. Stabilize the people of the mermaid tribe.

In this case, why did the Mermaid King's partner want to harm the Mermaid King?

It killed the Mermaid King, and apart from pushing itself to the forefront, it had no benefits, unless the next Mermaid King was also related to it, or it was bribed by the next Mermaid King.

But this possibility is also unlikely. After all, as mentioned before, a being who is not only the Mermaid King, but also the son of the Twin Pearls will definitely attract the attention of the Mermaid clan.

Even if someone really kills the Mermaid King for the throne, it will definitely not escape suspicion, unless it is not for the throne at all, but only wants to disrupt the Mermaid clan, leaving the Mermaid clan without a leader.

Su You's head became more and more confused, and her thoughts were interrupted. This feeling of having no ideas and being forced to stop thinking was very uncomfortable.

"Lord, someone found something over there and asked you to go and have a look." Duoya's voice rang in his ears.

Su You came to her senses and was about to respond, but after seeing Duo Ya, her eyes lit up and she spoke...

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