Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 650 650 Puppet destroys the mechanism

"I'll go over there and take a look at the situation over there. Duoya, please stay and help me take a look at the mural." Many times, no matter what problem we encounter, once a person's thinking is limited, it is difficult to find a breakthrough. In this case You will need help from others.

This is the saying that the authorities are confused and the onlookers are clear.

Su You didn't expect Duoya to be able to perfectly decipher the meaning of this mural. She only hoped that Duoya could give some understanding that was different from hers, so that she might be able to get new inspiration.

"Yes, I understand." Duoya stayed where he was obediently, looking up at the mural while Suyou went to the location Duoya said.

As soon as they got closer, the few people over there who had discovered the clues were already excitedly waving to Su You.

"Lord Su, we have discovered a lot of traps here!"

Su You walked over and took a look, and sure enough, this small area was indeed full of mechanisms. There were ten switches that could be pulled alone, not to mention some large and small ones that needed to be unlocked in other ways. of organs.

All the interactive things here add up to at least twenty kinds.

But unfortunately, Su You didn't bring a mechanic with him on this trip, so there was no mechanic who could help in this matter.

But another good news is that although there are many mechanisms here, most of them are simple mechanisms overlapped together. They are not like the compound mechanism array that can achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two. In terms of difficulty, it is just Simple numerical superposition.

Su You has seen all these traps and can solve them all. The only troublesome thing is that because there is no trap master, even if she knows how to solve the traps, the success rate will be affected.

And she definitely can't crack the mechanism herself...

"Di Luo, summon your puppet to help." Su You quickly found a suitable candidate to crack the mechanism... To be precise, it was not a human being.

Precisely because they are not human, there is no danger.

When Di Luo heard that he needed help, he didn't shy away. He walked over to this side and skillfully pulled off the puppet silk in his hand. He was obviously alone when he walked over, but when he came to Su You, he had already changed. Become two 'people'.

People who didn't know Di Luo's identity looked at this scene in shock, then avoided her eyes and ears, and whispered to the people around them. Only after learning Di Luo's identity from others did they understand what was going on. thing.

Diluo didn't know these things, but even if she knew, she wouldn't take it to heart.

"What do you want it to do?" Di Luo looked at the messy mechanism, maybe because he couldn't understand it, he couldn't help but frown slightly, and then looked at Su You.

"Help unlock the mechanism and put this rune on your puppet. It can resist some damage." Although it is just a puppet, for the puppet master, the puppet is their partner.

And although the puppets won't hurt or get tired, won't be injured, and have no health bar, they are as 'durable' as the mechanical equipment made by Anjie.

As the damage received increases, the durability decreases. When the durability reaches zero, the puppet will be scrapped.

At that time, whether it is refining a puppet or repairing a puppet, it will be a troublesome task. "Okay, Lord, please be more detailed and I'll let it take its time." Di Luo casually hung the rune on the neck of his puppet, and then controlled the puppet to walk among the many mechanisms.

Because the mechanism was simple, Su You had a deep understanding of it and explained it in detail. In addition, Di Luo's control of the puppet was as if the human and the puppet were one, so dismantling the mechanism became very smooth.

After spending more than ten minutes to clean everything here, the road hidden by the agency was revealed.

"Inform the others to gather together. Let's go down and take a look later." After searching here for so long and still not finding any other clues, it means there is nothing else here. If you want to find something new, you must explore in depth. .

After the order was given, the people who were still gathered around the mechanism dispersed to call for people to come and gather. Suyou walked back to the mural and asked Duoya about his discovery.

"Actually, I didn't understand the first four murals at first, until I saw the fifth one..." Duoya clicked on the two beads on the chest of the cut open mermaid: "These should be shark beads, right? But Normally, a mermaid should only have one shark bead?"

Duoya didn't know about the two-beaded son, but this did not affect her normal logical thinking.

Regarding Duo Ya's analysis, Su You had no comment for the time being. After all, Duo Ya had not touched on the point she was most concerned about, and speaking rashly would only affect her train of thought.

"If you look at it the other way around, then the mermaid in the middle of the first picture should be the mermaid in the fifth picture. It is special, so it has been born with much attention..." After finishing speaking, Duoya's fingers moved to the next two On the mural: "Here, it should be learning a lot."

So far, all of Duo Ya's ideas are similar to Su You's.

Until the fourth mural appeared, this one can be said to be the one with the most mermaids, the richest content, and the largest amount of information among the five murals.

"You can't tell much by looking at the fourth picture alone, but if you look at the fifth picture first, I will think that this mermaid killed this special mermaid for the throne." Duoya clicked on the cut open one first. The mermaid then nodded to the one sitting on the throne.

In fact, this view is similar to that of Su You, but Duoya also did not explain why there were two thrones.

"Then why do you think there are two seats here and why they are empty?" Suyou reminded Duoya to pay attention to the number of thrones and the status of the thrones.

One has people, one has no people.

Duo Ya frowned and thought for a while, then gave her own opinion: "I don't know whether the order of this mural represents the chronological order of this incident. If so, then this special mermaid is in the fifth picture. What is dead in time may still be alive in the fourth picture.”

"If it is alive, then the mermaid sitting on the throne may be it, but of course it may not be it. If the mermaid sitting on the throne is not a special mermaid, but it itself does not appear, either it is restricted and cannot appear, or It was the one who reached an agreement with this mermaid." The 'mermaid' in Duya's mouth refers to the one sitting on the throne.

"Keep talking." Su You raised her eyebrows subconsciously, and her thoughts that were so tangled up like ordinary wool balls seemed to have some clues again.

"First of all, I don't think the one who appears on the throne is a special mermaid. I prefer that it didn't appear."

"Can you tell me the reason?"

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