Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 651 651 Undersea Treasures

Duoya lowered his head and thought for a long time: "I think my reason may be a bit far-fetched... If this mermaid really has an intention for the throne, then he will not miss such a good opportunity to appear in front of all the mermaids."

Suyou understood what Duoya meant.

Before, she only wanted to think about who the mermaid was on the throne, but she didn't change her perspective and think about why the other mermaid didn't appear.

If it is the Son of the Twin Pearls that does not appear, then it is either restricted in its freedom and unable to appear, or it voluntarily does not appear.

If it was another mermaid that didn't appear... Su You couldn't think of a reason why it didn't appear.

The son of the twin beads is a natural mermaid king. There is no need for him to harm other mermaids for the throne, so it is basically impossible for this mermaid to fail to appear due to external factors.

Similarly, the son of the twin beads is a born mermaid king, and only he has the freedom to appear when he wants and not when he doesn't want to.

If other mermaids want to replace it, they can only seize every opportunity... So the mermaid on the throne is obviously not the son of the twin beads.

If we continue to think along this line of thinking, it means that the Son of Two Pearls has given up on appearing in front of everyone, or has been restricted from appearing.

But obviously, the former is more likely. If it is the latter, as long as the Son of Two Pearls is not dead, then these mermaids below will definitely let the one on the throne give an explanation.

"...Lord, I personally think that these two mermaids originally agreed to manage the mermaid clan together, so there were two thrones. However, due to some things, this special mermaid voluntarily gave up the power of management."

Thinking according to Duoya's thinking, Su You felt that everything was very reasonable. If combined with her previous analysis of the relationship between mermaids on the two thrones, it would be even more reasonable.

The son of twin beads didn't care about the throne, but his partner wanted to sit on this position, so the son of twin beads helped his partner and used his identity to gain an additional throne.

But its partner didn't seem to be satisfied with this. Perhaps it was persuaded by its partner to simply not appear in front of everyone, showing that it didn't want to manage the mermaid clan, in order to force everyone to recognize the only mermaid king.

But what it didn't expect was that the end result of all its efforts would be to be harmed by the people around it...

After clarifying the context of the story, Su You just wanted to say something in her heart: There is no cure for love brain!

Duo Ya was a little confused about Su You's strange changes in mood and attitude, but she never took the initiative to ask about it. However, Su You also discovered this and took the initiative to tell her about the twin beads' son and her guess.

Then Duoya's expression became very complicated. Obviously, she couldn't understand this behavior.

"Okay, let's forget about it for now. It's just a mural. I don't know if it's real..." Su You saw that the people over there had gathered, so she took Duoya there.

"Lord Su, we just had people take a look from above and threw a lighting rune down. There was no reaction from below. There is a high probability that there will be no danger."

Su You nodded and said he understood: "Although the result of asking for directions is good, we obviously can't take risks. Everyone uses all the defensive props and enters in the same order as before. If you find anything wrong, you must speak up. Said, don’t panic when evacuating..."

As before, Su You said something to remind everyone to be careful, and then arranged for two rough-skinned warriors to walk in front holding shields. After walking all the way down for a few minutes, everyone found that the road here seemed to be getting wider and wider. Originally, the road that could only be walked by two people side by side gradually widened to three or four people, until they reached the level ground. At that time, they found themselves in a space similar to the one above.

What's here is almost just reflected in the size and shape of the space, but what's different from the above is that the bottom is filled with boxes of various sizes.

After someone asked Su You what he meant, he opened one of the boxes, and everyone was immediately blinded by the contents inside.

Pearls, ocean gems, ice diamonds, crystals, corals of various colors and other special products from the ocean filled a large box. Even Su You, who thought he was well-informed, couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Because she actually saw a rare material in this box whose quality level was extremely close to gold!

Did they find the treasure under the sea directly?

But Su You calmed down quickly. Although there didn't seem to be any enemies here, nor any traps to prevent them from obtaining these things, it was obvious that there was no such thing as a pie in the sky.

Not only her, but even if others were jealous, none of them actually took it.

Of course, not taking action does not mean that there is no heart. After all, everyone has a return stone in their hand. If someone just grabs a handful of the treasure and runs away, no one can stop him.

As long as they can get any of the things here, they can leave Sunset Territory directly. The money exchanged for these treasures will be enough to ensure their prosperity and wealth in this life.

But maybe it was because no one did it, and everyone else was waiting to take the next step, so anyway, it created a situation where no one took action.

Of course, this is also related to Su You's selection.

Most of the people present were residents of the territory, and only a few were outsiders. No matter how tempted they were, they couldn't do it in front of everyone.

And part of the reason is that the people Su You chooses have good moral character. Otherwise, people with really bad moral character would not care about other people's opinions. It would be normal for them to take things and run away.

"Open all the other boxes. Be careful when opening the boxes. There may be traps in some boxes." From the current point of view, there are no obvious traps here, so it is normal for Su You to have this suspicion.

Several people looked at each other, and then did not take action themselves. Instead, they chose to use their own weapons to open the box.

As expected, with a total of six boxes opened, they had already encountered two trapped boxes.

One trap box fired a hidden weapon, while the other trap box directly exploded.

The box that fired the hidden weapon did not cause any harm to other people. After all, everyone was already prepared, and there were not many hidden weapons and the distance was far, so they were easily dodged.

But explosions are not that simple.

Fortunately, the person who opened the explosive box happened to be a soldier wearing heavy armor. Otherwise, if it had been someone else whose defense was not as good as that, half of his life would have been lost even if he was not killed.

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