These people were not completely stunned by these treasures in the first place, but now they encountered hidden weapons and explosions, and their heads suddenly became clearer. Even those who had some thoughts before, those thoughts were forcibly suppressed in their hearts.

Duoya: "Lord, are the remaining boxes still open?"

Su You thought for a moment, then nodded: "Keep driving."

"There is no other way out here, unless it is completely sealed, then the exit or the way to the next place should be inside the box."

Since Su You said so, others had no objections. Although they most likely couldn't take these things with them, it would be good to have a long experience and feast their eyes.

Originally, they were very cautious when opening the box, but after the incident of hidden weapons and explosions, they became even more cautious when opening the box.

It took some time, but they finally opened all the boxes in the place.

During this period, they not only experienced hidden weapons and explosions, but also erupted poisonous gas; ejected decelerating water balls; seabed plants that automatically attacked them... In short, the traps in these boxes can be said to be various, but the real There are not many who can threaten them.

After counting, there are a total of thirty-five boxes here, twelve of which are trap boxes, and only five of these twelve trap boxes are pure trap boxes, with nothing inside except traps. No, there are still countless treasures placed under the remaining seven trap boxes.

Originally, if only one box was opened, the contents inside would be tempting enough. Now, more than thirty boxes have been opened, and the light emanating from the box has almost illuminated the entire space.

Maybe it’s because there are so many things here, so much that it’s exciting enough, so finally one person couldn’t help but ask: “Lord Su, can we really not take these things away? Even if we can only take them away, Part, one piece?"

Su You glanced at him. He was a master swordsman named Gray, and he was very powerful.

After hearing Gray's words, the people who had this idea in their hearts also looked at Su You. They all wanted to know how she would answer this question... There is no doubt that as long as Su You doesn't give an absolutely negative answer, Then they will definitely take action immediately.

As for those who were absolutely loyal to the Sunset Territory, they were stunned for a moment when they heard this sentence, and then stared at the speaker with anger.

"You can take it." Suyou's answer was beyond everyone's expectations. Duoya couldn't help but look back at her, Vivian also raised her eyes, and Youai scratched his hair in confusion... …

These people were all people who had been with Su You for a long time, and they all agreed that this was not something Su You could say.

But before those people could feel happy, Su You's next words were like a basin of cold water, poured directly on their heads.

"But before you take it, you must first hand over the Return Stone I gave you." Hearing this, everyone was stunned again. They all thought that Su You wanted to use the Return Stone to threaten these people not to take it. thing.

Because they can all guess that after taking these things, there is a high probability that they will encounter danger. Without the return stone, it will be difficult for these people to escape from danger. Those who were previously happy because of Su You's affirmative reply couldn't help but frown after hearing this sentence, especially Gray, who was the first to start the conversation. He also felt that Su You was threatening him.

Gray: "Lord Su, is this inappropriate for you? Before coming down, you clearly said that the territory will not charge half a cent for anything we can obtain during this exploration."

If Gray was just testing Su You's thoughts with his previous words, then his current words are completely aimed at Su You.

However, it is normal for him to have this attitude and reaction. Su You was not angry when she heard this sentence, because she had indeed said this before, and she also knew that there was a golden mountain that no one could dig. This was obvious. is unrealistic.

Cutting off someone's wealth is like killing one's parents, everyone understands this.

"Yes, that's right, I did say that the territory will not charge half a cent for everything you obtain during this exploration, so I will not stop you from taking the things here, but if the residents of the territory want to take the things here, Things, you must exit the territory first, and you will never be able to enter the Sunset Territory in the future..."

Su You's eyes swept over everyone, and then when they were silent, he said something that most people found unbelievable: "This is the treasure house of the mermaid tribe. So everything here is also mermaid As a member of the tribe, Sunset Territory will not take other people’s belongings without is stealing if you don’t ask for it.”

Su You did say before that they can take away the things obtained from exploration, but there is a prerequisite for these things to be 'unowned'. If there is an owner, this sentence does not count.

Everyone present should understand the principle of not taking things owned by the owner, because this is an unspoken rule on the mainland, and as long as you take it, you will always have to pay a price.

Duo Ya seemed to understand something. She looked at Su You and asked, "Lord, how do you know these are things from the mermaid tribe?"

Of course Duaya didn't ask this because she also wanted to take these things. She was asking for others, and she was also using this question to let everyone know that the Lord is not an unreasonable person. Everything she does is It has its own reasons.

"Everyone has stayed in the palace of the Sixth Princess. Have you noticed that no matter what the item is, it will have a special mark on it... Now look at the corners of these boxes to see if they have the same mark." Su Yuzu's speaking speed was neither too slow nor too slow, allowing everyone to clearly hear what she was saying.

Gray refused to give up and looked around the boxes according to what she said. Sure enough, he saw several slightly familiar marks... He had indeed seen these marks several times in Liuli Palace, but he had never paid attention to them before. .

Although the others did not take action, they also saw Gray's movements and naturally saw what he saw.

After doing all this, the atmosphere on the scene became very awkward.

It was Su You who finally broke the awkward atmosphere.

"As I said before, I won't stop you from taking these things, but these are the things of the mermaid tribe. As long as you take them, you will become the enemy of the mermaid tribe."

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