Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 653 653 Things without owners

"This trip to the Sunset Territory is to help the mermaid tribe, not to add insult to injury and take advantage of people's danger."

"If you want to take something, you can, but you must hand over the return stone first, and those who are in the territory must exit the territory first."

Su You's idea was simple. She could understand that these people couldn't resist the temptation, but she couldn't accept that the Sunset Territory would be affected.

It would be fine if these people took the things themselves, but if they still carry the identity of the Sunset Territory, or if they return to the Sunset Territory after taking the things, then this matter will become between the territory and the mermaid tribe. thing.

This is definitely something she doesn't want to see.

Everything had been explained clearly, and Su You had given them time to choose, but five minutes passed, and ten minutes passed, and no one came out to hand over the return stone. Not even Gray touched anything in the box. thing.

"Since no one has any intention of handing over the Stone of Return to the City, I will take it as your default that you will not take these things." Su You was not prepared to dwell too much on this matter, including Gray, who had instigated the incident. There is no thought of driving him away from the team because of this incident.

No one raised any objection to what Su You said. They didn't speak, and Su You just assumed that they agreed.

"Now everyone sort out all the things in the box..." Since no one objected, Su You began to arrange the next work.

She asked everyone to take out all the things in the box, and then check if there was anything wrong with these things. Everyone did as she was told, even Gray, who didn't expect that this matter would be revealed so easily. He moved his body stiffly, and then organized things with others.

"In addition to the problematic items, you can also pay attention to whether these items have the markings of the mermaid tribe." Su You's words are equivalent to making it clear what everyone should do.

In fact, there is a mark of the mermaid clan on the box, which can only mean that the box belongs to the mermaid clan, but the things in the box may not belong to the mermaid clan.

To tell whether something belongs to the mermaid tribe depends on the mark. As long as there is no mark, then it is not. As long as it is not, they can take it away.

Because of what happened before, everyone couldn't believe what Su You said.

But soon someone dug out a luminous pearl from one of the boxes that was as big as an adult's fist.

Before that, many people had dug out luminous beads. These radiant beads were piled up in a small corner. They were so numerous that it seemed as if they were not priceless treasures on land, but just a lot of inconspicuous ones. Glass beads.

However, among these treasures, the Night Pearl can be regarded as the least valuable among them, because apart from being beautiful, it really has no other function.

But the person who found this luminous pearl was still very excited, because the difference between this luminous pearl and other beads is that it is completely smooth without any marks on it.

In other words, it has no mermaid mark, so it is an ownerless thing and can be taken away by whoever finds it.

"Lord Su, look at this..." The hand of the man who found the Night Pearl trembled slightly, and he brought the Night Pearl in front of Su You, his tone filled with excitement and a hint of expectation.

Su You took the Night Pearl and turned it over briefly, then put it back in his hand. "Keep it for yourself, and don't take it out easily before returning to the territory." Although there is no mark of the mermaid tribe on it, this is just an excuse for them to quibble with the mermaid tribe after these things are discovered.

If possible, it is best not to use this excuse forever, so even if these things do not have the mermaid mark on them, it is best not to appear in front of the mermaids.

"Yes, yes! I understand...Thank you Lord Su!" The person who got the Night Pearl was also smart. He didn't ask the reason, because he could also guess that their behavior at this time was just exploiting loopholes.

Being able to let them find a loophole is already great news. If you continue to show off your things in front of the mermaid without knowing what is good, you are simply asking for death!

At first, everyone was still a little skeptical about whether what Su You just said was true. Now that one person has used his own actions to prove that they can indeed take away the unmarked things they found, so everyone's attitude has become extremely enthusiastic.

However, in this enthusiasm, they did not forget to be measured. Everyone's inspection of things depends on hand speed and eyesight. Fast hand speed and good eyesight will make the inspection faster, and the probability of getting the 'unowned object' will be higher. will be higher.

Everyone will only check the box in front of them first, and they will never greedily pull the second box in front of them before clearing the box in front of them.

Of course, snatching is even less likely to happen. After all, this is the rule that Su You made before coming down - they can take things, but they must not steal things.

Because everyone is looking for it, there will never be a situation where two people see a certain treasure at the same time.

With everyone's energetic search, they rummaged through all the thirty boxes present. There were very few unmarked items, but even if they were few, they could at least meet the requirement of one person per person, so as not to overwhelm people. Returned empty handed.

And the value of these things more than makes up for the lack of quantity.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not. After these people find unmarked items, they will give them to Su You for confirmation first. Therefore, Su You knows what everyone has taken, and can also find out the number of things everyone got in the end. Different, but the value is similar.

Whether or not this is a coincidence, it's certainly a good thing.

She does not worry about scarcity but inequality. Although this is not assigned by her, it is inevitable that some people will be dissatisfied, which will lead to other conflicts.

Now that everyone is equal, there is nothing to be jealous of.

"Lord, everything has been divided." When these people organize things, they don't just put unmarked things into their bags, they also need to classify these treasures.

The ores are placed in one box, the plants are placed in another box, and the dropped creatures are placed in another box...

After some sorting, everything was in order. Although it was not as shocking as the dazzling array at first glance, it made people feel comfortable.

"The items in these twenty-nine boxes are all belonging to the mermaid clan. There are also marked items in this box, but they are not marked by the mermaid clan..."

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